Scottish Gaelic Class-Year 3-First Semester Flashcards
One (masculine)
one (feminine)
ones (lenites when possible)
blue-covers the range from blue into light greens and is the color of grass and the new growth of trees.
grey-covers the light greys
darker greys and dark green
dark brown
reddish brown
deeper greens
Dè mu dheidhinn a’ chòta sin?
What about that coat?
Dè mu dheidhinn …
What about ,,,
Dè mu dheidhinn na seacaid seo?
What about this jacket?
Dè am fear? (THE must be included)
What the one? Which one?
Dè an t-seacaid? (THE must be included)
Which jacket?
An fheàrr leat an còta?
S fheàrr. ‘S fheàrr leam an còta. ‘S fheàrr leam e.
Chan fheàrr. Chan fheàrr leam an còta. Chan fheàrr leam e
Do you prefer the coat?
Yes. I prefer the coat. I prefer it.
No. I don’t prefer the coat. I don’t prefer it.
Dè ‘s fheàrr le Màiri?
‘S fheàrr leatha an t-seacaid ghorm.
What does Mairi prefer?
She prefers the blue jacket?
Tha a’ bhriogais a’ tighinn rithe.
The trousers suits (fits) her.
Chan eil an còta a’ tighinn ris.
The coat does not suits (fits) him.
Tha mi smaoineachadh gun ceannaich mi lèine.
I think I will buy me a shirt.
Cha chreid mi nach cuir mi orm an còta.
I can’t believe I am not putting on a coat.
leis a’ ghille mhòr
with the big lad
anns a’ chòta ghorm
in the blue coat
Dhan sgoil mhòir (dative feminine lenition adds an i)
to the big school
Leis a’ chaileig bhig (dative feminine lenition adds an i)
with the little girl
a’ fosgladh an dorais mhòir (genitive masculine lenites and add i)
opening the main door
mu dheidhinn a’ chòta ruaidh (genitive masculine lenites and add i)
concerning the red coat
dath na lèine duibhe (Adjectives following a feminine noun add the letter i before the final consonant and an e after the final consonant. There is no lenition)
dath na lèine dhuibh (While this method is traditionally correct, a form resembling the masculine form is sometimes used in speech)
the color of the black shirt
ag iarraidh na briogaise glaise (Adjectives following a feminine noun add the letter i before the final consonant and an e after the final consonant. There is no lenition)
ag iarraidh na briogaise ghlais (While this method is traditionally correct, a form resembling the masculine form is sometimes used in speech)
wanting the grey trousers
na lèine duibhe (The final letter e is usually included when it makes the language flow better)
the black shirt’s color
Na caileig’ òig (The final letter e is usually left out when it inhibits the flow of the language)
of the young girl
ag iarraidh a’ chòta ghuirm (gorm) (In one syllable adjectives it is not uncommon for the internal vowels to change in the genitive case)
wanting the blue coat
a’ ceannach na dreasa deirge (dearg) (In one syllable adjectives it is not uncommon for the internal vowels to change in the genitive case)
buying the red dress
‘S fheàrr
‘s fheàrr leam
is better with-me (I prefer)
‘S fheàrr le Alasdair an còta.
Allister prefers the coat.
‘S fheàrr le Màiri an dreasa.
Mary prefers the dress.
‘S fheàrr leam an t-seacaid.
I prefer the jacket.
‘S fheàrr leam tì na cofaidh. =“Is better with me tea than coffee.” = I prefer tea to coffee.
“Is better with me tea than coffee.” = I prefer tea to coffee.
An fheàrr leat cofaidh? ’S fheàrr. or Chan fheàrr
Do you prefer coffee? Yes or No
Dè am baile? (To ask “which one”, you use the Gaelic words dè and, less commonly, cò.)
Which town?
Dè an seòrsa?
Which / what kind
Cò an drochaid?
Which bridge?
Cò am fear? (Cò will be used when asking about people)
Which man?
