SAT-3000-7 Flashcards
N. quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; art¬lessness; gullibility. Touched by the naivetd of sweet con¬vent-trained Cosette Marius pledges himself to protect her innocence. naiveADJ.
N. conceited person; someone in love with his own image. A narcissist is her own best friend.
ADJ. related to telling a story. A born teller of tales Tillie Olsen used her impressive narrative skills to advantage in her story “I Stand Here Ironing.” narrateV.
ADJ. incipient; coming into being. If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their nascent state we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years.
ADJ. neatly or smartly dressed. Priding himself on being a natty dresser the gangster Bugsy Siegel collected a wardrobe of imported suits and ties.
V. cause to become sick; fill with disgust. The foul smells began to nauseate him.
ADJ. pertaining to ships or navigation. The Mar¬itime Museum contains many models of clipper ships log¬books anchors and many other items of a nautical nature.
ADJ. wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered. So much sand had built up at the bottom of the canal that the waterway was barely navigable.
ADJ. vague; hazy; cloudy. After twenty years she had only a nebulous memory of her grandmother’s face.
N. black magic; dealings with the dead. The evil sorceror performed feats of necromancy calling on the spirits of the dead to tell the future.
ADJ. very wicked. The villain’s crimes though various were one and all nefarious.
V. cancel out; nullify; deny. A sudden surge of adrenalin can negate the effects of fatigue: there’s nothing like a good shock to wake you up.
N. neglect; failure to take reasonable care. Tommy failed to put back the cover on the well after he fetched his pail of water; because of his negligence Kitty fell in.
ADJ. so small trifling or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded. Because the damage to his car had been negligible Michael decided he wouldn’t bother to report the matter to his insurance company.
N. someone seeking revenge. Abandoned at sea in a small boat the vengeful Captain Bligh vowed to be the nemesis of Fletcher Christian and his fellow mutineers.
N. new or newly coined word or phrase. As we invent new techniques and professions we must also Invent neologisms such as “microcomputer” and “astronaut” to describe them.
N. recent convert; beginner. This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes.
N. favoritism (to a relative). John left his position with the company because he felt that advancement was based on nepotism rather than ability.
V. annoy; vex. Do not let him nettle you with his sar¬castic remarks.
ADJ. impartial; not supporting one side over another. Reluctant to get mixed up in someone else’s quar¬rel Bobby tried to remain neutral but eventually he had to take sides.
N. precision; minute distinction. I cannot distinguish between such niceties of reasoning.
N. one who believes traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist. In his final days Hitler revealed him¬self a power-mad nihilist ready to annihilate all of Western Europe even to destroy Germany itself in order that his will might prevail. The root of the word nihilist is nihil Latin for nothing. nihilism N.
V. stop something’s growth or development; snip off; bite; make numb with cold. The twins were plotting mis¬chief but Mother intervened and nipped that plan in the bud. The gardener nipped off a lovely rose and gave it to me. Last week a guard dog nipped the postman in the leg; this week the extreme chill nipped his fingers till he could barely hold the mail.
N. in Buddhist teachings the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an imper¬sonal beatitude. Despite his desire to achieve nirvana the young Buddhist found that even the buzzing of a fly could distract him from his meditation.
ADJ. done at night. Mr. Jones obtained a watch¬dog to prevent the nocturnal raids on his chicken coops.
ADJ. foul-smelling; unwholesome. The noisome atmosphere downwind of the oil refinery not only stank it damaged the lungs of everyone living in the area.
ADJ. wandering. Several nomadic tribes of Indi¬ans would hunt in this area each year.
N. terminology; system of names. Sharon found Latin word parts useful in translating medical nomen¬clature: when her son had to have a bilateral myringotomy she figured out that he just needed a hole in each of his eardrums to end the earaches he had.
nominal ADJ. in name only; trifling. He offered to drive her to the airport for only a nominal fee.
N. indifference; lack of concern; composure. Cool calm and collected under fire James Bond shows remarkable nonchalance in the face of danger.
ADJ. neutral; unpledged; undecided. We were annoyed by his noncommittal reply for we had been led to expect definite assurances of his approval.
