Issues and debates- reductionism vs holism Flashcards
Trying to explain complex behaviours using the complex parts that make them up. Breaks down complex phenomena into simple components
Finding the simplest accurate explanation for cognitive processes and behaviors.
Science favours the simplest explanation. A parsimonious science follows the principles of occam razor- more then one explanation but simplest is preferable.
When looking at behaviour we should judge the whole rather than one specific part.
Levels of explanation
Suggests that there are different ways of viewing the same phenomena in psychology
Higher levels of reductionism
Cultural and social explanations of how our social group effects our behaviour
Middle level of reductionism
Psychological explanations of behaviour
Lowest level of reductionism
Biological explanation e.g how genes effect our behaviour.
Levels of explanation for memory
Highest- memory is influenced by cultural expectations i.e what we SHOULD remember
Middle- psychological factors influence memory i.e elaborative rehearsal
Lowest- biological aspects influence memory i.e memories are stored in the hippocampus and damage to this area cna cause issues with memory
Evaluation- reductionist is most parsimonious (SERT gene)
Impaired SERT gene = lower levels of serotonin = a genetic predisposition to OCD
Reductionist can be seen as more scientific and allows the creation of nomothetic laws. It is much easier to see one variable affecting affecting another one, compared to varied and multi-faceted variables interacting with other variables.
Evaluation- bio reductionism- practical apps (SSRIs to treat OCD)
SSRI’s increase levels of serotonin as too little can explain OCD (SSRIs 80% effective at treating OCD). Bio reductionism can have useful impacts upon society. Can produce treatments quicker then holistic approach
Evaluation- environmental reduct is also easy to test (Little Albert)
E.g. Little A who after 7 pairings associated a white rat with a loud noise causing him to fear the rat. Shows it is easy to test the theories which is a benefit and also replicate. Easy to test for reliability
Evaluation- Environmental and bio reductionism are too simple (concordance rates in twins OCD)
31% of DZ shared OCD but only 68% in MZ twins. Should be 100% in MZ twins, shows how genes are not entirely to blame. An interactionist approach would be better suited which argues both nature and nurture cause behaviour.
Evaluation- reductionist lead to other explanations being underplayed or ignored(relapse after stopping meds)
In case of metal illness could lead to a reoccurrence as not all factors have been considered e.g after anti-anxiety meds a relapse seems inevitable when meds stop. Also when OCD patients stopped taking SSRIs their OCD returned.
Evaluation- Holism and the appreciation of the complexity of human behaviour (humanistic approach- maslow)
P-Holism can be praised for appreciating the complexity of human behaviour
E.g humanistic approach takes a holistic approach in considering behaviour and how it is shaped by multiple forces. E.g maslow highlights how there are at least 5 diverse motivators in our behaviour from bio, safety, love, esteem and ultimately self actualisation. Holism provide more complete explanation of human behaviour.
Evaluation- holistic practical aps(Person centred therapy, core conditions)
Person centered therapy- non-directive and collaborative process which offers core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. These core conditions and the therapeutic relationship that’s developed through therapy has proven effective for many
Evaluation- holistic is not scientific(holism and cause and effect)
E.g psychology typically seeks cause and effect to explain behaviour and to do this you need to isolate key factors. Holistic ideas are not compatible with this goal of science as they often refuse to isolate variables and often over emphasise the complex interacting nature of multiple factors.
Evaluation- holistic promoting a more realistic interactionist approach(phobias)
Argue that multiple explanations all have relevance and that, ultimately it is diff to establish which has best explanatory power and that this varies from situation to situation, and diverse behaviours. E,g some phobias are learnt but some are better explained thorugh adaptive mechanisms.