Tha e ag ràdh gun tig e.
He is saying that he will come.
Tha mi ‘n dòchas gum fòn iad.
I hope that they will phone.
Bha Màiri ag ràdh nach ceannaich i dreasa.
Mary was saying that she won’t buy a dress.
cha chreid mi nach… (Double negatives are frowned on in English, but they are used in Gaelic quite regularly)
I don’t believe that ( it ) isn’t…
Cha chreid mi nach bi mi ann.
I don’t believe that I won’t be there. = I believe that I’ll be there.
Cha chreid mi nach robh e anns an taigh.
I don’t believe that he wasn’t in the house. = I believe that he was in the house.
Cha chreid mi nach eil i sgìth.
I don’t believe that she isn’t tired. = I think she’s tired.
Cha chreid mi nach ceannaich mi còta.
I don’t think that I won’t buy a coat. = I think I’ll buy a coat.
Bhiodh e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc.
He would be playing in the park.
Bhiodh e a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc a h-uile là.
He played in the park every day.
I would hit.
We would hit.
Bhuaileadh tu (etc).
You would hit.
Cha bhuailinn.
I would not hit.
Cha bhuaileamaid.
We would not hit.
Cha bhuaileadh tu / etc.
You / etc would not hit.
Am buailinn?
Would I hit?
Am buaileamaid?
Would we hit?
Am buaileadh tu? / etc?
Would you / etc hit?
Nach buailinn?
Would I not hit?
Nach buaileamaid?
Would we not hit?
Nach buaileadh tu? / etc
Would you / etc not hit?
I would leave.
We would leave.
Dh’fhàgadh tu / etc -
You / etc would leave.
Chan fhàgainn.
I would not leave.
Chan fhàgamaid.
We would not leave.
Chan fhàgadh tu. / etc
You / etc would not leave.
Am fàgainn?
Would I leave?
Am fàgamaid?
Would we leave?
Am fàgadh tu? / etc
Would you / etc leave?
Nach fhàgainn?
Would I not leave?
Nach fhàgamaid?
Would we not leave?
Nach fhàgadh tu? / etc
Would you not leave?
Ruitheadh tu.
You would run.
Cha ruitheadh tu.
You would not run.
An ruitheadh tu?
Would you run?
Nach ruitheadh tu?
Would you not run?
Leughadh tu.
You would read.
Cha leughadh tu.
You would not read.
An leughadh tu?
Would you / etc read?
Nach leughadh tu?
Would you / etc not read?
Sgrìobhadh tu.
You would write.
Cha sgrìobhadh tu.
You would not write.
An sgrìobhadh tu?
Would you write?
Nach sgrìobhadh tu?
Would you not write?
Sheasadh tu.
You would stand.
Cha seasadh tu.
You would not stand.
An seasadh tu?
Would you stand?
Nach seasadh tu?
Would you not stand?
Dh’òladh tu.
You would drink.
Chan òladh tu.
You would not drink.
An òladh tu?
Would you drink?
Nach òladh tu?
Would you not drink?
Thogadh tu.
You would lift.
Cha togadh tu.
You would not lift.
An togadh tu?
Would you lift?
Tha e ag ràdh gum buaileadh e.
He says that he would strike.
Tha e ag ràdh nach buaileadh e.
He says that he would not strike.
Tha e ag ràdh gum fàgadh e.
He says that he would leave.
Tha e ag ràdh nach fhàgadh e.
He says that he would not leave.
Is mise a bhuaileadh e.
It is I who would hit him.
Is esan a bhuaileadh mi.
It is he who would hit me.
Is mise nach fhàgadh thu.
It is I who would not leave you.
Is mise nach fhàgadh tu.
It is I who you would not leave.
Seo leabhar a leughainn.
Here’s a book I would read.
Agus seo leabhar nach leughainn.
And here’s a book I would not read.
