Biodiversity Flashcards
Diversity (types)
Genetic diversity
Species diversity
Ecological diversity
Functional diversity
Biodiversity movement
Movement addressing environmental concerns in relation to politics, biology, and ethics
Ecological diversity
Concept relating to variability of trophic levels, life cycles, and biological resources
Term analogous to biological diversity; popularized in the 80s by E.O. Wilson
Biological diversity
Concept referring to the variety and abundance of species in a spatial unit
Taxonomic distinctness
Measure of diversity similar to Simpson’s index
Diversity measures
Measure taking into account richness and abundance
Simply the number of species in a spatial unit
Measure of differences in abundance between species
Diversity index
A single statistic conveying information on richness and abundance
Concept incorporating both richness and evenness
Diversity within a defined spatial area
b-diversity (concept)
The extent to which the diversity of two or more spatial units differ; Concept conceived by Whittaker (1960) originally to measure diversity changes between samples along transects, but commonly used for changes along other spatial arrangements and over time.
The extent to which one or a few species are primarily conform a community
Abundance (and evenness) visualization
1) Histogram: abundance (y axis) against ranked species (x axis)
2) Rank/abundance plot (aka Whittaker): line graph of relative abundance (in log10 scale) against ranked species; the steeper the curve, the lower the evenness of the assemblage
3) k-dominance plot: line graph of cumulative relative abundance (y) against ranked species (x); The more elevated the line is from the x axis, the less diverse diverse the assemblage
4) Abundance/biomass comparison (ABC plot): Same as k-dominance, but cumulative relative biomass also plotted
5) Fisher plot: Number of species (y) plotted against number of individuals (x); looks like a very lef-skewed histogram
6) Preston plot: Number of species (y) plotted against number of individuals in a log2 scale arranged in “octaves” (x); can use other log base; looks like a bell-shape (i.e., log normal model)
Pattern vs process
Pattern refers to the way a system behaves
Process refers to the reasons why a system behaves in a particular way
Biodiversity measurement (assumptions)
- All species are equal
- All individuals are equal
- Abundance is expressed in comparable units
Biodiversity (nature as a science)
Biodiversity is a comparative science by nature
Group of organisms in a defined area that interact among themselves
A group of organisms using the same resources
Group of organisms in a communiy that share a certain phylogeny
Local guild
Group of organisms using the same resources and co-ocurring in an area
Group of organisms sharing geographic distribution, resources, and phylogeny
A pattern of diversity maintained across different spatial scales
Geographic boundary of a community
Set arbitrarily by te researcher
Statistical vs biological models
Statistical models aim to describe observed patterns, while bioloical models aim to explain those patterns
Logarithmic series model
Statistical model proposed by Fisher (1940s) to describe the relationship between number of species and number of individuals in those species;
αx, αx2/2, αx3/3…αx/n
αx is the number of species predicted to have one individual, and so on
the paremeter α is a good index of diversity
Log normal model
Statistical model proposed by Preston (1940s); Describes species abundance against species ranks (log2) resulting in classes called octaves. Can use other bases (e.g., 3 or 10).
Most large assemblages follow this distribution.
Incroporates γ as an additional parameter when a number of individuals curve is superimposed on the number of species curve.
The distribution is canonical when γ=1, in which case the mode of the individuals curve coincides with the upper tail of the species curve.
Log normal: Statistical explanation for its commonness in real data
Log normal distribution might be common as a result of the central limit theorem, wich states that when the amount of a variable is determined by a large number of factors, random variation in the factors will result in a normal distribution.
Additional support: more specious assemblages tend to be canonicl compared to less specious
Log normal: Biological explanation for its commonness in real data
Log normal distribution can be a consequence of random niche division/invasion.
Log normal distribution: Veil line
Truncation point of a log normal curve resulting as a consequence of difficulty sampling the less abundant species.
Note that veiled distributions are more difficult to fit.
Log normal (fitting and nature of data)
Technically, a log normal distribution should only be fitted to continuous abundance data such as biodiversity, but large discrete datasets work fine because they often act as continuous
Poisson log normal
A variation of the log normal distribution that assumes discrete abundance classes.
Uses the Poisson parameter λ, which is also a robust index of diversity.