ADJ. undistinctive; ordinary. The private detec¬tive was a short nondescript fellow with no outstanding fea¬tures the sort of person one would never notice in a crowd.
N. person of no importance; nonexistence. Because the two older princes dismissed their youngest brother as a nonentity they did not realize that he was qui¬etly plotting to seize the throne.
V. bring to halt by confusion; perplex. Jack’s uncharacteristic rudeness nonplussed Jill leaving her uncertain how to react.
N. homesickness; longing for the past. My grandfather seldom spoke of life in the old country; he had little patience with nostalgia. nostalgicADJ.
ADJ. conspicuous; important; distinguished. Nor¬mally notable for his calm in the kitchen today the head cook was shaking for the notable chef Julia Child was com¬ing to dinner.
N. disrepute; ill fame. To the starlet any publicity was good publicity: if she couldn’t have a good reputation she’d settle for notoriety. notoriousADJ.
N. something new; newness. The computer is no longer a novelty at work; every desk in our office has one. novelADJ.
N. beginner. Even a novice at working with comput¬ers can install Barron’s Computer Study Program for the SAT by following the easy steps outlined in the user’s manual.
ADJ. harmful. We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us.
N. shade of difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction. Jody gazed at the Monet landscape for an hour appreciating every subtle nuance of color in the painting.
V. to make invalid. Once the contract was nullified it no longer had any legal force.
N. person who collects coins. The numisma¬tist had a splendid collection of antique coins.
ADJ. related to marriage. Reluctant to be married in a traditional setting they decided to hold their nuptial cere¬mony at the carousel in Golden Gate Park.
V. nourish; educate; foster. The Head Start pro¬gram attempts to nurture pre-kindergarten children so that they will do well when they enter public school. also N.
N. nourishing substance. As a budding nutrition¬ist Kim has learned to design diets that contain foods rich in important basic nutrients.
N. stupid awkward person. “Watch what you’re doing you clumsy oaf!” Bill shouted at the waiter who had drenched him with iced coffee.
ADJ. stubborn. He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.
ADJ. fat. It is advisable that obese people try to lose weight.
V. confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex. Was the president’s spokesman trying to clarify the Whitewater mystery or was he trying to obfus¬cate the issue so the voters would never figure out what went on
ADJ. death notice. I first learned of her death when I read the obituary column in the newspaper. also N.
ADJ. not influenced by emotions; fair. Even though he was her son she tried to be objective about his behavior.
N. goal; aim. A degree in medicine was her ulti¬mate objective.
ADJ. binding; required. It is obligatory that books borrowed from the library be returned within two weeks.
ADJ. indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpen¬dicular or from a straight line). Casting a quick oblique glance at the reviewing stand the sergeant ordered the company to march “Oblique Right.”
V. destroy completely. The tidal wave obliterated several island villages
N. obscurity; forgetfulness. After a decade of pop¬ularity Hurston’s works had fallen into oblivion; no one bothered to read them any more.
ADJ. inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed. Deep in her book Nancy was oblivious to the noisy squab¬bles of her brother and his friends.
ADJ. offensive. I find your behavior obnoxious; please mend your ways.
ADJ. dark; vague; unclear. Even after I read the poem a fourth time its meaning was still obscure. obscu¬rity N.
V. darken; make unclear. At times he seemed purposely to obscure his meaning preferring mystery to clarity.
ADJ. slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic. Helen liked to be served by people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.
ADJ. related to thinking about something con¬stantly; preoccupying. Ballet which had been a hobby began to dominate his life: his love of dancing became obsessive. obsession N.
ADJ. no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated. The invention of the pocket calculator made the slide rule used by generations of engineers obsolete.
N. physician specializing in delivery of babies. In modern times the delivery of children has passed from the midwife to the more scientifically trained obstetrician
ADJ. stubborn; hard to control or treat. We tried to persuade him to give up smoking but he was obstinate and refused to change. Blackberry stickers are the most obstinate weeds I know: once established in a yard they’re extremely hard to root out. obstinacy N.
