Schiz - Issues in diagnosis Flashcards
Two ways to measure reliability in diagnosis
Inter-rater reliability (observer reliability)
Test-retest reliability (external reliability)
Evaluating reliability- Copeland
P - IN EVALUATION, a study to highlight problems with inter-rater reliability of the diagnosis of schizophrenia, was conducted by Copeland (1970) which illustrates how the culture of the clinician can damage INTER-RATER reliability.
E - Copeland
L - This suggests…the reliability of diagnosing schizophrenia is influenced by location and culture of the clinician
What did Copeland do
Gave a description of a patient to 134 US and 194 British psychiatrists and found that 69% of the US psychiatrists diagnosed the patient with schizophrenia whereas only 2% of British psychiatrists gave the same diagnosis
Copeland gave a description of a patient to ___ US and ____ British psychiatrists
Copeland gave a description of a patient to 134 US and 194 British psychiatrists and found that ___ of the US psychiatrists diagnosed the patient with schizophrenia whereas only __ of British psychiatrists gave the same diagnosis
Evaluating reliability- Read
P- In addition, worryingly Read (2004) reported that test- retest analysis is as low as 37% for schizophrenia which is extremely concerning,
E- Especially when we consider the potential false positives and false negatives this could create. This suggests that some patients may not be diagnosed when they should - and as such miss out on key medication
E- Alternatively, it also implies that some patients may receive a schiz diagnosis, not actually need the diagnosis or the medication that goes with it
L -This could imply that clinicians need to take extra care when diagnosing patients to avoid false positives and negatives
What did Read find
Reported that test- retest analysis is as low as 37% for schizophrenia which is extremely concerning, especially when we consider the potential false positives and false negatives this could create.
Read reported that the test re-test analysis for diagnosing schiz was what?
Evaluating reliability- improvement of the DSM
P- However, the DSM has also now improved the reliability of diagnosis through revising the criteria.
E- For example, DSM 5 has now stripped the criteria of trying to differentiate between bizarre and non-bizarre delusions from the diagnostic guide as it was difficult to complete and led to increased reliability problems in diagnosis
L- This supports the notion that the DSM has helped to increase the reliability of diagnosis by adapting and changing certain specific criteria to make diagnosis more consistent.
What are the two issues of validity in diagnosing schiz
Over-lapping symptoms comorbidity issues
Evaluating validity- Buckley
P - In evaluation, comorbidity reduces the validity of diagnosis as a clinician could make an inaccurate diagnosis due to the additional disorder.
E - Buckley et al (2009) identified the following comorbid conditions with schizophrenia and argues they could actually be subtypes of schizophrenia. The following was reported with schizophrenia: 50% with depression and 47% with substance abuse.
E - in addition - to complicate matters further, we are unsure as to which condition came first
L - This suggests that..the validity of diagnosing schiz is damaged by the presences of comorbid conditions
What did Buckley find
Identified the following comorbid conditions with schizophrenia and argues they could actually be subtypes of schizophrenia. The following was reported with schizophrenia: 50% with depression and 47% with substance abuse.
Buckley et al (2009) identified the following comorbid conditions with schizophrenia and argues they could actually be subtypes of schizophrenia. The following was reported with schizophrenia: __% with depression and __% with substance abuse.
Evaluating validity- re-considering comorbid conditions
P - In further evaluation, we must really re-consider comorbid conditions and schizophrenia.
E - As patients actually suffer from 2 or more mental health states for example, having both schizophrenia and post traumatic stress disorder - both with very specific symptoms and huge amounts of emotional distress
E -Surely that is a UNIQUE CONDITION as opposed to 2 states that coexist and receive 2 separate diagnoses. This has been partly addressed in DSM V, but problems remain with comorbidity and schizophrenia.
L-Therefore….DSM and other manuals will continue to refine diagnostic criteria to tackle the reality of patients suffering from 2 disorders and improve the validity of diagnosing schiz
Evaluating validity- Hewitt
P - An issue with overlapping symptoms is that they can decrease the validity of diagnosis as a clinician may identify symptoms which are common with other disorders.
E - Hewitt (2001) investigated the symptoms of autistic patients and patients of schizophrenia. They found that…
E - from 14 patients with schiz and 14 with autism- none of the schizophrenic patients had symptoms of autism, but 50% (7) of the autistic patients had symptoms of schizophrenia (particularly negative symptoms
L- This shows support for the fact that symptom overlap has the potential to damage the validity of diagnosing schiz
What did Hewitt do/find
Investigated the symptoms of autistic patients and patients of schizophrenia. They found that…From 14 patients with schiz and 14 with autism- none of the schizophrenic patients had symptoms of autism, but 50% (7) of the autistic patients had symptoms of schizophrenia (particularly negative symptoms