Sci Flashcards
Causes of spinal cord injury
Most common motor vehicle accidents other ideologies stabbing, falls, sports injuries, high-risk behaviors
Approximate 250,000 people in US
Flexion injury most often occurs at what levels?
Extension injuries occur most often out what levels?
What is Asia impairment skill level A?
Complete known sensory or motor function is preserved in sacral segments S4 to S5
What is Asia impairment skill level B?
Sensory incomplete, Sensory but no motor function preserved along neurologic level and extends to sacral segments S4-5
What is difference between Asia impairment skill level C and D?
Both Motor incomplete
Motor function is preserve below the neurologic level, Most key muscles below neurologic level have muscle grade
C <3
D >=3
What is Asia impairments scale grade level E?
Normal sensory and motor functions are normal
What does ASIA stand for?
American spinal injury Association
What is the max possible score for motor index scoring?
100, 25 per extremity using 0 to 5 scale
What is sensory level determined by?
Light touch and pin prick
Determined by most caudal dermatome with normal 2/2 score
What is motor level determined by?
Most cuddle key muscles with strength of 3 or greater and superior segment tested at normal or 5
What key muscles are tested and upper extremity?
C5 elbow flexors, biceps, brachialis
C6 wrist extensors, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
C7 elbow extensors, triceps
C8 finger flexors Middle finger, flexor digitorum profundus
T1 Small finger abductors, abductor dígiti minimi
What key muscles are tested and lower extremities?
L2 Hip flexors, iliopsoas
L3 knee extensors, quadriceps
L4 ankle Dorsiflexors, tibialis anterior
L5 Long toe extensors, extensor Hallucis longus
S1 ankle plantar flexors, gastrocnemius, soleus
Anterior cord syndrome
Incomplete lesion of Anterior part of spinal cord or anterior spinal artery damaged
MOI is usually cervical flexion
Loss of motor function, pain and temperature sense below level of lesion
Brown sequards syndrome
Incomplete lesion usually caused by stab wound, how many section of spinal cord
Corticospinal- Paralysis same side
DCML - loss of vibratory and positional sense on the same side
Lateral spinothalamic- Loss of pain and temperature on opposite side