SAT-3000-9 Flashcards
ADJ. cheerful; hopeful. Let us not be too san¬guine about the outcome; something could go wrong.
V. diminish; undermine. The element kryptonite has an unhealthy effect on Superman: it saps his strength.
N. scornful remarks; stinging rebuke. Though Ralph pretended to ignore the mocking comments of his supposed friends their sarcasm wounded him deeply.
ADJ. disdainful; sarcastic; cynical. The sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people as amusing and others as rude.
ADJ. pertaining to tailors. He was as famous for the sartorial splendor of his attire as he was for his acting.
V. satisfy to the full; cloy. Its hunger sated. the lion dozed.
N. small body revolving around a larger one. Dur¬ing the first few years of the Space Age hundreds of satel¬lites were launched by Russia and the United States.
V. satisfy fully. Having stuffed themselves until they were satiated the guests were so full they were ready for a nap.
N. form of literature in which irony sarcasm and ridicule are employed to attack vice and folly. Gulliver’s Travels which is regarded by many as a tale for children is actually a bitter satire attacking man’s folly.
ADJ. mocking. The humor of cartoonist Gary Trudeau often is satirical; through the comments of the Doonesbury characters Trudeau ridicules political corrup¬tion and folly.
V. soak thoroughly. Saturate your sponge with water until it can’t hold any more.
ADJ. gloomy. Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he is not as gloomy as he looks.
V. stroll slowly. As we sauntered through the park we stopped frequently to admire the spring flowers.
N. scholar. Our faculty includes many world¬famous savants.
V. enjoy; have a distinctive flavor smell or quality. Relishing his triumph the actor especially savored the cha¬grin of the critics who had predicted his failure.
ADJ. tasty; pleasing attractive or agreeable. Julia Child’s recipes enable amateur chefs to create savory deli¬cacies for their guests.
N. case for a sword blade; sheath. The drill mas¬ter told the recruit to wipe the blood from his sword before slipping it back into the scabbard.
N. a great quantity. Refusing Dave’s offer to lend him a shirt Phil replied “No thanks I’ve got scads of clothes.”
N. temporary platform for workers; bracing frame¬work; platform for execution. Before painting the house the workers put up a scaffold to allow them to work on the sec¬ond story.
V. climb up; ascend. In order to locate a book on the top shelf of the stacks Lee had to scale an exceptionally rickety ladder.
N. rascal. Despite his mischievous behavior Mal¬colm was such an engaging scamp that his mother almost lacked the heart to punish him.
ADJ. meager; insufficient. Thinking his helping of food was scanty Oliver Twist asked for more.
N. someone who bears the blame for others. After the Challenger disaster NASA searched for scape¬goats on whom they could cast the blame.
V. hunt through discarded materials for usable items; search especially for food. If you need car parts that the dealers no longer stock try scavenging for odd bits and pieces at the auto wreckers’ yards. scavenger N.
N. plot outline; screenplay; opera libretto. Scara¬mouche startled the other actors in the commedia troupe when he suddenly departed from their customary scenario and began to improvise.
ADJ. relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols. In working out the solution to this logic puzzle you may find it helpful to construct a simple schematic diagram outlining the order of events.
N. division; split. Let us not widen the schism by further bickering.
V. sparkle; flash. I enjoy her dinner parties because the food is excellent and the conversation scintil¬lates.
V. mock; ridicule. He scoffed at dentists until he had his first toothache.
N. lash; whip; severe punishment. They feared the plague and regarded it as a deadly scourge. alsoV.
V. fret about; hesitate for ethical reasons. Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair she did not scruple to read his diary. also N.
ADJ. conscientious; extremely thorough. Though Alfred is scrupulous in fulfilling his duties at work he is less conscientious about his obligations to his family and friends.
V. examine closely and critically. Searching for flaws the sergeant scrutinized every detail of the private’s uniform.
V. struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. The twins briefly scuffled wrestling to see which of them would get the toy. When their big brother yelled “Let go of my Gameboy!” they scuffled off down the hall. scurrilous ADJ. obscene; indecent. Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue.
V. move briskly. The White Rabbit had to scurry to get to his appointment on time.
ADJ. despicable; contemptible. Peter Pan sneered at Captain Hook and his scurvy crew.