Dè thogadh tu air an talamh?
What would you build on the land?
Cò sgrìobhadh litir thugam?
Who would write me letter? (lit. Who would write a letter to me?)
Carson a bhuaileadh tu am balach?
Why would you hit the boy?
Ciamar a sheasadh i?
How would she stand?
Cuin a dh’fhàgadh tu?
When would you leave?
Càit an òladh iad?
Where would they drink?
Bhithinn toilichte nam fàgadh tu.
I would be happy if you would leave.
Bhiodh i as aonais mus òladh i an t-uisge salach.
She would be without before she would drink the dirty water.
Bhiodh tu duilich nan togadh tu taigh an sin.
You would be sorry if you built (would build) a house there.
Nan robh an t-airgead agam, thogainn taigh ùr.
If I had the money, I would build a new house.
An sgrìobhadh tu litir thugam?
Sgrìobhadh ; Cha sgrìobhadh
Would you write me a letter?
Yes; No
Nach òladh tu am bainne?
Dh’òladh; Chan òladh
Would you not drink the milk?
Yes; No
Ghabhadh e bracaist a h-uile madainn
He took breakfast every morning.
Sgrìobhamaid litir thuige a h-uile là.
We wrote (to) him a letter every day.
Tha fios agamsa far an seasainn.
I know where I would (could) stand.
An sgrìobhadh tu d’ ainm dhomhsa?
Would (could) you write your name for me?
clean, fresh
as aonais
nan / nam
coigreach (m)
dorchadas (m)
talamh (m)
land, ground
atharraich, atharrachadh
change, alter
diùlt, diùltadh
deny, refuse
innis, innse (do)
tell, relate (to)
loisg, loisgeadh
reic, reic (ri)
sell (to)
Dh’fhàgadh e an taigh sin a-màireach.
He would leave that house tomorrow.
Thuirt mi nach bruidhinn riutha a-rithist.
I said that I wouldn’t speak to them again.
Bha fios aice nach ruitheadh e air falbh.
She knew that he wouldn’t run away.
Dè a sgrìobhadh sibh anns an litir?
What would you write in the letter?
Cha choisichinn dhachaigh anns an dorchadas.
I wouldn’t walk home in the dark.
Shaoil i gun tilleadh iad ro mheadhan-là.
She thought that they would return before midday.
Chan òlainn a-riamh a-mach à botal.
I would never drink out of a bottle.
Dh’innis e dhomh gun loisgeadh e na pàipearan.
He told me he would burn the papers.
Cha ghabhadh i airgead bho choigreach.
She wouldn’t accept money from a stranger.
Càit an togadh sibh ur taigh ùr?
Where would you build your new house?
An ceannaicheadh tu an taigh sinn? Cheannaicheadh.
Would you buy that house? Yes.
Cha do shaoil thu gun glacadh tu iasg anns an loch sin?
You didn’t think that you would catch (any) fish in that loch?
Chan fhuirichinn mi ann an Glaschu idir.
I wouldn’t stay in Glasgow at all.
Thuirt e gun reiceadh e an càr aige a-màireach.
He said he would sell his car tomorrow.
An atharraicheadh sibh càil anns an rùm (seomra)? Chan atharraicheadh.
Would you change anything in the room? No.
Chan òladh i càil ach uisge glan.
She wouldn’t drink anything but fresh water.
Chan àicheidhinn gun robh e a’ coimhead ciontach.
I wouldn’t deny that he was looking guilty.
Thuirt i gun sgrìobhadh i litir gun an phàipear-naidheachd.
She said she would write a letter to (gu) the newspaper.
Bha dochas aca gun obraicheadh a h-uile rud gu ceart.
They hoped that everything would work correctly.
Cha chanainn gun robh i bòidheach.
I wouldn’t say she was pretty.
Tha Anna ag obair anns an ospadal bheag.
Anna works in the small hospital.
Bha sinn a’ bruidhinn ris a’ chaileig òig.