Log normal: visual method for seeing fit of data
Plotting cumulative frequency of species (y) against log2 rank classes (x) should look like a straight line
Log normal: implication of departure
Departure of an assemblage from a log normal distribution is often used as a sign of environmental disturbance (though this is a challenged view)
Overlapping distributions (explain)
Data are often described by more than one distribution model
Overlapping of log series and log normal distribution
Potentially explained by a difference between permanent species (log normal distribution) and occasional species (log series distribution); when plotted together, the result is a left-skewed distribution.
Other statistical models besides log series and log normal
Negative binomial; Zipf-Mandelbrot
Fitting a model to data
Goodness of fit tests (usually X2) are used to evaluate the relationship between observed and expected frequencies.
X2 = [(observed - expeted)2/expected]
A P<0.05 means the model does not describe the observed pattern.
Goodnes of fit test for small datasets
Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test may be applied to small datasets and can also be used to compare two datasets
Niche appointment models
Noche appintmt models are based on the assumption that a community has a property called niche space that is divided in a certain way among species.
Different biological models vary in the way they propose niche fragmentation/filling occurs.
Niche filling
An alternative mehcanism to niche fragmentation in which additional niche space is accomodated (e.g., newly formed habitats like island and lakes).
Deterministic vs stochastic statistical diversity models
Deterministic models assume tat a set number of individuals, N, will be distributed among species, S, in a particular way.
Stochastic models establish that replicated communities will vary in their species abundances.
Most statistical models are deterministic, while most biological models are stochastic
Geometric series model
The geometric series is a biological model that assumes dominance-based niche appointment undrer limiting factors, and a relationship between allocated niche and abundance.
Usually observed in data from species-poor and harsh environments.
Broken stick model
Biological model proposed by McArthur (late 1950’s). The model proposes niche division occurs like a stick is simultaniously being divided at random. Imporant in the development of ecological thought but rarely fits empirical data.
Tokeshi’s models
Niche appointment models (biological models) proposed by Tokeshi (90’s). They all assume niche space is occupied by species proportionally to abundance, but propose different mechanisms of niche division.
1) Dominance pre-emption: niche of least abundant species is subdivided
2) Random fracion: niche to be subdivided is selected at random
3) Power fraction: probabiltiy of division is moslty random but slighlty influenced by size
4) McArthur fraction model: probability of division proportional to size
5) Dominance decay: largest niche invariably split
6) Random assortment: No relationship between niche appointment and species abundance
7) Composite: small niches divided randomly and large niches divided following a rule
Caswell’s neutral model
An alternative biological model, proposed by Caswell (late 1970’s). Operates by examining how species abundance would occur in a community if all interactions were removed.
Hubbell’s neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography
A more ambitious neutral model than Caswell’s. Proposed y Hubbel (2000). In this bioloical model, metacommunities are composed of a set of local communities that are always saturated, so there is no place for new individuals until others die.
The relative abundance of a species in a local community is dictated by its aundance in the metacommunity.
Explains a great number of empirical systems. One complication is that it requires simulations.
Fitting stochastic niche appointment models to empirical data
Communities are repetedly constructed using simulation, which allows to produce confidence limits on expected abundances. If the observed model fits within the confidence intervals, a model is said to fit the data.
Does not work if the variance is greater than that predicted.
Replication of observations in required (increases power) but not necessary (i.e., when detecting community changes over time).
Comparing abundance patterns between communities
The Kolmogorov-Sminrov two-sample test allows to determine whether two communities have the same pattern of abundance.
Criteria for classifying species as rare
1) Relative criteria: Example: species in the first quartile of the distribution are considered rare. This will vary depending on the measure used to quantify abundance (e.g., number of individuals vs biomass).
2) Absolute criteria: Example, all species with only one individual (singletons) are considered rare.
Rarity (mechanistic components)
Rarity occurs as a function of:
geograhpic distribution, habitat specificity, and local population size.
Rarity (definition according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Taxa with small populations and restricted geographic areas that are often scattered.
Biggest obstacles for measuring biodiversity
- The variety of species conepts and lack of consensus
- Taxonomic bias
- Sampling issues (rare = lower detectability); sampling scale (spatial and temporal); sampling effort