Schermerhorn Chapter 4- Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability Flashcards
What are ethics
A code of moral principles. System of defining what is right and wrong.
Comment on Legal vs. Ethical
Just because an action can be ethical doesnt mean its legal, opposite is true.
Personal values help determine individual ethical behaviour
Name 4 views of Ethics
Utilitarian view
-greatest good to the greatest number of people
Individualism view
-primary commitment is to one’s long-term self-interests
Moral-rights view -Respects and protects the fundamental rights of all people
Justice view
-Fair and impartial treatment of people according to legal rules and standards
Procedural justice: policies and rules fairly applied
Distributive justice: equal treatment for all people
Interactional justice: people treated with dignity and respect
What are two ways of interpreting differences between cultures?
Cultural Relativism
- Ethical behaviour is always determined by cultural context
Cultural Universalism
- Behaviour unacceptable in ones home environment should not be acceptable anywhere else
- Considered by some to be ethical imperialism
In my opinion, cultural relativism is an absolutely worthless mentality. There is absolute truth and morality, and as a result of that, some cultures are inferior to others by virtue of the values and behaviour that their norms propagate.
How can businesses make sure to respect universal values? (not step on toes)
Respect for human dignity (Implying all cultures truly respect human dignity. Wouldn’t it be nice.)
Respect for basic rights. (See above)
Be good citizens
- Support social institutions, including economic and educational systems.
- Work with local government and institutions to protect the environment.
Name 3 examples of ethical dilemmas
- Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Conflicts of interests
- Customer confidence
- Organizational Resources
What are Kohlbergs levels of individual moral development
Pre-conventional level: Self-centered
Stage 1: Avoid harm or punishment
Stage 2: Make deals for personal gain
Conventional level: Social centered
Stage 3: Follow rules, Meet obligation
Stage 4: Act consistently with peers, others
Post-conventional level: Principle centered
Stage 5: Live up to societal expectations
Stage 6: Act according to internal Principles
Name a couple of ways to rationalize ethical behaviour?
- Behaviour not really illegal
- Its really in everyones best interests
- Nobody will ever find out
- The organization will ‘protect’ you
Name some areas a companies code of ethics will often cover
- Bribes and kickbacks
- Political contributions
- Honesty of books & records
- Customer/Supplier relationship
- Coworker relationships
- Confidentiality of corporate relationships
Compare the Classical vs Socioeconomic view of Social Responsibility
Classical: managements only concern is profits first and foremost
Socioeconomic view: Management must be concerned for the broader social welfare, not just profits
Name the 4 forms of responsibility an organization can take on
In order of increasing ethical stature
Economic Responsibility: Be profitable Legal Responsibility: Obe the law Ethical Responsibility: Do what is right Discretionary Responsibility: Contribute to community
Name 4 strategies for pursuing social responsibility
Meet only economic responsibilities
Meet economic and legal responsibilities
Meets economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities
Meets economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities
Name some benefits of sustainability
- Cost reduction
- Resource preservation
- Legislative compliance
- Positive reputation
- Right initiative