Physics Flashcards
negative charge (electrons flow from)
positive charge (electrons move to)
multiphase generators
reduces ripple effect of AC current (overlaps several waves)
- makes peaks = kVp (peaks)
- increases with accelerating voltage (kV) and anode atomic number (Z)
characteristic radiation
incoming e- ejects inner shell e-
- must exceed binding energy (only K shell is important)
- 5-10% of total usually
all targets produce characteristic radiation just below 20 keV, why?
k-edge filtering
how can you get more characteristic radiation
lower Z anode (Mo in mammo)
- get 25% characteristic (max contrast = mono-energetic spectrum)
x ray filter
stops low energy photons = reduces dose
inherent filtration
glass exit window on the tube
added filtration
preferential filtering at lower energies
- mean energy shits UP (shifts to the right) = increasing QUALITY, decrease QUANTITY (decrease dose)
K-edge filtering
filter material just about the k-edge of the target to kill higher energy keV photons
- makes spectrum narrower
- emphasize characteristic peaks
- both improve contrast
photoelectric absorption
totally absorbed
Compton scattering
lose part of energy and change direction
Photoelectric interaction
- incoming photon hits tight inner shell
- photon is totally absorbed (photoelectron ejected)
- outer shell electron fills vacancy = emits characteristic “fluorescent” x ray
kedge depends on material, what is the k edge of Iodine
33 keV
when do you get the best image contrast
when the beam spectrum matches the energy-dependent interaction inside the person
probability of photoelectric interactions
increased with increased Z
decreased with increased energy
compton scatter
photon hits loosely bound outer shell e-
- scatters in a new direction with less energy
- proportional to electron density
- falls off at higher energy
Sum of all interactions in the patient
- went in and didn’t come out = photoelectric effect
- went in and didn’t get detected due to change in direction and energy = compton scatter
increase in energy does what to total attenuation
decrease in PE with about the same compton = decrease total attenuation
photoelectric effect dominates at what energies
lower energy
compton dominates at what energies
higher energy
linear attenuation coefficient (u)
fraction of incident photons lost from beam per distance unit
- Beer-Lambert law
half value layer
thickness of material that cuts the beam intensity in half
- increased energy -> increased HVL (need more stuff to stop beam)
- increased density of material -> decreased HVL (for same energy, need less stuff to stop it)
what is the useful equation for HVL
HVL = 0.7 / u
what is the clinical significance of HVL
shows if there is enough filtering
lower HVL = decrease in quality/energy, increased attenuation, increased dose (bad stuff)
mass attenuation coefficient
linear attenuation coefficent divided by density (u / p)
- independent of phase of matter of density
beam hardening
tissue attenuation acts like a filter (removes lower energy photons)
x ray exposure = mAs, what if you increase mAs
increased mAs = more photons, same energy distribution -> mean energy stays the same
- direct proportion to increase dose = double mAs = 2 x photons and 2 x the dose
varying energy (kVp), what happens if you increase kVp
more photons and HIGHER engery
- 50/15 rule = increase in kVp by 15% = 2x photons -> should cut mAs by 50% to get same exposure (in 60-90 kVp range)
what is meant by softer beam
decreased kVp
- decreased penetration
- increased attenuation in body tissues
- INCREASED CONTRAST (small dynamic range used in mammo due to all soft tissue imaging)
what is meant by harder beam
increased kVp
- increased penetration
- decreased attenuation
- larger dynamic range (CXR - different tissues)
Typical kVp of different exams from lowest to highest
Mammo - 20
Extremity - 40
head, spine, hip, angiography - 70
Abdomen - 80
Barium - 115
CXR - 120
if you decrease energy (kVP) what happens
- decreased photons = AEC will increase mAs
- increased contrast
- increased dose (from increase in mAs)
lower kVp for peds reduces, dose, how?
decreased flux of x rays produced but partially limit the mA compensation (partial AEC)
- decreased dose but increased image noise
does iterative recon affect dose
iterative recon does what to an image
decrease noise
what does scatter do to contrast
degrades contrast
how to reduce scatter
- grid
- collimation
- air gap
Grid use
scatter is not aligned = removes a lot of scatter
- some primary is filtered as well
grid ratio
higher the grid ratio the higher the scatter rejection
Grid ratio = height of strips / distance between strips (GR = h /D)
what is bucky factor
Bucky factor = ratio of input to output flux (usually 2-6)
- need to increase exposure that much to get same exposure to the detector -> increases DOSE
Adding a grid does what if dose does not change
- decreased scatter
- INCREASED noise due to decreased through transmission
Collimation to reduce scatter
decrease FOV = DECREASED scatter, INCREASED contrast
Air Gap to reduce scatter
- scatter has a greater angle = doesn’t hit detector
- scatter has a shorter distance to travel and falls off more quickly than primary (inverse square law)
- Greater source to image distance and magnification
how much of the electron energy is converted to x rays vs heat
99% heat and 1% x rays
heat capacity of tube determined by what?
