England and Reign of Louis Flashcards
Describe Elizabeth
- Fiery
- More than a man less than a woman
- Active
- Seemed manly, fierce
- Smart and talented
4 troubles that came Elizabeth’s way during her reign
- Religion
- Rival queen
- Money
- Spain
What religion problems did Elizabeth inherit from her father
- Royal policy on religion kept changing and her father broke off from the papacy
- Henry-> Church of England vs Catholic, Edward -> Church of England. Mary-> catholic. Elizabeth-> act of supremacy_> protestant
How did elizabeth deal with the religious problems
-She established a state church
What two religious laws did Parliament/Elizabeth pass
- Act of uniformity
- Act of supremacy
Act of uniformity
- Set up national church and was the only legal church in England
- One of the two religious laws that Parliament/Elizabeth passed
Act of supremacy
- Declared Elizabeth the Supreme Governor of England and institutions, it’s church and state
- One of the two religious laws that Parliament/Elizabeth passed
What concessions did Elizabeth make to keep the Catholics and Protestants happy
-Priests were allowed to marry and deliver sermons in English (for Protestants) (not Latin) kept all the trappings of formal priesthood (fancy things, Catholics)
What mattered most to Elizabeth
- The loyalty and obedience of her subjects, wanted no religious wars
- Let Catholics do what they wanted with and they just had to pay a small fine-> made them happy
Who is Mary Stuart to Elizabeth
- Catholic
- Cousin of Elizabeth’s, Queen of Scots
- Overthrown by Presbyterians and Elizabeth offered her hideout
What threat did Mary Stuart face to Elizabeth
- Overtake her throne
- They catch the extreme Catholics plotting to kill Elizabeth and a letter was found that Mary knew of it
How did Elizabeth deal with the threat of Mary overthrowing her
- Beheaded
- She had doubts about if she should do it or not because:
- Catholics angry
- Catholic Spain king angry
- Scotland might be angry
- It would send a message that you can kill Queens
What problems did England face financially
- Elizabeth didn’t make a lot of money
- Money problem-> parliament didn’t want to raise taxes
What were Elizabeth’s solutions for England’s financial problems
- America! Colonies/explore
- Joint stock for explorers, buy shares, private investors monarch got profits and got no rich
- Sea Dogs-> Stole from Spanish, Francis Drake, pirates, raided treasure ships, Philip of Spain was angry and went to Elizabeth and when Francis came back Elizabeth knighted him, Spain very angry
- Elizabeth asked for more taxes, but didn’t get new taxes
What is a joint stock company
- Investors bought shares of ownership and if the company went bank-rupt, investors lost their money, but if the company did well investors collect portions of profits.
- British East India company most successful
Why did Spain send the Spanish Armada (very large and powerful military fleet) to England
- Mary Stuart’s death -> Philip angry
- Philip proposed to Elizabeth to make Catholic alliance (she doesn’t say yes or no, used prospect of marriage to make her position better, but was never going to marry)
- Aided Dutch Protestants in revolting against Catholic Spain
- Pirates-> Sea dogs
What was the Spanish Armada fight like
- Different styles-> Spanish, slow, English, fast
- English sent burning ships to attack crescent (Spanish sail in Crescent formation, very hard to break)
What were the outcomes of the Spanish Armada fight
- England becomes most powerful country
- England free to explorations
- England free to colonise
- Spanish leave and go home-> 1588 (Spain best country before then)
- -England defeated the most powerful country and then became the most powerful
James I
- He’s the distant cousin relative of Elizabeth
- He had King James bible
What is Divine RIght
You are monarch because God said so, he fights with people when they oppose him because he is the word of god
Charles I (Jame’s son): Why did he clash with Parliament
- Believed in Divine right
- Constantly in need of money because of wars with France
- Had to ask Parliament for money
- Fought with Parliament-> often dismissed them because he questioned them
Charles I: What was the Petition of Right
- Like Magna Carta
- King Charles had to sign it and Parliament forced him
- Limited the King’s power
- King couldn’t: Declare martial (military) law unless country is at war, house troops in private houses without home owner’s permission, imprison people without cause , and collect taxes without permission from Parliament
Why did Charles I sign the petition of right
- because he needs the money
- Dismissed parliament after he got what he wanted and ignored the Petition of Right
Why did the Civil war in England start
War was looming with Switzerland and so then Parliament was called back and they started making a limited Monarchy-> limited Kings power, lead by puritans (Protestant, purify the Church of England and get rid of Catholics) Charles broke law by trying to arrest Parliament for freedom of speech and so Parliament told everyone and civil war happened
The groups of the English Civil war
- Cavaliers
- Roundheads
- Support king
- English nobles and church officials because they got their positions from the king