ADJ. boisterous; noisy. What do you do when an obstreperous horde of drunken policemen goes carous¬ing through your hotel crashing into potted plants and singing vulgar songs
V. push (oneself or one’s ideas) forward or intrude; butt in; stick out or extrude. Because Fanny was reluctant to obtrude her opinions about child-raising upon her daughter-in-law she kept a close watch on her tongue. obtrusiveADJ.
ADJ. blunt; stupid. What can you do with somebody who’s so obtuse that he can’t even tell that you’re insulting him
V. make unnecessary; get rid of. I hope this contri¬bution will obviate any need for further collections of funds.
ADJ. hateful; vile. Cinderella’s ugly stepsisters had the odious habit of popping their zits in public.
N. detestation; hatefulness; disrepute. Prince Charming could not express the odium he felt toward Cin¬derella’s stepsisters because of their mistreatment of poor Cinderella.
ADJ. having an odor. This variety of hybrid tea rose is more odorous than the one you have in your garden.
N. long eventful journey. The refugee’s journey from Cambodia was a terrifying odyssey.
ADJ. attacking; insulting; distasteful. Getting into street brawls is no minor matter for professional boxers who are required by law to restrict their offensive impulses to the ring.
ADJ. casual; done without prior thought. Expecting to be treated with due propriety by her hosts Great-Aunt Maud was offended by their offhand manner.
ADJ. meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one’s services. Judy wanted to look over the new computer models on her own but the officious salesman kept on butting in with “helpful” advice until she was ready to walk out of the store.
V. look at amorously; make eyes at. At the coffee house Walter was too shy to ogle the pretty girls openly; instead he peeked out at them from behind a rubber plant.
ADJ. concerning the sense of smell. A wine taster must have a discriminating palate and a keen olfactory sense for a good wine appeals both to the taste buds and to the nose.
N. government by a privileged few. One small clique ran the student council: what had been intended as a democratic governing body had turned into an oligarchy.
ADJ. threatening. Those clouds are ominous; they suggest a severe storm is on the way.
ADJ. all-powerful. The monarch regarded him¬self as omnipotent and responsible to no one for his acts.
ADJ. universally present; ubiquitous. On Christmas Eve Santa Claus is omnipresent.
ADJ. all-knowing. I do not pretend to be omni¬scient but I am positive about this fact.
ADJ. eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything. Some animals including man are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous.
ADJ. burdensome. He asked for an assistant because his work load was too onerous.
N. beginning; attack. Caught unprepared by the sudden onset of the storm we rushed around the house closing windows and bringing the garden furniture into shelter. Caught unprepared by the enemy onset the troops scrambled to take shelter.
N. burden; responsibility. The emperor was spared the onus of signing the surrender papers; instead he rele¬gated the assignment to his generals.
ADJ. iridescent; lustrous. The oil slick on the water had an opalescent rainbow-like sheen.
ADJ. dark; not transparent. The opaque window shade kept the sunlight out of the room. opacity N.
N. medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; some¬thing that relieves emotions or causes inaction. To say that religion is the opiate of the people is to condemn religion as a drug that keeps the people quiet and submissive to those in power.
ADJ. timely; well-chosen. Sally. looked at her father struggling to balance his checkbook; clearly this would not be an opportune moment to ask him for a raise in her allowance.
N. individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances. Joe is such an opportunist that he tripled the price of bottled water at his store as soon as the earthquake struck. Because it can break water pipes an earthquake is to most people a disaster; to Joe it was an opportunity.
N. maker and seller of eyeglasses. The patient took the prescription given him by his oculist} o the optician.
N. person who looks on the good side. The pes¬simist says the glass is half-empty; the optimist says it is half-full.
ADJ. most favorable. If you wait for the optimum moment to act you may never begin your project. also N.
ADJ. not obligatory; left to one’s choice. Most col¬leges require applicants to submit SAT I scores; at some colleges however submitting SAT I scores is optional.
N. extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance. The glitter and opulence of the ballroom took Cinderella’s breath away. opulentADJ.