We were talking to the young girl.
Tha iad a’ dol a dh’fhosgladh an dorais mhòir.
They are going to open the main (big) door.
Bha e ag iarraidh na briogaise glaise.
He was wanting the grey trousers.
‘S fheàrr leam an còta goirid seo.
I prefer this short coat.
Chan eil còtaichean goirid a’ tighinn riut idir.
Short coats do not become you at all.
Dè mu dheidhinn na seacaid sin?
What about that jacket?
Tha sinn fhathast anns an sgoil bhig.
We are still in the small school.
‘S fheàrr leis a bhith a’ cluich ball-coise.
He prefers to be playing football.
Tha iad a’ smaoineachadh gun leugh iad an leabhar sin.
They think that they will read that book.
Tha mi ‘n dòchas nach ith iad cus.
I hope that they will not eat too much.
Cha chreid mi nach coimhead mi air an telebhisean.
I think I will watch television.
An ceannaich thu taidh shnog dha?
Will you buy a nice tie for him?
‘S fheàrr leam feadhainn gheala.
I prefer white ones.
Cha toil leam am fear glas.
I don’t like the grey one (masculine).
Cha chreid mi nach bi feadhainn bhrèagha aca.
I think that they will have some nice ones.
Dè mu dheidhinn a’ chòta ruaidh?
What about the red-brown coat?
Dè an drochaid?
Which bridge?
Dè an seòrsa as fheàrr leat?
What kind do you prefer?
Bha i ag ràdh nach cluich e golf idir.
She was saying that he will not play golf at all.
‘S fheàrr leam an dath a tha air a’ chòta mhòr.
I prefer the color that is on the big coat.
An toil leat an tè bhuidhe?
Do you like the yellow one (feminine)?
An fheàrr leat còta no seacaid?
Do you prefer a coat or a jacket?
Is fheàrr leam seacaid.
I prefer a jacket.
Dè am baile mòr as fheàrr leat?
What city do you prefer?
‘S e Dùn Èideann am baile mòr as fheàrr leam.
It is Edinburgh that I like.
Cò an drochaid a bha a’ tuiteam sìos?
Which bridge was falling down?
Thuit an drochaid sìos ann an Lunnainn.
The bridge falling down was in London.
An robh thu ag ràdh nach cluich thu golf idir?
Were you saying that you were not playing golf at all?
Cha robh. Thuirt mi gu robh mi a’ cluich goilf.
No. I said I was playing golf.
An robh thu a’ ceannach sgiorta dhearg an-dè?
Were you buying a red skirt yesterday?
Cha robh ach cheannaich mi lèine ghorm an-dè.
No but I was buying a blue shirt yesterday.
Dè an seòrsa biadh as fheàrr leat?
What kind of food do you prefer?
‘S fheàrr leam biadh Eadailteach.
I prefer Italian food.
A bheil a’ chlann agad a’ dol do’n sgoil mhòir?
Are your children going to a big school?
Chan eil, ach na h-oghaichean agam a’ dol do’n sgoil mhòir.
No, but my grandchildren are going to a big school.
A bheil thu ‘n dòchas gum fòn cuideigin thugad am màireach?
Are you hoping someone will phone you tomorrow?
Chan eil, chan eil mi an dòchas gum fòn cuideigin thugam am màireach.
No, I am not hoping someone will phone me tomorrow.
A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’fhosgladh an dorais mhòir an nochd?
Are you going to open the big door tonight?
Tha. Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhosgladh an dorais mhòir an nochd.
Yes. I am going to open the big door tonight.
Nach eil thu ag obair anns an ospadal bheag?
Are you not working in the small hospital?
Chan eil mi ag obair anns an ospadal bheag.
No, I am not working in the small hospital?
An fheàrr leat tì no cofaidh?
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
‘S fheàrr leam cofaidh sa mhadainn agus tì feasgar.
