Dement & Kleitman Flashcards
Which assumption of the biological approach does the Sleep & Dreams study apply to?
- Behvaiour (eye movements) and cognitions (Dreams) can be explained in terms of the working of the brain, and the effect of hormones
Define “dream”
A subjective experience of imagery while we’re asleep
Define “REM sleep”
Rapid Eye Movements sleep - sleeping occurs during this phase. Our muscles are paralysed so that we do not physically act out our dreams
What is an EEG, and what was it used for the the D&K Study?
An EEG is a machine that uses electrodes to measure brain wave activity.
An EEG machine was used to measure the activity of the brain in REM sleep and nREM sleep while Pp were sleeping
What is an EOG, and what was it used for in the D&K study?
An EOG records eye movements with electrodes attached around the eyes.
In this study, an EOG was used to record the direction of eye movements while Pp were asleep.
Psychology investigated in D&K
- REM and nREM sleep
- EEG and EOG machines
Aims of the D&K study
- To study the difference in dream recall between REM and nREM sleep
- To study the subjective dream duration estimates and compare it to the amount of time spent in REM sleep
- To see whether patterns in eye movements has any correlation with subjective dream descriptions
Hypothesis of D&K
- REM sleep would have better recall than nREM sleep
- a positive correlation would be found between dream duration estimates and time spent in REM sleep
- Two-tailed hypothesis that eye movent and dream content relates, or is merely random
number of pp in D&K
9 (5 studied intensively)
Samplie method in D&K
Characteristsics of the sample in D&K
7 were male, 2 female
5 studied intensively
Type of study in D&K
Describe the EEG used in D&K
- run continuously during sleep period
- Model 3 Grass
- run at 3cm/s
- 2-3 electrodes attached to the scalp of the pp
- all wires tied in a “pony tail” at the top of pp’s head
Describe the EOG used in D&K
- Run at 3 or 6mm/s
- 2 or more electrodes attached around the eyes
Describe the bell in the D&K study
- sufficiently loud to be able to wake Pp
- Located next to the bed
- door bell
Experimental design in D&K
Repeated measures - all Pp took part in all levels of the IV
What was the procedure before the Pp went to sleep
- Pp instructed not to consume any alcohol or caffiene during the day of the experiment
- Told to arrive in the lab just before their usual bed time
- Put to sleep in a quiet, dark room
Independant variables in D&K
- Which stage dreams were occuring
- Duration of REM sleep
- Pattern of eye movement during REM sleep
How was a “dream” operationalised in the D&K study
If Pp could give a detailed description of the dream content. If little detail/no recall, this was not considered a dream. Subjective
What was the awakening schedule of PM and KC in D&K?
- No pattern
What was the awakening schedule of DN in D&K?
- Pattern: 3REM, then 3 nREM
What was the awakening schedule of IR in D&K?
- Upon the whim of the Experimenter
What was the awakening schedule of WD in D&K?
- told that they would only be awoken while sleeping, but instead was woken randomly in REM and nREM sleep
Procedure of eyemovement periods associated with dream recall in D&K
- Once awoken, Pp speak into a recording device near the bed
- State wether or not they were dreaming
- If so, pp would describe the content of their dream
- Occaisonaly E would enter the room to talk after the Pp had finished with the recording device
Procedure of length of REM periods and subjective dream duration estimates (1st attempt) in D&K
- Pp awoken at various times after REM period had started, and were asked to recall to the nearest minute how long they think they had been dreaming
Too difficult, but results were suprisingly accurate
Procedure of length of REM periods and subjective dream duration estimates (2nd attempt) in D&K
- Pp were awoken either 5 or 15 minutes after REM period had begun, and were told to choose if they had bee dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes
- The 5 or 15 min awakenings were chosen at random
Procedure to see specific eye movements in correlation with subjective imagery of dream content in D&K (1st attempt)
- once awoken during REM periods, pp were asked to tell the E which directions they had been looking during their dream
Too hard: Pp couldn’t recall this much detail
Procedure to see specific eye movements in correlation with subjective imagery of dream content in D&K (2nd attempt)
- Pp awoken after seeing 4 patterns of eye movements in REM period that persisted for 1 minute
- Asked to describe in detail what was happening in the dream
- mainly vertical movements
- Mainly horizontal movements
- A mixture of both
- little to no movement
How was validity ensured to check the eye movement patterns in D&K?