- focal spot
- anode
- housing
what is the equation for heat units
HU = kVp x mA x secs
1 HU = 0.71 J
Line focus principle
bigger area for heat dissipation
determined by anode angle theta
if you increase anode angle theta what happens
- increased heat dissipation
- increased effective focal spot
- increases FOV
- decreased sharpness
Heel effect
- decreased amount of higher energy photons on the anode side
- worse for bigger FOV or shorter source to image distance
due to heel effect which side of the tube will you place the thickest (most dense) part of the body
cathode side
Grid artifacts
- incorrect focal distance
- off center grid
- tilted grid
- inverted grid
effect of increased kVp on contrast
increased kVp = increased penetration, decreased contrast, decreased dose
Resolution due to frequency
thick about sound (violin vs bass)
- higher spatial frequency for smaller size
- lower spatial frequency for larger, thicker structures
Resolution is characterized by what function
Modulation transfer function (MTF)
- range of 0-1 (1 is perfect)
- in real life lower frequency is better preserved
resolution limits in line pairs
one line pair / mm is equal to two pixels (line pair = 1 bright and 1 dark = 2 pixels)
- 5 lp / mm = 10 pixels / mm = pixel size of 0.100 mm
Limiting resolution
Limiting resolution = frequency at 10% MTF
what are the usual limiting resolutions for different exams from high to low resolution
Mammo - 5-10 lp/mm
Radiography - 3 lp/mm
CT - 1 lp/mm
Resolution is affected by what
- motion
- focal spot size and magnification
- detector resolution and sampling
Motion unsharpness
- patient motion or tube motion
how do you decrease motion unsharpness
- shorter exposure times
- immobilize patients
how to decrease focal spot blur
use a small focal spot
what are the typical focal spots for typical radiography and for mammo
- typical - 1.2 or 0.6 mm
- mammo - 0.3 or 0.1 mm
why can you not use the smallest focal spot all the time
- reduced tube output -> longer exposure time -> more motion blur
- more heat = shorter tube life
Focal spot blur
- Penumbra blur is directly proportional to the focal spot size and the mag
- bigger the mage or focal spot = more blur
Geometric unsharpness
small FS and small mag = less blur
big FS and big Mag = greatly increased blur
small FS and big mag = standard blur
- mag makes everything bigger including focal spot blur (use small FS to get back to standard)
Detector resolution
- detector type, material, thickness
- pixel pitch
- binning
Overall resolution is determined by each individual MTF of the system, how do you improve resolution
must know each individual MTF and address the worst one
multiply each one together to get the overall MTF of the system
Noise power spectrum (NPS)
spatial frequency content of image noise
- decrease dose = MORE noise
- increase dose = LESS noise
what causes noise
mostly = finite number of photons used in the image (quantum mottle)
Limited absorption efficiency of the x ray by the detector
Quantum mottle
Poisson distribution (variance = mean)
- relative noise = 1 / sq rt N
Signal to noise ratio
resolution in the numerator and noise is denominator (R/N)
SNR of > 5 is good
what happens to SNR if there more noise
both size and contrast of detectible lesions go down
what happens to SNR if there is more blur
size of detectible lesions goes down
Detective quantum efficiency (DQE)
dose is proportional to SNR^2
- better DQE = better machine
- DQE of 2x = same image quality for less dose (SNR same for 1/2 dose)
- higher image quality for same dose (1.4 x SNR of same dose)
what is the range of DQE
- higher = better to see small lower contrast at a lower dose
Digital imaging machines
- improved dynamic range
- post processing better quality
Indirect flat panel
phosphor -> converts x ray to light -> CCD or photodiode coverts light to signal
- decreased signal
- increased noise
- increased blur from light spread
BUT, has higher DQE (increased absorption efficiency of materials)
Direct flat panel
photoconductor coverts x rays to signal directly
Computed radiography
storage phosphor hold x rays in latent storage -> laser stimulates light emission -> photomultiplier tube coverts light to signal
- both indirect and direct are better than CR
MTF of direct, indirect, and CR
Direct > Indirect > CR
DQE of direct, indirect and CR
Indirect > Direct > CR
Pre processing
- correct for detector defects
- convert x ray to pixel values
- display consistently with prior
Post processing
- grayscale processing
- edge enhancement
- equalization
brightness, cs/m^2
- high >/= 350, 420 for mammo
- low = 1 or 1.2 for mammo
great luinance = increased contrast
grayscale display function - more consistent throughout the hospital
CR twin
double exposed plates (two images on top of each other)
Delayed readout of CR
decreased density in the periphery where the fading starts
Backscatter exposure
poor collimation or long exposure = backscatter from the cassette (CR) or detector electronics (DR)
CR roller artifact
dust on the roller = horizontal bright lines that can be traced outside the patient
Grid moire pattern
interference between the grid ratio and display matrix
- can show up on monitor with to low resolution
DR lag (ghosting)
residual image of lead markers from previous image
DR incomplete grid suppression software
incomplete grid line suppression by post processing
DR detector saturation
overexposure in low/un-attenuated regions (like lung)
- can’t recover the data
Fluoro tube changes
heat capacity
- high speed anode rotation
- water or oil heat sink
Focal spot
- small focal spot for fluoro
- large focal spot during spot or cine (greater tube current)
fluoro collimation
mulitple sets of shutters
beam shaping
- decreased object glare
- decreased scatter
- decreased dose
Image intensifier
x ray - latight - electons - light - electronic signal
flat panel detector
x ray - light - electronic signal
II flux gain
e- gain kinetic energy when travelling across the high voltage
- increases light by a factor of 50-100
Minification gain
BIG input, small output (affects only brightness)
Brightness gain of II
BG = flux gain x minification gain