Round heads
- Nickname from haircut
- Supported Parliament
- Puritan (they started it) townspeople and merchants
Who was Oliver Cromwell and how did he affect the English Civil war
- Took commands of pro-parliament army
- Became “New Model Army” that prays best and fights best
- Trained, organized, disciplined the army
- Roundheads began to win and then won
What ultimately happened to Charles I
-He was captured and put on trial for treason and was found guilty and was publicly beheaded
What was Cromwell like as a leader
- Puritan, like John Calvin
- Shut down theaters
- Banned sporting events, dancing and Christmas because Cromwell is puritan
- Cromwell dismisses Parliament and then writes a Constitution and created a republic. He made himself Lord Protector of England-> dictator with his military so people didn’t rebel without an army
English victory against Spanish Armada
Elizabethan Age= Golden Age
What was life like under Cromwell’s rule
- Merry making and amusement was illegal
- Follow Puritan rules by Cromwell
- Abolished “Sinful” activities-> theater, sporting events, hated Catholics
Parliament won Political power: What was the Restoration
- The monarchy with Charles II
- The Parliament and merrymaking and amusement
Parliament won Political power: Charles II
- The merry Monarch
- Had problems with religions and money
- Returned life to the Puritan rule
- Moderate- no divine right, didn’t mess with Parliament
- Habeas Corpus (signed by Charles II)-> right to trial, can’t be stuck in jail indefinitely. Limited monarch. Protected individual’s rights, protected individuals from police
Parliament won Political power: What was the law of Habeas Corpus
-Gave people power and limited monarch
Parliament won Political power: What problems did Charles II have during his reign
- Religion
- Money
Parliament won Political power: What were the 1st political parties in England and why did they develop
- They didn’t like James and so they went to William and Mary
- Whigs (against James) and Tories (for James)-> weather or not not James (Charles II’s younger brother) should get the throne when Parliament was debating who should get it
Parliament won Political power: Why did Parliament invite William and Mary to rule England in 1698
- Protestant
- Agreed to Co-rule with parliament
- Mary is connected to the throne bc she was Jame’s daughter
- For the sake of Protestantism bc James was Catholic and people didn’t want a catholic king
- The Glorious revolution
Parliament won Political power: Why was the revolution of William and Mary taking over called the Glorious Revolution
-Because the bloodless overthrow of King James II, bloodless
How did the Bill of Rights limit royal power
- Can’t purpose taxes without Parliament’s permission
- No interfering with freedom of Speech
- Right to petition
- No excessive bail
What are characteristics of Absolutism
- King/queen hold all power of the government
- England isn’t because of Parliament
- Control every aspect of society
- Be lived in Divide right
- Affect your daily life
Why did Absolutism develop
- -Religious and territorial conflicts created fear and uncertainty-> 1 person promises safety and solving stuff. Hand over freedom for security
- Heavy taxes make unrest
- Rulers need to regulate religious worships and social gatherings to control spread of ideas
- Rulers needed to create bearucracies
Spanish Golden Age to others
- Renaissance, patrons middle class merchants
- Spain, patrons the monarchy, traveling
- Greek golden Age, intellect and art
What is good about Absolutism
- Easy to control
- -1 ruler/mind, things get done quickly
- Efficient
What is bad about Absolutism
- No check/balances in government and rulers are easily corrupted
- Only 1 perspective
- Rulers only listen to God
- Citizens didn’t have a lot of freedom
- Taxes
What happened to Philip/what caused him to lose power
- Spanish Armada defeated -> 1588
- Inflation from population increasing, too much gold and silver
- Kings/Kingdoms borrowing money
- Philip had to declare Spain bankrupt 3 times
- Netherlands fought for their independence and won (11 years of war)
- Spent too much money on wars
Absolutism today
- Dictatorship
- WWII Germany
- North Korea
- Zimbabwe
- Uzbekistan
- controlling access to knowledge (china)
How was Philip II an absolute monarach
- Trusted no one
- Was in charge of everything
- No advisers
- Was in charge of “everyone”
- Used army to punish rebels
- Used army to get taxes
- Head/affect the church-> catholicism
- Controlled every aspects of everyone’s life
What was the Spanish golden age
- They got a lot of gold/wealth from the Americas
- Golden age for culture-> arts and literature
- El Greco and Velazquez P-> artists
- Cervantes-> “Don Quiste, Man of Mancha”-> writer, first modern novel
Have we seen examples of absolutism by a different name in our earlier studies
- Ancient Chinese rulers controlled many aspects of society and they had the Mandate of Heaven and Answered only to go-Ancient Pharaohs that controlled Egypt and controlled all of Egypt and answered only to God
- Shi Huangdi in CHina
- Darius in Persia
- Roman Caesars
France:What personal action did Henry IV of Navarre take to bring religious peace to France in the 1500s
