Chapter 13 Flashcards
Merovingian Kings and Majors of the Palace
-History and description
- Successor of Clovis
- “Long Haired Kings”
- Ruled for over 275 kings
Merovingian Kings and Majors of the Palace
-Major Domo
- By 700 AD, Merovingian kings had almost no power
- Real power was the Major Domo or mayor of the palace (had the power of the king, king didn’t have to work, if Domo screwed up, king in trouble)
Merovingian Kings and Majors of the Palace
-Charles Martel
- “The hammer”
- Major domo that acted as king by extending the empire and passing the title to his son, Pepin the short: dynasty
Who was Pepin the Short
- Wanted to be king-> asks pope with a letter and it is a powerful argument because Pepin used his army to save him and Rome
- Pope crowns Pepin as king-> end of old Dynasty. Gods blessing on new dynasty-> started alliance between Pope and king
Charlemagne extended Frankish power
- Son of Pepin
- Able ruler
- cunning and modest
- Giant (6’ 4”- added to power and ambiance)
- rules for 46 years
- -mustache, athletic, hunting, ride horses, swim
- Functionality over fashion
Charlemagne extended Frankish power
-the Conqueror
- Every spring he led his armies in war
- met at Aachen, the royal capital, and then spent the summer fighting to expand and secure the empire
- successful in war
- Doubled empire
- conquers in name of Christianity, convert or die because they rose to power because of Christianity
Charlemagne strengthened his rule
-Royal officials (counts and missi dominici)
- Each count ruled a county to make it more efficent
- Counts were very popular
- Missi dominici: sent to make sure counties were being governed fairly- they reported back to him -> spies.
- Charlemagne also visited parts of his empire: shows he cares and keeps the counts on thier toes
Charlemagne strengthened his rule
-Royal estates
- Made sure to manage his lands
- Land= power and wealth-> trade had stopped
- Land provides what you need to survive
Charlemagne strengthened his rule
-Revived learning
- Made his capital a center for learning-> recruited scholors in music, poetry, etc
- Started a palace school
- encouraged monestaries
Pope made Charlmagne emperor
-December 25, 800 AD
- Because Charlemagne saved the Pope and pope crowned his as Holy Roman Emperor
- Charlemagne now a Christianity head like Justantine, an extension of Pope- now must obey Pope
Pope made Charlmagne emperor
Charlemagne’s hiers
-3 sons divide up empire
Vikings attack
- They had better and stronger ships so very quick attack and you can’t do anything about it and they can sail up rivers to go inland
- Vikings raided the valueable things in the church
- Vikings are not Christians, they looked different, had beserkers who fought crazily
- Very aggressive attack
What happened at lindisfarne island in 793 AD
Vikings attacked and signaled the start of Viking age
Where were the Vikings from
What were the Vikings ships like
Very fast, the float in shallow water so able to go upstream and right Usher, large prow
Who was Leif Ericson and what did he accomplish
Viking explorer that reached North America before Columbus
Why did the Viking age and around 1,000
Vikings accepted Christianity and stopped raiding monestaries, warming in Europe climate made farming easier in Scandinavia so Scandinavians didn’t see the point in going to see as much
What was the effect of Viking raids, coupled with Magyars and others on Europe:
Development of feudalism, widespread disorder and suffering, europeans lived in constant Danger, kings were unable to defend well so people didn’t look too central ruler for security and many turned to a local ruler
What is feudalism
A political and economic system based on land holding and protecting alliances, in Europe. Based Off of the land you have,
Why did feudalism develop and what was the emphasis on the system:
Land gave you everything you need to survive and the emphasis was land owning
What agreement did feudalism depend on:
The agreement between a Lord and a vassal
What is a Lorde:
Person that granted land called a fief in exchange for military protections and other services
What is a vassal what did vassal swear to do:
Person receiving a fief, powerful landowners
What is investiture:
Is ceremony between a vassal and a lord when they receive a fief - swearing loyalty: Was that the vessel is in charge and sworn loyalty
What is a fief
Why would someone want to divide their fief
Too much land for one person to monitor it, and protect so they broke it up
Who was at the bottom of the land-owning pyramid
Serfs, the landless. Kings for at the top Nobles below King’s nights below Nobles and peasants below knights
What was problems with the feudal system:
You were born into it, no way to move up or down, vassals can’t obtain fiefs from different people, conflicting loyalties
What were vassals wartime responsibilities:
About 40 days of Battle , you have to bring your War stuff, knights: Horseman, defend their Lord’s land in exchange for feifs, collect taxes
What were vassals peacetime responsibilities
Protecting land and Serfs, ensuring your land is productive, collecting taxes, religion and loyalties
What was the basic economic unit in the Middle Ages
What would be found on a Manor:
Self sufficient, land, water, crops, trees
What is the difference between serfs and peasants:
Peasants can move from Farm to farm and had to pay taxes. Serfs were bound to the land they could not leave the place they were born lawfully. what they produced was the Lord’s
What were the responsibilities of peasants and Serfs:
produce nearly everything that the Lord needed like food or supplies, crops, raise animals
What is a thithe:
A chruch tax that peasants had to pay
Why was life on the manor so harsh:
Peasants had to pay high taxes and pay taxes on all ground grain in the mill, avoiding taxes was a crime, there was a tax on marriage for peasants and needed Lords consent, serfs lives in crowded houses, low life expectancy, tax to use Bakery, poor diet and illness, hard to make things, poor housing, peasants saw it as God’s plan
