Say this Flashcards
Subglottic Hematoma
PHACES Syndrome
PHACES Syndrome
Cutaneous Hemangioma
Ropy Appearance
Meconium Aspiration
Post Term Delivery
Meconium Aspiration
Fluid in the fissures
Transient Tachypnea
Maternal Sedation
Transient tachypnea
Premature with Granular opacities
Term + High Lung Volume + Granular opacities
Term + low lung volume + Granular opacities
B-hemolytic strep pneumonia
Band like opacities
chronic lung disease (BPD)
Linear lucencies
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema
pulmonary hypoplasia
diaphragmatic hernia
lung cysts and nodules
LCH or paillomatosis
Lower lobe bronchiectatsis
Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Upper lobe bronchiectasis
<2 yo posterior mediastinal mass
No air in stomach
esophageal atresia
Excessive air in stomach
H Type TE fistula (mc type)
Anterior esophageal impression
pulmonary sling
pulmonary sling
tracheal stenosis
single bubble
gastric (antral or pyloric) atresia
double bubble
duodenal atresia
duodenal atresia
single bubble with distal gas
might be mid-gut volvulous