Science philosohpy 2 Flashcards
Science is the most powerful tool humans have developed
Importance of science philosophy
Scrutinizing the validity of science
What was science before 1700s
Scienc ebefore 1700s was “natural philosophy”
“All the science is either physics or stamp collecting”
Reductionist statement by Ernest Rutherford
Origin of mathematics
Born in Egypt and the Babylonians applied it to astronomy
The father of science
Thales of Miletus; 7th century B.C.; non-supernatural explanaitions of natural phenomena like thunder and earthquakes
Four important figures in Pre-Socratic science
1) Anaximander (600BC): suggested that life originated from water and mud and humans originated from lower life forms”
2) Pythagoras (500 BC): Important contributions to mathematics. was burned alive
3) Empedicles (400 BC): discovered air pressure using a straw
4) Democritus (450 BC): suggested matter was made of small atoms
Scientific advancement during the dark ages
Carried on by the Islamic cultures (e.g., medicine, astronomy, chemistry)
Attempt to reconcile Greek thought with biblical dogma; in Europe, 12th C
Period from 1400 to 1700 in which sciene and art thrived; Bolstered by a rebirth of Greek humanism
Thomas Aquinas
1200 CE; Proposed natural theology (knowing God by studying his creation); Very important in the development of new thought; Ultimately led to people turing away form religion
Francis Bacon
Proposed the scientific method (i.e., observation and experimentation)
Scientific revolution (historic period)
A shift back to human reason instead of faith during 16th and 17th century
Nicholas Copernicus
Heliocentric view of the universe, which replaced the Ptolemaic geocentric view
Johannes Kepler
German astronomer who developed the laws of planetary motion in the 1600’s, improving Coernicus’ model.
- Planetary orbits are elliptical
- Sun is not at center of orbits, but at a focal point
- Speed of planets not constant, but area speeed is
Galileo Galilei
Italian astronomer (1600’s) who defended the Copernican model in addition to contributing to physics regarding velocity, gravity, and inertia.
Improved the telescope
“Science is just a tool at doesn’t describe reality”; This view partly existed to get by with religion
Isaac Newton
English Astronomer (1700’s) who established classical mechanics, built the first reflecting telescope, and discovered prismatic colour refraction.
Newton’s law of universal gravitation: Every particle attracts every other particle in the universe as a function of mass/distance.
Wrote “Mathematical principles of natural philosophy”
His works marks the age of enlightentment
Antoine Lavoisier
Determined fire is oxigen
Inspired by Linnaeus; proposed evolution (originally proposed by his grandgather) but most importantly provided natural selection as a mechanism and lots of data to back his theory
His work on genetics helped confirm Darwinism
The systematic building and organization of knowledge
1865; “doctors who wash their hands give less infections when delivering babies”
Louis Pasteur
1881; Germ theory
The four most important figures championing the use of reason in philosophy
1) Parmenides
2) Plato
3) Galileo Galilei
4) Rene Descartes
The four most important figures championing the use of experience in philosophy
1) Heraclitus
2) Aristotle
3) Francis Bacon
“If I have seen far, it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants”
quote by Isaac Newton; highlights the social structure of science
The idea that all knowledge comes from sense experience; Challenging rationalism;
Three big figures: Bishop George Berkley, David Hume, John Locke (the father of empiricism)