What was chivalry:
for knights, ideals. Behavior for Knights that they didn’t have to live up to. Fight bravely for the weak the feudal and spiritual war, for your chosen lady. Not all Knights followed the code because they abuse serfs. not a set of laws because it it’s international. it’s about Behavior a way to make nights look good when they really weren’t. three Masters: Spiritual Lord, the Lord, to your chosen lady and the poor and helpless women were seen as objects and bystanders and helpless only an object
Depicts women in their place on a pedestal as an object they went down and Power. Cheval and chevalier your horse and horse riding lord
Steps to becoming a knight:
Page - age 7 to 14,sent to another Castle, were waiter to teach respect obedience humility learning through observation; squire: age 14 to 24, knights assistant, cared for horse and armor, on-the-job training like an internship; knighting: Religious and political ceremony knights went to tournaments for practice and Glory so many died despite it not being the point, knights won a prize and give it back to make themselves look better
Noblewomen in the Middle Ages: Noble women were married off with political marriages at 16 and we’re seen as objects
Otto invades Italy on Pope’s behalf
Cause: Otto invades Itlay on Pope’s behalf
Effect: Pope makes Otto holy Roman Emperor like Charlemagne so Germany is now a A Christain center and Pope still has power
Pope Gregory bans lay investiture
Lay investiture: king appointing church officials. Lay because the king is a religious commoner
Cause: Pope didn’t want the king to appoint church officials
Effect: King Henry writes angry letter to Pope so Pope exocommunicates him
Henry IV travels to Canodds
Its where the Pope is
Effect: pope forgives him
Representatives of the Church and emperor meet in womrs
Cause: Successors of Gregory continued to fight over investiture
Effect: Conduct of verms, compromise Church can appoint bishop but Emperor can veto
Lombard League fights Battle of Legnano
Cause: Fredrick I (from otto) invaded Italy often and Italy formed the Lombard league and the Pope backs Italy against the Holy Roman Emperor. Lombard league is merchants and common people
Effect: Fredrick lost and started the crack of Feudalism because mounted knights lost to on foot commonspeople. Foot soldiers were using crossbows that can penetrate armour
The Age of Faith
The power of the church peaked during this time
- Pope ruled a spiritual empire
- Lay investiture clash
Canon law
Church law which extends beyond national boundaries
Christians must donate 1/10 of their income to the church
Social services
Church must use 1/4 of income to help lepers, orphans, poor, etc
Problems within the church
-Married and illiterate priests
-Vikings destruction
-Religious leaders cared more about earthly things (wealth) than religious things
-Nobles chose the Pope
Simony: the buying and selling of Church offices
What was the role of the pope in reform
He ordered
- the end of Simony
- The end of Lay investiture
- Have college of Cardinals elect the Pope
- No more priestly mariages, leave church or leave family
What was the role of firars
- Monks who traveled and spread christianity
- Domincans and Franciscans
Old style of archetechture
- huge doors
- heavy walls
- thick pillars
- small windows-very dark
- painted in brilliant colors
New style of architecture
- ribbed vaults- supports cieling, distributes weight
- Flying buttresses - allowed to build up
- pointed arches- distributed weight
- Pointed spires: symbolic- building looks like thrusting up toward heaven and gave added visual forces you to look up to the sky and god
- Architect: Suger
- Notre Dame, Chartes, Amiens
How are the cathedrals symbols of the age of faith
- Shows wealth
- Shows commitment and power (took 100s of years to build)
What was the goal of the crusades for the pope
- To recapture the holy land
- Reunite Christendom
- Unite christianity so Pope will be more powerful
Goal of Knights in the crusades
- gain land and wealth
- Fun and adventure
- Fight for heavenly lord
- Get into heaven if you died
Goal of merchants during crusades
-Money and trade routes
1st Crusade
Leader, goal, where, outcome
Leader: Pope Urban II
Goal: To capture the Holy city Jerusalem
-Where: People from all over Europe to Jerusalem
- Outcom: They captured Jerusalem
2nd Crusade
3rd Crusade
- Kings crusade
- Philip II (France), Fredrick I (germany), Richard the Lionhearted (england). Saladin (muslim
- All kings but Richard and Saladin bailed
- Recapture Jersalem
- Saladin was chivalrous
- Ended in Truce Saladin keeps Jerusalem, but Christians could freely Pilgrimiage
4th Crusade
- Merchant’s crusade
- Transported crusaders for free if they destroy constantinople because they were n compettion with Constatinople. Constantinople was a Christian city and they do it and just stayed there
- They keep failing
- Pope excommunicated crusaders
Childrens crusade
Leaders: Stephen and Nicholas
- Goal: conquer jerusalem
- From France and Germany
- Many kids died or were sold into slavery
- Pope told the kids wheo made it to go home and wait until they were older
- Showed how bad the kids lives were
Spanish crusade
- Ferdinand and Isabella
- Reconquista: a long effort by the spanish to drive the Muslims out of Spain
- For their own power
- In spain
- Inquisition: a court held by the church to supress heresy (non-believers of the Christian faith)
- Jewish and Muslims converted but were suspected of Heresey so they were questioned
- Womens role
- Trade
- Power of Pope/ church
- Religious intolerance
- Feudalism
- Power of nobility
- Power of monarch
-WR Up bc men were away
-Trade and towns up bc people saw each others goods
-PPC down bc they lost jerusalem
-RI up bc muslims and christians kept killing each other
-F- down bc knights/lords died so land was returned to the king
-PN down bc they died
Pm- Up bc they got the land the dead nobles lost
Structure of the church
like a kingdom