Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment Flashcards
Scientific Revolution background: Copernicus
-Heliocentric theory-> sun centered, challenged church
Scientific Revolution background: How did Renaissance/reformation influence scientific revolution
Scientific Revolution background: How did Age of European Exploration influence scientific revolution
-New people/land-> new truths to be discovered about the world
Scientific Revolution background: Kepler
-3 laws that govern planetary motion, showed planets move in elliptical motion, mathematically demonstrated planets move around the sun
Scientific Revolution background: Galileo
-Built telescope, Jupiter 4 moons, moon has rough surface, sun has dark spots, trouble with church
-Experimental method: experiment and then draw conclusions
-Developed analytical geometry and philosophy
- All physical objects were affected equally by the same forces
- Law of universal gravitation-> every object in the universe attracts every other object, degree depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them
- Law of motion
- Law of enertia
Zacharias Janssen
-Made first microscope
Van Leeuwenhoek
-Used microscope to observe bacteria swimming in tooth scrapings, examined red blood cells
Evangelista Torricelli
-Developed the first mercury barometer-> measure atmospheric pressure and predicts weather
Gabriel Fahrenhiet/Anders Celcius
- Made the first thermometer to use mercury in glass-> water freezes at 32 degreees
- Another scale for mercury thermometer-> water freezes at 0
Andreas Veralius
-Found human anatomy was not like other animals, dissected human corpses and published observations
Edward Jenner
-Introduced vaccine to prevent small pox for humans
Robert Boyle
- Pioneered the use of the scientific method in chemistry
- Father of modern chemistry
- Proposed that matter was made up of smaller primary particles that joined together in different ways
- Boyles law-> how volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other
Thomas Hobbes
- Was in English civil war-> pointless, many people died
- Says people are terrible naturally
- Leviathon (sea monster, said all governments should have one)
- Hand over rights to strong rulers to escape solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and they got aw and order-> social contract
- Ruler should have total power and control
John Locke
- Was alike during glorious revolution
- Natural rights-> when born
- People learn from experience and improve themselves
- Life, liberty, and property
- All people were born free and equal
- Government power comes from the consent of the people
Philosophy: Philosophies
- French word for philosopher
- Social critics
- Though people could apply reason/logic to all aspects of their lives-> Locke
Philosophy: Happiness
-Pursue happiness now (not afterlife)
Philosophy: Reason
-Uncover universal or natural truths
Philosophy: Liberty
- Freedom
- Individual freedoms
- England-> Bill of Rights
- Glorious revolution
Philosophy: Progress
-Individually and as a society
Philosophy: NAture
-Nature is good and reasonable
- Freedom of religion
- Made many political essays, philosophy, and drama-> books
- Used Satine against his opponents. Made frequent targets of the clergy, the aristocracy and the government
- Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
- Twice imprisoned and once exiled
Baron De Montesquieu
- Devoted himself to the study of political liberty
- Believed Britain was the best-governed and most politically balanced country of his day
- Book “On the spirit of Laws”
- Advocated a separation of powers- Executive branch (enforce laws), Legislative branch (Make laws), and judicial branch (interpret laws)
Jean Jacques Rousseau
- Natural inequality-> can’t do anything about it-> height, strength, speed, etc
- Won recognition as a writer of essays
- Wrote “The social contract”- very different from Hobbes
- According to Rousseau it was an agreement among free individuals to create a society and government
- Like democracy
Cesare Beccaria
- Italian philosophe- believed that laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes
- Criticized torturing of witnesses and suspects, irregular proceedings in trials, and punishments that were arbitrary or cruel
- Believed in a speedy trial and that torture should never be used, the degree of punishment should be based on the seriousness of the crime, and that capital punishment should be abolished
Mary Astell
- Wrote “A serious proposal to the ladies”
- Her book addressed the lack of educational opportunities for women
- Used enlightenment arguments about government to criticize the unequal relationship between men and women in marriage
Mary Wollstonecraft
- Argued that women, like men, need education to become virtuous and useful
- Urged women to enter the male-dominated fields of medicine and politics
Emilie du Chatlet
- Aristocrat trained as a mathematician and physicist
- Translated Newton’s work from Latin into French
- Helped stimulate interest in Science in France
Adam Smith
- Scottish economist, wrote “The Wealth of Nations”
- Said there were three natural laws of economics:
- The law of self-interest-> people work for their own good
- The law of supply and demand-> Enough goods would be produced at the lowest possible price to meet demand in a market economy
- Capitalism
What was an enlightenment salon
- Ideas of Enlightenment were spread and debunked in the mansions of wealthy women ans they were called salons
- Philosophes, writers, artists, scientists orgers discussed ideas
Denis Discord
- Created large set of books that many heading scholars of Europe contributed articles and essays. He called it the encyclopedia
- wrote down everything that we know
- Enlightenment ideas->democracy, liberty, so it angered the church and monarchy
- Diderot was imprisoned
What did it mean to be an enlightened despot
-Monarchs that embraced new ideas and made reforms that reflected the spirit of englightenment
Fredrick II
-Wanted to reform Prussia Pros: -Religious freedoms -Reduced censorship -Abolished the use of torture -Called himself a servant pf the state
-Didn’t change serfdom
Catherine the Great pros or cons
- Agreed with Religious toleration
- Agreed with Abolishing torture and capital punishment
- Formed a commission to look at abuses
- Sought to reform Russia
- Her commissions did’t do much
- Gave powers to nobles
Can monarchs be enlightened
Monarchs can support some ideas, but not all->democracy