V. scurry; run with short rapid steps. The bug scut¬tled rapidly across the floor.
V. sink. The sailors decided to scuttle their vessel rather than surrender it to the enemy.
ADJ. sordid; unwholesome. In The Godfather Michael Corleone is unwilling to expose his wife and chil¬dren to the seamy side of his life as the son of a Mafia don. sear V. char or burn; brand. Accidentally brushing against the hot grill she seared her hand badly.
ADJ. experienced. Though pleased with her new batch of rookies the basketball coach wished she had a few more seasoned players on the team.
N. withdrawal. The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration. secedeV.
N. isolation; solitude. One moment she loved crowds; the next she sought seclusion. secludeV.
V. hide away; produce and release a substance into an organism. The pack rat secretes odds and ends in its nest; the pancreas secretes insulin in the islets of Langerhans. sect N. separate religious body; faction. As university chaplain she sought to address universal religious issues and not limit herself to concerns of any one sect.
ADJ. relating to a religious faction or subgroup; narrow-minded; limited. Far from being broad-minded the religious leader was intolerant of new ideas paying atten¬tion only to purely sectarian interests. sect. N.
ADJ. worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal. The church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters.
ADJ. composed; grave. The parents were worried because they felt their son was too quiet and sedate.
ADJ. requiring sitting. Disliking the effect of her sedentary occupation on her figure Stacy decided to work out at the gym every other day.
N. resistance to authority; insubordination. His words though not treasonous in themselves were calcu¬lated to arouse thoughts of sedition.
ADJ. diligent; hardworking. After weeks of patient and sedulous labor we completed our detailed analysis of every published SAT examination.
ADJ. run-down; decrepit; disreputable. I would rather stay in dormitory lodgings in a decent youth hostel than have a room of my own in a seedy downtown hotel.
ADJ. proper; appropriate. Lady Bracknell did not think it was seemly for Ernest to lack a proper family: no baby abandoned on a doorstep could grow up to be a fit match for her daughter.
V. ooze; trickle. During the rainstorm water seeped through the crack in the basement wall and damaged the floor boards. seepage N.
V. be disturbed; boil. The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
ADJ. pertaining to earthquakes. The Richter scale is a measurement of seismic disturbances.
N. school for training future ministers; academy for young women. Sure of his priestly vocation Terrence planned to pursue his theological training at the local Roman Catholic seminary.
ADJ. devoted to the pleasures of the senses; car¬nal; voluptuous. I cannot understand what caused him to abandon his sensual way of life and become so ascetic.
ADJ. terse; concise; aphoristic. After reading so many redundant speeches I find his sententious style particularly pleasing.
N. sentry; lookout. Though camped in enemy terri¬tory Bledsoe ignored the elementary precaution of posting sentinels around the encampment.
V. isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude. Banished from his kingdom the wizard Prospero sequestered himself on a desert island. To prevent the jurors from hearing news broadcasts about the case the judge decided to sequester the jury.
N. gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck. Many scien¬tific discoveries are a matter of serendipity. Newton was not sitting under a tree thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head.
N. calmness; placidity. The sound of air raid sirens pierced the serenity of the quiet village of Pearl Harbor. serpentine ADJ. winding; twisting. The car swerved at every curve in the serpentine road.
ADJ. having a sawtoothed edge. The beech tree is one of many plants that have serrated leaves.
ADJ. slavish; cringing. Constantly fawning on his employer humble Uriah Heap was a servile creature.
N. slavery; compulsory labor. Born a slave Fred¬erick Douglass resented his life of servitude and plotted to escape to the North.
V. cut; separate. The released prisoner wanted to begin a new life and sever all connections with his criminal past. Dr. Guillotin invented a machine that could neatly sever an aristocratic head from its equally aristocratic body. Unfortu¬nately he couldn’t collect any severance pay. severance N.
N. harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity. The severity of Jane’s migraine attack was so great that she took to her bed for a week.
V. chain; fetter. The criminal’s ankles were shack¬led to prevent his escape. also N.
V. pretend. He shammed sickness to get out of going to school. also N.
N. wreck; mess. After the hurricane the Car¬olina coast was a shambles. After the New Year’s Eve party the apartment was a shambles.