I prefer coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.
Tha mi a’ dol do dhannsa.
I’m going to a dance.
Tha mi a’ dol don bhaile.
I’m going to the town.
Cheannaich mi taidh do Sheumas.
I bought a tie for James.
Cheannaich e seacaid dhomh.
He bought a jacket for me.
Bha mi a’ bruidhinn ri Dòmhnall.
I was speaking to Donald.
Bha e ag ràdh rium.
He was saying to me.
Tha an còta a’ tighinn riut.
The coat suits / is becoming to you.
Cuir + air
to put on, to bother / annoy
Cuir ort do chòta.
Put on your coat.
Dè tha cur ort?
“What is putting on you?” = What is bothering you?
Cuir am bainne ris an fhlùr.
Add the milk to the flour.
mu (lenites)
about or approximately
mu dheidhinn
about or concerning (different from just mu)
Tha e a’ falbh mu chòig uairean.
He is leaving at about five o’clock.
Mun t-sneachd
about / around the snow
Mun t-seòl
about / around the sail
Chan eil fhios agam….. am bi e ann.
“I don’t know…. will he be here.” = I don’t know whether / if he will be here.
Chì sinn a bheil e deiseil.
We will see if / whether he is ready.
Chan eil mi cinnteach an do chuir sin air.
I’m not sure whether / if that bothered him
breith (verbal irr. noun)
beir (root)
bheirinn / bheireamaid / bheireadh (independent) (conditional)
beirinn / beireamaid / beireadh (dependent) (conditional)
bearing / catching / grasping
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
cluinntinn (verbal noun)
cluinn (root)
chluinninn / chluinneamaid / chluinneadh (independent) (conditional)
cluinninn / cluinneamaid / cluinneadh (dependent) (conditional)
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
dèanamh (verbal noun)
dèan (root)
dhèanainn / dhèanamaid / dhèanadh (independent) (conditional)
dèanainn / dèanamaid / dèanadh (conditional)
doing / making
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
ruigsinn (verbal noun)
ruig (root)
ruiginn / ruigeamaid / ruigeadh (independent) (conditional)
ruiginn / ruigeamaid / ruigeadh (dependent) (conditional)
reaching / arriving
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
dol (verbal noun)
rach (root)
rachainn, dheighinn / rachamaid, dheigheamaid / rachadh, dheigheadh (independent) (conditional)
rachainn, deighinn / rachamaid, deigheamaid/ rachadh, deigheadh (dependent) (conditional
going (The first form is more common in some areas and is derived from the root rach. The second form is older and derived from the root deigh.
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
faicinn (verbal noun)
faic (root)
chìthinn / chìtheamaid / chìtheadh (independent) (conditional)
faicinn / faiceamaid / faiceadh (dependent) (conditional)
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
faighinn (verbal noun) (conditional)
faigh (root)
gheibhinn / gheibheamaid / gheibheadh (independent) (conditional)
faighinn / faigheamaid / faigheadh (dependent) (conditional)
getting / obtaining
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
rádh (verbal nound) (conditional)
abair (root)
theirinn / theireamaid / theireadh
abairinn / abaireamaid / abaireadh
saying (In the Conditional Tense the regular verb Can is preferred, particularly in the spoken language.)
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
tighinn (verbal noun) (conditional)
thig (root)
thiginn / thigeamaid / thigeadh
tiginn / tigeamaid / tigeadh
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
toirt (verbal noun) (conditional)
thoir (root)
bheirinn, thugainn / bheireamaid, thugamaid / bheireadh, thugadh
toirinn, tugainn / toireamaid, tugamaid / toireadh, tugadh
taking / giving (+ preposition do)
As with the verb To Be add either Cha / Chan(before a vowel), An / Am or Nach to the dependent to get the negative and interrogative forms of the verb.
