Science 2.1.1 Flashcards
A protein molecule produced by a type of white blood cell called a Bcell. They can recognize specific pathogens and destroy them.
A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
An excretory organ that stores urine before it is released from the body.
A liquid tissue made up of a mixture of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
A hard organ that is made up mostly of protein, calcium, and phosphate. It is used for support, movement, and production of bloodcells.
An organ made up of nervous tissue that coordinates the functions of the nervous system.
The movement of blood through the body’s blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart.
The organ system that transports materials to and from cells. It is made up of the heart, blood, and blood vessels.
circulatory system
The breakdown of food into simpler substances by physical and chemical processes.
The organ system that takes in food and breaks it down into simpler substances, such as molecules of nutrients. It includes the mouth,stomach, liver, and intestines.
digestive system
Any abnormal or harmful breakdown in the body parts or functions of an organism.
The organ system that uses chemicals called hormones to control the functions of the body. It is made up of many glands and tissues thatproduce hormones.
endocrine system
The process of removing the waste products made by cells.
The organ system that disposes of waste products made by cells byproducing urine. It is made up of the kidneys and bladder.
excretory system
An organ that releases chemical substances for use by the body.
A type of chemical that is made and released by cells to help control specific processes in living organisms.
The organ system that defends against foreign or harmful organisms and material. It includes the lymph glands and vessels, the spleen, and white blood cells.
immune system
The organ system that protects the body from various kinds ofdamage, such as loss of water and invasion by pathogens. It is madeup of skin, hair, and nails.
integumentary system
A bean-shaped organ in the excretory system that removes wastes made by cells and excess water from blood.
An organ made up of tiny sacs called alveoli, in which gases are exchanged between air and the bloodstream.
A contracting organ responsible for producing movement in the body.
The organ system that causes the body and its parts to move. It ismade up of muscles.
muscular system
The organ system that monitors and controls the body. It is made upof the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
nervous system
A living or nonliving thing that can infect an organism and causedisease. Pathogens include bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses.
The process of breathing in and out to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the external environment.
The organ system that exchanges gases with the atmosphere. It is made up of the lungs and their passageways.
respiratory system
The organ system that provides support and structure to the body and allows for movement. It is made up of bones and the tissues thatconnect them.
skeletal system
The fluid produced by the kidneys.
A blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart.
One of the colorless cells in the blood that help protect the body from infection.
white blood cell