N. fragment generally of pottery. The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earth¬enware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition.
N. bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together. The lawyer picked up a sheaf of papers as he rose to question the witness.
V. cut or clip (hair fleece); strip of something. You may not care to cut a sheep’s hair but Sarah shears sheep for Little Bo Peep.
V. place into a case. As soon as he recognized the approaching men he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends.
ADJ. very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute. Wearing nothing but an almost sheer robe Delilah draped herself against the sheer temple wall. Beholding her Sam¬son was overcome by her sheer beauty. Then she sheared his hair.
V. glimmer intermittently. The moonlight shim¬mered on the water as the moon broke through the clouds for a moment. also N.
V. avoid (responsibility work etc.); malinger. Brian has a strong sense of duty; he would never shirk any responsibility.
ADJ. sham; not genuine; inferior. You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material.
ADJ. clever; astute. A shrewd investor he took clever advantage of the fluctuations of the stock market.
V. hide from view; wrap for burial. Fog shrouded Dracula’s castle hiding the ruined tower beneath sheets of mist.
V. keep away from. Cherishing his solitude the recluse shunned the company of other human beings.
N. lawyer using questionable methods. On L.A. Law Brackman is horrified to learn that his newly-discov¬ered half brother is nothing but a cheap shyster.
N. brother or sister. We may not enjoy being sib¬lings but we cannot forget that we still belong to the same family.
ADJ. monkeylike. Lemurs are nocturnal mammals and have many simian characteristics although they are less intelligent than monkeys.
N. comparison of one thing with another using the word like or as. “My love is like a red red rose” is a simile.
V. smirk; smile affectedly. Complimented on her appearance Stella self-consciously simpered.
ADJ. oversimplified. Though Jack’s solution dealt adequately with one aspect of the problem it was simplistic in failing to consider various complications that might arise.
V. feign. He simulated insanity in order to avoid punishment for his crime.
N. well-paid position with little responsibility. My job is no sinecure; I work long hours and have much responsibility.
ADJ. tough; strong and firm. The steak was too sinewy to chew.
ADJ. unique; extraordinary; odd. Though the young man tried to understand Father William’s singular behavior he still found it odd that the old man incessantly stood on his head. singularity N.
ADJ. evil. We must defeat the sinister forces that seek our downfall.
ADJ. winding; bending in and out; not morally hon¬est. The snake moved in a sinuous manner.
N. doubter; person who suspends judgment until the evidence supporting a point of view has been exam¬ined. I am a skeptic about the new health plan; I want some proof that it can work. skepticism N.
N. small light sailboat or rowboat. Tom dreamed of owning an ocean-going yacht but had to settle for a skiff he could sail in the bay.
V. provide scantily; live very economically. They were forced to skimp on necessities in order to make their limited supplies last the winter.
N. stingy person; miser. Scrooge was an ungener¬ous old skinflint until he reformed his ways and became a notable philanthropist.
N. minor fight. Custer’s troops expected they might run into a skirmish or two on maneuvers; they did not expect to face a major battle. alsoV.
V. move furtively and secretly. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city in order to avoid meeting any of his former friends.
V. slow up; loosen. As they passed the finish line the runners slackened their pace.
N. residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter. The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag.
V. quench; sate. When we reached the oasis we were able to slake our thirst.
N. defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements. Considering the negative comments politicians make about each other it’s a wonder that more of them aren’t sued for slander. alsoV.
ADJ. haphazard; careless; sloppy. From the number of typos and misspellings I’ve found in it it’s clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably slapdash fashion.
N. something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable. Unnoticed by the critics at its publication the eventual Pulitzer Prize winner was a classic sleeper.
N. dexterity. The magician amazed the audience with his sleight of hand.
N. insult to one’s dignity; snub. Hypersensitive and ready to take offense at any discourtesy Bertha was always on the lookout for real or imaginary slights. alsoV.
ADJ. untidy or slovenly; shabby. As a master craftsman the carpenter prided himself on not doing slip¬shod work.