Chìtheadh tu /etc (The second person singular is always tu)
Chan fhaicinn (Whenever possible cha / chan will lenite the irregular verb, except for verbs beginning with d and t)
Chan fhaiceamaid
Chan fhaiceadh tu/etc
Am faicinn?
Am faiceamaid?
Am faiceadh tu?/etc
Nach fhaicinn? (nach lenites verbs beginning with f)
Nach fhaiceamaid?
Nach fhaiceadh tu?/etc
I would see
We would see
You/etc would see
I would not see
We would not see
You/etc would see not see
Would I see?
Would we see?
Would you/etc see?
Would I not see?
Would we not see?
Would you/etc not see?
Dheigheadh tu/etc
Cha deighinn
Cha deigheamaid
Cha deigheadh tu/etc
An deighinn?
An deigheamaid?
An deigheadh tu?/etc
Nach deighinn?
Nach deigheamaid?
Nach deigheadh tu?/etc
I would go
We would go
You/etc would go
I would not go
We would not go
You/etc would not not
Would I go?
Would we go?
Would you/etc go?
Would I not go?
Would we not go?
Would you/etc not go?
Theireadh tu/etc
Chan abairinn
Chan abaireamaid
Chan abaireadh tu/etc
An abairinn?
An abaireamaid?
An abaireadh tu?/etc
Nach abairinn?
Nach abaireamaid?
Nach abaireadh tu?/etc
I would say
We would say
You/etc would say
I would not say
We would not say
You/etc would not say
Would I say?
Would we say?
Would you/etc say?
Would I not say?
Would we not say?
Would you/etc not say?
Gheibheadh tu/etc
Chan fhaighinn
Chan fhaigheamaid
Chan fhaigheadh tu/etc
Am faighinn?
Am faigheamaid?
Am faigheadh tu?/etc
Nach fhaighinn?
Nach fhaigheamaid?
Nach fhaigheadh tu?/etc
I would get
We would get
You/etc would get
I would not get
We would not get
You/etc would not get
Would I get?
Would we get?
Would you/etc get?
Would I not get?
Would we not get?
Would you/etc not get?
Bheireadh tu/etc
Cha toirinn
Cha toireamaid
Cha toireadh tu/etc
An toirinn?
An toireamaid?
An toireadh tu?/etc -
Nach toirinn?
Nach toireamaid?
Nach toireadh tu?/etc
I would take
We would take
You/etc would take
I would not take
We would not take
You/etc would not take
Would I take?
Would we take?
Would you take?
Would I not take?
Would we not take?
Would you/etc not take?
Thigeadh tu/etc
Cha tiginn
Cha tigeamaid
Cha tigeadh tu/etc
An tiginn?
An tigeamaid?
An tigeadh tu?/etc
Nach tiginn?
Nach tigeamaid?
Nach tigeadh tu?/etc
I would come
We would come
You/etc would come
I would not come
We would not come
You/etc would not come
Would I come?
Would we come?
Would you/etc come?
Would I not come?
Would we not come?
Would you/etc not come?
Thuirt i gum faigheadh i briosgaid.
She said that she would get a biscuit.
Thuirt i nach fhaigheadh e briosgaid.
She said that he would not get a biscuit.
Shaoil esan gun tigeadh e a-màireach.
He thought that he would come tomorrow.
Chreid mi nach tigeadh e.
I believed that he would not come.
Is mise a chìtheadh an solas agus is tusa nach fhaiceadh.
It’s me who could (would) see the light and you who could not.
Is ise Màiri a thigeadh mura robh droch shìde ann.
It’s Màiri who would come unless there was bad weather.
Dè gheibhinn do mo mhàthair?
What could (would) I get for my mother?
Cò bheireadh dhomh freagairt?
Who could (would) give me an answer?
Carson a theireadh tu a leithid de rud?
Why would you say such a thing?
Ciamar a gheibhinn lethbhreac?
How could (would) I get a copy?
Cuin a chìtheadh tu a-rithist e?
When would you see him again?