Schatcher & Singer Flashcards
Assumption of the biological approach
- behaviour, cognitions & emotions can be explained in terms of the working of the brain, and the effect of hormones
- Similarities & differences between people can be uderstood in terms of biological factors, and their interaction with other factors
Aim for S&S
to test the two-factor theory of emotion. If given a state of psychological arousal for which the Pp had an explaination, whether this would lead them to link it to the situation around them or not
- Whether the activity of the stooge had an effect on Pp arousal
Two-factor thoery of emotion
Physiological arousal + cognitive interpretation = emotional experience
Hypothesise (3)
- if in a state of physiological aorusal, and no immediate explaination, Pp will blame based on cognitions around them
- If in a state of physiological arousal, and already have an explaination, labels will not be according to cognitions available
- No physiological arousal = no emotion
Fake aim given to Pp
- testing a drug “suproxin” on vision; seeing how vitamins affect vision
How many pp withdrew after fake aim given?
Number of Pp
Demographic for sample
- all males
- studying psychology at Uni of minnesota
- gain course credit
sample method
Type of study
- self report
- observation
psychological arousal in this study
(caused by epinephrine) - heart rate increases, headaches etc.
Cognitions (in this study)
Euphoric or anger condition
Experimental design
Independant measures design
- Injection given: Epinephrine; saline solution (placebo)
- Instruction given: informed, misinformed, ignored
- Condition: anger; euphoria
- self report questionnaire results
- Observation in the condition rooms
What were the epi mis group told?
- itching sensations
- numb feet
- slight headache
What were epi informed told?
- shakey hands
- pouding heart
- flushed face
- two-factor theory of emotion theory supported!
- (all hypothesis correct/confirmed)
- You need a state of psychological arousal AND a cognition in order to feel emotion
- all males
- done for course credit
- Uni students studying psycho
- large sample
- standardised stooges, info, injections, questionnaires, activities, pulses
- Inter-rater reliability good (88% euphoria) (71% anger)
- people with anxiety/panic attacks to recognise their symptoms, and how we can help them
- quantitative & qualitative data collected
- Observations behind one-way glass (covert)
- Multiple measures of emotion - heart rate, observation & questionnaire
- stooges unaware which condition Pp are in
- not all Pp reacted to the injection
- ecological validity
- possible social desirability bias in anger condition - not wanting to offend the stooge
- Psychology students may work harder to find out what experiment is all about
- Can’t compare emotions afterwards to before hand-as not all full measurements taken
- debrief
- informed consent
- right to withdraw
- physical harm - injections checked with health board before experiment
- deception used
- Course credit offer could affect obligation to withdraw
Nature or nurture
Situational vs individual
- different cognitions led to different emotions WHEN pp didn’t already have an explaination for their arousal
- each Pp reacted differently to the injection.
- When had an internal reason (injection) for emotion, that was the explaination