V. slip or slide. During the recent ice storm many people slithered down this hill as they walked to the station.
ADJ. lazy. Lying idly on the sofa while others worked Reggie denied he was slothful: “I just supervise better lying down.”
V. cast off. Each spring the snake sloughs off its skin.
ADJ. untidy; careless in work habits. Unshaven sitting around in his bathrobe all afternoon Gus didn’t seem to care about the slovenly appearance he presented. The dark ring around the bathtub and the spider webs hanging from the beams proved what a slovenly housekeeper she was.
N. lazy person. “You are a sluggard a drone a parasite the angry father shouted at his lazy son.
ADJ. Slow; lazy; lethargic. After two nights without sleep she felt sluggish and incapable of exertion.
V. speak indistinctly; mumble. When Sol has too much to drink he starts to slur his words: “Washamatter Cansh you undershtand what I shay”
N. insult to one’s character or reputation; slander. Polls revealed that the front-runner’s standing had been badly damaged by the slurs and innuendoes circulated by his opponent’s staff. also V. (secondary meaning)
V. melt or blend ores changing their chemical com¬position. The furnaceman smelts tin with copper to create a special alloy used in making bells.
N. conceited smile. Wipe that smirk off your face! alsoV.
V. burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment. The rags smoldered for hours before they burst into flame.
N. half-stifled laugh. The boy could not suppress a snicker when the teacher sat on the tack. alsoV.
V. run at the nose; snuffle; whine. Don’t you come sniveling to me complaining about your big brother. sobriety N. moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness. Neither falling-down drunks nor stand-up comics are noted for sobriety. soberADJ.
ADJ. soaked; dull as if from drink. He set his sod¬den overcoat near the radiator to dry.
N. temporary stay. After his sojourn in Florida he began to long for the colder climate of his native New Eng¬land home.
N. comfort in trouble. I hope you will find solace in the thought that all of us share your loss.
V. repair or make whole by using a metal alloy. The plumber fixed the leak in the pipes by soldering a couple of joints from which water had been oozing.
N. construction that is flagrantly incorrect gram¬matically. I must give this paper a failing mark because it contains many solecisms.
N. seriousness; gravity. The minister was con¬cerned that nothing should disturb the solemnity of the mar¬riage service. solemnADJ.
V. request earnestly; seek. Knowing she needed to have a solid majority for the budget to pass the mayor tele¬phoned all the members of the city council to solicit their votes.
ADJ. worried; concerned. The employer was very solicitous about the health of her employees as replace¬ments were difficult to get.
N. talking to oneself. The soliloquy is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a character’s innermost thoughts and emotions.
N. state of being alone; seclusion. Much depends on how much you like your own company. What to one per¬son seems fearful isolation to another is blessed solitude.
ADJ. able to be dissolved; able to be explained. Sugar is soluble in water; put a sugar cube in water and it will quickly dissolve.
ADJ. able to pay all debts. By dint of very frugal liv¬ing he was finally able to become solvent and avoid bank¬ruptcy proceedings.
ADJ. gloomy; depressing; dark; drab. From the doctor’s grim expression I could tell he had somber news. Dull brown and charcoal gray are pretty somber colors; can’t you wear something bright
N. sleepwalker. The most famous somnam¬bulist in literature is Lady Macbeth; her monologue in the sleepwalking scene is one of the highlights of Shake¬speare’s play.
ADJ. half asleep. The heavy meal and the over¬heated room made us all somnolent and indifferent to the speaker.
ADJ. resonant. His sonorous voice resounded through the hall.
ADJ. worldly-wise and urbane; complex. When Sophie makes wisecracks she thinks she sounds sophisticated but instead she sounds sophomoric. The new IBM laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in quadspeed FAX modem is a pretty sophisticated machine.
N. seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning. Instead of advancing valid arguments he tried to over¬whelm his audience with a flood of sophistries.
ADJ. immature; half-baked like a sophomore. Even if you’re only a freshman it’s no compliment to be told your humor is sophomoric. The humor in Dumb and Dumber is sophomoric at best.
ADJ. sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness. Pro¬fessor Pringle’s lectures were so soporific that even he fell asleep in class. also N.