Schaum's: Verbs Flashcards
How do you form the futur proche?
Example: I am going to speak.
conjugation of aller + infinitive
Je vais parler.
How do you form the passé récent?
Example: I just spoke.
conjugation of venir + de + inifinitive
Je viens de parler.
Conjugate venir in the indicatif présent.
Je viens
Tu viens
Il vient
Nous venons
Vous venez
Ils viennent
Conjugate aller in the indicatif présent.
Je vais
Tu vas
Il va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils vont
How do you form the present participle?
The present participle is formed by dropping the ending -ons from the first person plural of the present tense and adding -ant.
How do you form the present participle of avoir, êtra, and savoir?
avoir - ayant
être - étant
savoir - sachant
What do you need to do when you use the present participle as an adjective.
Make sure it agrees with the noun it modifies.
une fille souriante
a smiling girl
Il parle d’une voix menaçante.
He speaks with a menacing voice
When is a present participle invariable?
When it is used to express an action that takes place at the same time as the action of the principle verb.
Je vois mon père faisant la cuisine.
I see my father cooking.
What can the present participle be replaced by?
qui plus a verb
Je vois mon père faisant (qui fait) la cuisine.
I see my father cooking (who is cooking).
How do you use the present participle to express cause?
use étant
Étant professeur, il veut enseigner.
Since he is a teacher, he wants to teach.
What preposition is often used with the present participle? What are its four meanings?
Although l like you, I recognize your faults.
One learns French by studying.
Upon arriving, I saw Marie.
While taking a walk, I met my friend.
- en* - although, by, upon, while
- Tout en vous aimant, je reconnais vos défauts.*
- On apprend le français en étudiant.*
- En me promenant, j’ai rencontré mon ami.*
- En arrivant, j’ai vu Marie.*
“By doing something” is expressed in French by en plus the present participle except after which verbs? What preposition do you use instead?
- commencer* - use par
- Elle a commencé par faire l’appel.*
She began by calling the roll.
- finir* - use par
- Il a fini par travailler.*
He finally started working.
- s’amuser* - use à
- Les enfants s’amusent à jouer dans le parc.*
The children are having fun (amusing themselves by) playing in the park.
What form of the verb do you use with prepositions other than en.
He left without saying anything.
Do the housework before going to the movies.
You use the infinitive.
- Il part sans rien dire.*
- Faites le ménage avant d’aller au cinéma.*
What is the future proche equivalent to in English?
to be going to
What is the passé récent used for?
It used to describe something that has just happened recently. It means to have just done something.
Describe the house used to remember the 17 verbs conjugated with être.
First floor = 1 (R)
Travelling between first and second floor = 3 (D, M, T)
Second floor 3 (D, M, N)
Leaving the house = 3 (A, P, S)
Returning to the house = 4 (R, R, R, V)
Arriving at the house = 2 (A, E)
Passing the house = 1 (P)

What verbs that are normally conjugated with être use avoir when they have direct objects?
- descendre/monter*
- entrer/sortir*
- rentrer*
- Elle a descendu les valises.*
- Ella a monté l’escalier.*
- Elle a entré les données dans son ordinateur.*
- Elle a sorti de l’argent.*
- Elle a rentré le journal du matin.*
Is passer always conjugated with être?
Only when it means: to pass by, to come by, to stop by, to be over, etc. When it means to spend time or take take an exam, etc. it is conjugated with avoir.
What is the other class of verbs that is always conjugated with être?
reflexive verbs
What does the past participle of non-reflexive verbs conjugated with être agree with?
gender and number of the subject
- je suis allé(e)*
- tu es allé(e)*
- il/on est allé*
- elle est alleé*
- nous sommes allé(e)s*
- vous êtes allé(e)(s)(es)*
- ils sont allés*
- elles sont allées*
What does the past participle of reflexive verbs conjugated with être agree with?
She washed herself.
She washed her hands.
She washed them.
The past participle of reflexive verbs agrees in number and gender with the reflexive pronoun when it is used as a direct object.
Elle s’est lavée.
When the direct object is not the reflexive pronoun there is no agreement.
Elle s’est lavé les mains.
If the direct object is replaced by an object pronoun, the participle will agree with the preceding direct object.
Elle se les est lavées.