20 naive Pp and 5 experimenters were asked to observe distant and close up things while awake Vertical and horizontal electrodes were attached while doing so.
Results on the occurence of REM periods in D&K
- everyone experienced REM periods
- REM periods tended to last longer further on in the night
- No REMS were recorded at the onset of sleep
- amount, pattern and size of movements varied with each period
Results on the duration of REM periods in D&K
ranged from** 3 - 50 minutes** - mean being 20
Results on dream recall in REM and nREM periods in D&K
- 80% of dreams were able to be recalled if woken in REM sleep
- only 7% of dreams able to be recalled if awoken in nREM sleep
- Despite different awakening schedules, no results were significantly varied
-* Practice effects* were proven not to take place - The further into nREM sleep, the less likely to recall a description of a dream
Qualitative results of being awoken during nREM sleep in D&K
- Pp awoke somewhat bewildered. They were sure they had been dreaming, or thought they hadn’t been asleep at all
Results on dream duration estimates in D&K
- All pp were able to choose the correct dream duration estimate with good accuracy except for DN ~ could only remember later part of his dream, leading him to think it was shorter
Results on dream duration and length of dream narratives in D&K
Dream narrative length (counted as number of words said by Pp) and REM period was positively correlated.
- dream narratives for REMs of 15 minutes were not much shorter than REMs of 30-50 minutes - probably due to being unable to remember so much detail
- not all narratives could be used due to unclear recording
Dream with vertical eye movement in D&K
Climbing up a ladder and looking up and down
dream with horizontal movement in D&K
2 people throwing tomatoes at each other
Dream with both Horizontal and Vertical eye movements in D&K
Talking to a group of people, or fighting with someone
Dream with little to no eye movement in D&K
driving along the road(looking in the distance), and then a man jumps out from the left
Results on confirmation of waking eye movements
In all cases, waking eye movement was mostly directly applicable to the eye movemets while sleeping.
Conclusions of the D&K study (3)
- Everyone experiences REM periods while sleeping - this is accompanied by dreaming
- Eye movements during REM periods are associateed with the dream content
- Subjective dream duration is related to the actual length on REM periods
Nature vs Nurture? D&K study
Nature - Everyone experiences REM periods while sleeping
Individual or situational? D&K study
Individual - Everyone’s dream descriptions were different and their own dreams depended on the duration of REM and eye movement patterns
Generalisability in the D&K study
- Both genders used
- a biological study makes results easier to generalise
- Small samle: 9
- 5 males and only 2 females
- only 5 studied intensively, and we don’t know the specific demographic of these 5
- only used adults
- told not to drinl alcohol of caffiene - abnormal for adults usually
- dark quiet room - not everyone sleeps like this
Reliability in the D&K study
- reliable machines used for measurement - EEG and EOG
- operationalised dreaming
- same set-up for all Pp: Bell, dark, quiet room, electrodes, recording device
- standardised instructions for Pp prior to coming to the lab
- details given on EEG and EOG machine
- number of nights slept in the lab not standardised
- Little to no standadisation of awakening schedules
D&K study application
- Sleep scientists: Could possibly help those with sleep disorders to see their sleeping patterns
- App creators: who track sleeping patterns and cycles
Validity of D&K study
- Operationalisation of “dream”
- Both qualititave and quantitative data collected
- Objective measures with the EEG and EOG
- Lab experiment meant all variables could be controlled
- Tried another experiment if the first one didn’t work/was too hard
- Minimal demand charcteristics - Pp never told if in REM or not
- Ecological validity - unnatural normal environment for Pp to be sleeping
- Subjective self reports of dreams
- Correlation methods cannot find causation
Ethics in the D&K study
- Confidentialilt kept
- No harm done
- Volunteers - were able to give consent
- assumed right to withdraw
- deception - WD
- potential longer term harm having so much disturbed sleep