If upon arrival at a STAIRWELL door, there is a light smoke condition present , IMMEDIATELY CLOSE door to stairwell.
notify OFFICER IN COMMAND of smoke condition
-proceed via CLEAR STAIRWELL to search for source of smoke , if source of smoke is from open door in stairwell , immediately close door , if door can not be closed, immediately exit hallway via clear stairwell
-search for source VIA CLEAR STAIRWELL , one floor at a time
ANOTHER unit can begin searching for source of smoke FROM LOWER FLOORS UPWARD VIA CONTAMINATED STAIRWELL
ROOF FF will proceed to roof via clearr stairwell and VENT CONTAMINATED BULKHEAD DOOR from roof, if paint does not ignite this will give it a place to vent and prevent horizontal extension
source of smoke located, handling from floor below
due to flammability of paint, AT NO TIME shall members operate above the smoke in the involved stairwell , until complete EXTINGUISHMENT of the burnin material
variation: LOW RISE FIREPROOF…one stair, search from lower floor upward