Nursing Foundations Flashcards
Who was Florence nightingale
• During the Crimean war, Nightingale pioneered what is recognized as the first correlation between infection and unclean conditions.
• Recognized the importance of careful data collection in the form of note- taking and hand-drawn graphs and charts to illustrate the correlation of cleanliness and health.
• Reported that data to authorities to create change, providing a foundation for current practice in infection control strategies.
• Recognized the connection of calming
fears and instilling hope and their positive impact upon healing.
What are pathways to registered nursing education in the U.S.
Nursing education consists of many levels of programs, with varied learning experiences, to
reach the diverse needs of the learner and to achieve the criteria for safe client practice.
Examples of education programs for nursing
• Two-year associate degree nursing
• Three-year diploma program
• Four-year bachelor of science degree
Do all people take the NCLEX-RN board exam
All registered nurse students take the board exam to begin at the entry level
What is health literacy (exam)
Refers to the clients’ knowledge and understanding about their conditions
What does health literacy include
• Includes clients performing research about their own health, often online,
and acquiring a working knowledge about their health care options.
• Is often an unrealized goal since its execution may not be succinct among health care providers.
• When not present, can lead to poor health outcomes.
What does it mean to provide holistic nursing care
Nurses provide care for the whole person: their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, whether providing direct care for the client or advocating and arranging for appropriate care to fulfill that client’s needs and concerns.
Why must nurses respect the unique differences of all individuals
• Nurses are trusted to address their diverse clients with integrity, honesty, and compassion, regardless of the nurse’s feelings and beliefs and the client’s identity.
• Individuals who experience discrimination and nonacceptance do not feel supported or respected, which may result in their health care needs not being addressed or met.
What is the role of a case manager
• Are a conduit between clients and the health care system.
• Ensure clients receive the care they need to safely navigate the health care system and to achieve a safe outcome.
• Afford clients the highest level of care through an interdisciplinary care plan.
What kinds of other roles can nurse’s assume
Nurses also assume the roles of leaders, care providers, researchers, educators, managers, and change agents.
What are some other nursing roles you can identify?
Care (bathing, changing, etc)
Advocacy (exam)
Speaking up for other clients, supporting, defending rights interests and safety (for those who are vulnerable and those who can’t defend themselves)
Change management
The goal of the nurse managers who help bring about change with a goal to constantly improve the staff workflow and the client outcomes
be able to communication with the care team, the patient, and for the patient and yourself
Collaboration (exam)
Working together with the interprofessional team to address the various aspects of the clients health
know how to be honest no matter what it is about (good or bad, intentional or unintentional), tell the truth
be watchful of what we are doing no matter where we are (especially in small towns)
what role does the nurse play in research
- we are constantly as nurses doing research type work in daily things as a nurse
- always be paying attention to common things we see in healthcare and if they can be changed for the better
what is nursing (exam)
- Protecting, promoting, and advancing clients’ health
- Averting illness and injuries through health promotion
- Using the nursing process to facilitate clients’ recovery from illness or injury
- Minimizing or eliminating clients’ suffering
- Advocating for the care and health of the client, family, or community
code of ethics (exam)
assists a nurse with ethical decision making, by incorporating the nurse’s value system, duty, obligation to the client, and call to uphold professional ideals.
- was developed by the ANA, this document outlines rules for nurses about client privacy, nursing conduct, and nursing behaviors to protect clients and the profession
what is the most important part of the code of ethics (exam)
current issues in nursing
what roles nurses play as researchers (exam)
- nurses can easily develop nursing knowledge by conducting research and publishing the results.
- nurses need to be able to use evidence based practice to see issues around them and work to fix them to not only improve quality of care by also quality of life