- He gave up Protestantism and became a Catholic
- France was Catholic
- For his country
France:What was the significance of the Edict of Nantes
- Declared that Huguenots (Calvinists/protestants) could live in peace in France and set up their own houses of worship in some cities
- Some people hated for it and he was stabbed to death
- Brang religious tolerantism
France: Who was Cardinal Richelieu
- A strong minister that became the leader of the catholic church in France (Cardinal)
- Makes absolute monarchy
- Was Louis XIII’s minister
- Advised king, but ruled`
France: In what 2 ways did Richelieu attempt to strengthen the French Monarchy
- Forbade protestant cities from having walls, so they didn’t have defenses
- Weaken nobles’s power-> ordered them to take down their fortified castles-> most revolutions/threats to the king come from nobles
What was the significance of French thinkers like Montaigne and Descartes
- Developed essays (Montaigne)
- Expresses thoughts and opinions
- Humans can’t have absolute knowledge if what is true and no one can be certain of everything-> Descartes (I think, therefore I am)
How old was Louis XIV when he became King
4 years old
Who ruled in Louis XIV’s place and how did he rule
- Cardinal Mazarin
- Very strict and harsh, angers the people, strengthens the monarchy
Louis: Background
- Became king at young age (5) and Cardinal Marazin ruled for him. Cardinal was very strict, took away power and rights from nobles and that led to rebellion
- Known as the sun King
- Fronde rebellions in Paris threatened the King’s life
- Mazarin died and Louis took over at the age of 23
Louis: Status of country
- With the help of Colbert, made France and economic power
- Mercantilism: exports more than imports (make more than you spend), subsidies (government will pay people for buying certain things if it will benefit the economy etc-> railroads), favorable balance of trade, tariffs (taxes on imports), colonies (they got money from their colonies), roads, canals, 100 new warships (for external trade)
Louis: How did he Rule?
Louis: Capital city
Versailles-> where he lived
Louis: What changes did he make
- Absolute monarch-had all the power
- Servants
- Large palace in versailles
- For nobles, success and wealth flowed through Louis and kept them busy from having ill will against Louis
- Had a lot of rituals for himself made him specials and kept nobles from plotting against him
- Tragedies were also forms of plays and Modeled after the greek plays
- Louis was the personal patron of many artists who glorified him
- Revoked the Edict of Nantes-> 200,000 people left the country and hurt economy
- Encouraged the arts-> operas
- Moliere wrote famous comedies
Louis: Wars/Expansion
- France was the most powerful nation of Europe-> made other countries nervous
- Louis attempted to expand but other countries formed alliances: balance of power
- 3 times in 30 years Louis tied to invade the Netherlands: was stopped by: England, Sweden, Spain, Austria, Germany
- Gained almost nothing, lost a lot of money
- War of Spanish succession-
Louis: War of Spanish Succession
- Death of Spanish king led to another war (King left empire to Louis’ grandson)
- War of Spanish succession Spain and France v England, Austria, the Dutch, Denmark, Portugal, Germany, Italy
- Lasted for 13 years
Louis: Treaty of Utrecht
-Treaty of Utrecht ended the war: Louis’ grandson could remain king, but could not unite the thrones
Louis: The end
-1715, 77 years old, dying of gangrene in his leg, Louis calls his heir and 5 year old great grandson (Son died, grandson is the King of Spain) to his bedside and told him that he regrets what he did under his time. He spent too much time fighting and not enough time comforting his people and he was not at peace and friends with his neighbors. He regretted being so hostile and not comforting his ppl
Peter the Great: Background/personal info
- He becomes the czar
- Serfs when he comes to power-> still in middle ages bc they were isolated, they were orthodox (because of ties to Constantinople), there was not a warm water seaport
Peter the Great: Status of the country
-Boyars (landowning nobles) and serfs
How did peter the great rule
-Absolute-> czar
Peter the Great: changes
- Wanted to westernize Russia
- Makes himself head of the church and state
- Reduced power of boyars, recruited men from low ranking families
- Modernized the military with European general trainers
- Traveled Europe as a commoner to see what it was like
- Elevates the status of women
- Russian calendar- made people adopt European Clandar
- Adopted mercantism-> improved factories and mining
- Increased Education
- Introduced potatoes
- Ordered nobles to shave their beards
Peter the great: Capitol city
Peter the great: wars/ Expansion
- Wanted a seaport to travel to west
- Great Northern War->Fought Sweden to gain a piece of the Baltic Coast, used the weather to fight
- After 21 years of war, he won St.Petersburg
- A good spot because ships could sail down Neva River to Baltic Sea and to Europe-> warm water port
- Made very nice building there like Versailles
Peter the Great: The end
-Dove into icy water to save his men, caught a cold and died, did not regret what he did because he did it to better his country