Scientific Revolution Flashcards
What helped develop the Scientific Revolution?
New Greek and Roman sources that contradicted former ones; idea that human beings can use reason, math and observation to understand the world; printing press, telescope, microscope
What was the medieval understanding of the universe?
Earth at the center of the universe, “heavens” are ethereal and move in unchanging circular spheres
Who wrote “On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres”?
Nicolaus Copernicus
How did Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler work together?
One recorded observations of planetary movement and the other used the data to develop laws of planetary motion
Why was the Catholic Church more aggressive towards Galileo than Copernicus/Kepler?
This was during the Counter Reformation and the Thirty Years’ War and it proved that religion wasn’t the answer for everything and they weren’t right about everything
What was the consequence of trying Galileo?
Italy declines as center of scientific study, center moves north to England, France and the Netherlands
What was the major significance of Newtonian’s world machine?
The world is seen as orderly “machine” that behaves according to predictable, observable, measurable laws
What were two elements of mysticism?
Astrology, alchemy
What was astrology?
Interpreting the stars/planets to make sense of earthly phenomena
What was alchemy?
Belief that metals could be transformed into gold, belief in magic potions and elixirs
What did Paracelus reject?
Medical theories of Aristotle and Galen (idea that an imbalance of humors causes illness)
Who was one of the first scientists to conduct a controlled experiment and what did they study?
Robert Boyle; studied gasses and developed view that matter is composed of different elements
Who had help from their wife to complete their studies and what did they study?
Antoine Lavoisier; furthered the study of elements and his wife is a key partner and collaborator
How could a woman participate in scientific studies?
Working with a man
What were two extreme negatives of the Scientific Revolution?
Unequal treatment of women was justified on “scientific” grounds; and scientific racism
Who would say the following: “If I can doubt, I can think. If I can think, I must be real. I think, therefore I am”?
Rene Descartes
What is Cartesian dualism?
Mind-body separation; My mind is over and above my body; my identity rests in my mind
What two ideas contradict each other during the Enlightenment?
Rationalism and Empiricism
What was rationalism?
Understand the world through reason, since observation can sometimes lie
What was empiricism?
Understand the world through observation
What type of reasoning is the following: Develop general principles from experimentation and observation of multiple examples?
Deductive reasoning
What type of reasoning is the following: Start with general principles to discern truth about specific examples?
Inductive reasoning