Metacommunities Flashcards
Lotka-Volterra equations
Equations that describe the relationships between prey and predators
Issues with conventional stud of communities
Conventional views assume that communities are closed and isolated, however additonal ecological processes occur at larger scales.
Set of local communities linked by dispersal
Metacommunity theory
Describes processes that occur at the metacomunity scale
The importance of dispersal in coexistence
Strongly competing species can coexist regionally through constant interpatch dispersal, and a tradeoff between competitiveness and dispersal capabilities
Mass effects
The occurrence of a species in local communities depend on an influx at a larger, regional scale
Individuals of a single spcies in a habitat patch
Set of local populations of a species linked by dispersal
Individuals of different species that interact in a defined spatial unit
A set of of communities in a region, which are linked by dispersal
A site capable of holding a single individual
A spatial unit holding a community
Types of patches (aka localities) and examples
1) Permanent patches (e.g., islands)
2) Temporary patches (e.g., fruiting bodies)
3) Permanent patches with indistinct boundaries and corridors (e.g., ocean currents)
A large spatial unit encompassing multiple localities
Mass effect
A metapopulation dynamic involving a flow of individuals, which is affected by difference in population densities among patches
Rescue effect
Constant recolonization reduces the chance of local extinctions
Source-sink effects
Metacommunity dynamic in which immigration enhances populations size emigration decreases population size
Dynaiumc in which species become established in areas in which they were absent
Movement of individuals: Immigration vs emigration
Stochastic extinctions
Extinction events caused by disturbances beyond interacitons with other species
Deterministic extincions
Mechanism in which populations become extinct due to biotic or abiotic interactions
Metacommunity dynamics
Involve interaction of spatial and community mechanics
Classic metapopulation (Levin)
Identical local populations with equal chance of colonization and extincion
Mainland-island system
A system composed of extinction-resistant mainland populations and extinction-prone island populations