Scope And Standards Of Practice Flashcards
What are standards of professional practice in nursing (exam)
- Are specific to the practice of nursing.
- Establish expectations for professional behavior to protect the nurse, as well as the client and the facility where client care is
practiced. - Hold nurses accountable for following a code of conduct and upholding ethical values related to the profession.
Nursing standard of practice (exam)
Nursing has general standards of practice that every nurse is held accountable to, as well as standards of practice for nursing specialties.
What is the American Nurses Association (ANA)
The American Nurses Association (ANA), which is a professional organization for registered nurses, has established standards for both
nursing practice and professional performance. The ANA standards include the Standards of Nursing Practice and the Standards of Professional Performance.
What is the nursing process
The standards of practice correspond to the critical thinking model known as the nursing
process. Registered nurses use the nursing process as the basis for decision making and actions taken.
The 5 steps to the nursing process (exam)
State nurse practice acts (NPAs) do what?
• Regulate nursing within each state and territory of the United States.
• Are executed by the state boards of nursing.
• Identify what conditions must be met for nursing licensure.
• Identify specific nursing titles (RN, LPN, LVN, APN) and definitions of those titles.
• Determine scope and standards of practice based on the provisions of the nurse’s professional license.
The two-step process to defining scope of practice
• Two-step process
• The state legislature passes the NPA
to regulate nursing practice within their state.
• The state legislature identifies a regulatory body, such as the state board of nursing (BON) to enforce regulations and rules set by the NPA. The NPAs provide the general guidelines, but each state creates rules or regulations to either further explain or make the NPA more detailed.
How do schools and nursing programs become accredited
Schools of nursing become accredited when they meet criteria established by one of two national accreditation organizations: The
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
What are nursing programs held up by
- Nursing education program standards and curriculum, along with clinical learning experiences, must be approved by the state BON based on whether they meet the requirements of that state’s NPA.
- also once approved they are held up by the accrediting body
What is the Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN) Institute
• Project created in response to an identified need for improving quality and
safety in nursing.
• Began in 2005 and based on the Institute of Medicine’s (2003) core competencies for all health clinicians to provide safe and quality care.
• Identified the following six competencies as necessary to have the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to maintain quality and safety in health.
The six competencies of QSEN
Patient-centered care
Teamwork and collaboration
Evidence-based practice (EBP)
Quality improvement (QI)
What is the purpose and use for the National League for Nursing (NLN) Integrating Competencies
• The purpose of the NLN is to foster excellence in nursing education “to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and global community.”
• The NLN Integrating Competencies serve as a resource to ensure that all students in prelicensure nursing programs are educated at the same fundamental level.
The four NLN competencies that new graduates should demonstrate are?
Human flourishing
Nursing judgement
Professional identity
Spirit of inquiry
What does the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) BSN essentials do?
• AACN represents baccalaureate, graduate, and postgraduate schools of nursing throughout the United States.
• The AACN Bachelor of Science (BSN) in Nursing Essentials consists of nine essentials that outline the essential expected curriculum content and required competencies of graduates from a prelicensure baccalaureate
What are the nine AACN BSN essentials
• Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
• Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety
• Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice
• Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology
• Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
• Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient
Health Outcomes
• Clinical Prevention and Population Health
• Professionalism and Professional Values
• Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
What is a nursing licensure (exam)
- It is the duty of each state to protect all clients receiving care. This is the rationale for requiring
professional nurses to have a license. - Periodic license renewal is required to maintain the right to practice nursing.
- The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) permits nurses to practice in their home state and other compact states under one multistate license.
What does it mean to have a national certification in speciality practice
• Following licensure as a nurse, nurses can take multiple paths to demonstrate proficiency in their area of practice. One option is a certificate program, which provides instruction in a concentrated area or topic of study, usually followed by a test. Another option is certification in a specialty area of practice.
What is credentialing
• Credentialing is a process that provides confirmation of an individual’s abilities to practice as a health professional. It requires the individual to complete a program of study and demonstrate abilities established as standards of care.
the standard of practice includes?
sets of skills and outlines responsibilities of every nurse
what is important for each different state when it comes to scope of practice
- each state enforces the regulations and sets the rules
- each state makes their own rules
- it is very important to know your own scope in each state so you don’t go outside of it
what is the most important competencies necessary to maintain quality and safety in health from the QSEN (exam)
- when leaving a room make sure; they have their call light, the bed is at its lowest and locked, the client can get to all belongings
what does the CCNE do (exam)
is establishes the criteria for nursing schools to meet accreditation
- works with another organization where schools have to meet one of the organizations criteria to become accredited
when renewing your license what do you need to disclose
- if you have a criminal record
- any condition or impairment
- Ex: substance abuse
- any professional action taken against you