SBIRT for ED Flashcards
Consciousness Raising
increased awareness of the causes consequences and cures for a problem behavior. Interventions include feedback, education, interpretation, respectful confrontation, bibliotherapy and media campaigns
–>most useful in early stages (Pre-contemplation and Contemplation)
Dramatic Relief
increasing emotional experiences which will enable improved feelings if action is taken. Psychodrama, role play, grief, personal testimony and media campaigns.
–>most useful in early stages (Pre-contemplation and Contemplation)
Environmental Reevaluation
affective and cognitive assessments of how the behavior affects other people including the desire to be a role model. Empathy training, documentaries, family interventions.
–>most useful in early stages (Pre-contemplation and Contemplation)
Social Liberation
increased opportunities or alternatives not previously available to the person, advocacy, policy changes, health promotion for minority populations.
–>most useful in early stages (Pre-contemplation and Contemplation)
affective and cognitive assessments of ones’ own self-image with and without a particular unhealthy habit. Healthy role models, values clarification and imagery.
–>most useful in early stages (Pre-contemplation and Contemplation)
Stimulus Control
remove cues for unhealthy habits and add prompts for healthier alternatives, avoidance, changing the environment and self-help groups.
–>primarily behavioral and generally work best when the person is in the latter stages of change (Action and Maintenance).
Helping Relationships
caring support and acceptance. Buddy systems, therapist relationships, rapport building.
–>primarily behavioral and generally work best when the person is in the latter stages of change (Action and Maintenance).
Counter Conditioning
learning healthy behaviors that can substitute for the problem behavior. Relaxation can counter stress, assertion can counter peer pressure.
–> primarily behavioral and generally work best when the person is in the latter stages of change ( Action and Maintenance).
Reinforcement Management
consequences for taking steps in a particular direction, usually rewards. Contingency contracts, positive self-statements, group recognition.
–>primarily behavioral and generally work best when the person is in the latter stages of change ( Action and Maintenance).
belief that you can change and choices in how to make that change. Options for behavioral choices like New Years’ resolutions public testimonies.
–>primarily behavioral and generally work best when the person is in the latter stages of change ( Action and Maintenance) .
Standard Drink Size: beer or cooler
12 oz
Standard Drink Size: malt liquor
8-9 oz
Standard Drink Size: table wine
5 oz
Standard Drink Size: fortified wine
3-4 oz
Standard Drink Size: cordial, liquor, or aperitif
2-3 oz
Standard Drink Size: brandy
1.5 oz
Standard Drink Size: spirits
1.5 oz
Karen Carpenter
She and her brother were the top best-selling American recording artists and performing musicians of the 1970s.
She battled w/ anorexia nervosa for 7 years - starving herself, using laxatives, drinking water, taking dozens of thyroid pills, and purging. Just as she was beginning to overcome the disorder, she died of complications at 32 years of age.
What are SMART goals?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time limited
For a patient in the preparation stage, how many of the 10 processes of change can you use depending on patient preferences and strengths?
Any of the 10 processes of change