N. work. Although many critics hailed his Fifth Sym¬phony as his major work he did not regard it as his major opus.
ADJ. prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous. Like many others who sought divine guidance from the oracle at Delphi Oedipus could not understand the enigmatic oracularwarning he received.
N. public speaker. The abolitionist Frederick Dou¬glass was a brilliant orator whose speeches brought home to his audience the evils of slavery.
V. decree or command; grant holy orders; predes¬tine. The king ordained that no foreigner should be allowed to enter the city. The Bishop of Michigan ordained David a deacon in the Episcopal Church. The young lovers felt that fate had ordained their meeting.
N. severe trial or affliction. June was so painfully shy that it was an ordeal for her to speak up when the teacher called on her in class.
N. decree. Passing a red light is a violation of a city ordinance.
N. ceremony making someone a minister. At the young priest’s ordination the members of the congregation presented him with a set of vestments. ordainV.
N. wild drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in a tendency. The Roman emperor’s orgies were far wilder than the toga party in the movie Animal House. When her income tax refund check finally arrived Sally indulged in an orgy of shopping.
V. get one’s bearings; adjust. Philip spent his first day in Denver orienting himself to the city.
N. act of finding oneself in society. Freshman ori¬entation provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.
ADJ. excessively or elaborately decorated. With its elaborately carved convoluted lines furniture of the Baroque period was highly ornate.
N. scientific student of birds. Audubon’s drawings of American bird life have been of interest not only to the ornithologists but also to the general public.
N. study of birds. Audubon’s studies of Ameri¬can birds greatly influenced the course of ornithology.
ADJ. traditional; conservative in belief. Faced with a problem he preferred to take an orthodox approach rather than shock anyone. orthodoxy N.
V. vibrate pendulumlike; waver. It is interesting to note how public opinion oscillates between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.
V. change or harden into bone. When he called his opponent a “bonehead he implied that his adversary’s brain had ossified to the point that he was incapable of clear thinking.
ADJ. apparent; professed; pretended. Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands we are really interested in finding new markets for our products.
ADJ. showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention. Donald Trump’s latest casino in Atlantic City is the most ostentatious gambling palace in the East: it easily out¬glitters its competitors. ostentation N.
V. exclude from public favor; ban. As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals his friends began to ostracize him. ostracism N.
V. expel; drive out. The world wondered if Aquino would be able to oust Marcos from office. ouster N.
ADJ. bizarre; peculiar; unconventional. The eccentric professor who engages in markedly outlandish behavior is a stock figure in novels with an academic setting.
ADJ. longer stylish; old-fashioned. Uncon¬cerned about keeping in style Lenore was perfectly happy to wear outmoded clothes as long as they were clean and unfrayed.
N. fringes; outer borders. We lived not in central London but in one of those peripheral suburbs that spring up on the outskirts of a great city.
ADJ. candid; blunt. The candidate was too out¬spoken to be a successful politician; he had not yet learned to weigh his words carefully.
V. surpass; outdo. Jesse Owens easily out¬stripped his white competitors to win the gold medal at the Olympic Games.
V. outsmart; trick. By disguising himself as an old woman Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture.
N. enthusiastic applause. When the popular tenor Placido Domingo came on stage in the first act of La Boheme he was greeted by a tremendous ovation.
ADJ. bossy and arrogant; decisively impor¬tant. Certain of her own importance and of the unimpor¬tance of everyone else Lady Bracknell was intolerably overbearing in her manner. “In choosing a husband she said, good birth is of overbearing importance; compared to that neither wealth nor talent signifies.”
ADJ. open to view. According to the United States Constitution a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason.
ADJ. extremely agitated; hysterical. When Kate heard the news of the sudden tragedy she became too overwrought to work and had to leave the office early.
N. thick-skinned animal. The elephant is prob¬ably the best-known pachyderm.
N. one opposed to force; antimilitarist. Shooting his way through the jungle Rambo was clearly not a pacifist.
V. soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue. Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.
N. agreement; treaty. Tweedledum and Tweedledee made a pact not to quarrel anymore.
N. song of praise or joy. Paeans celebrating the victory filled the air.
ADJ. showing hard work; taking-Dreat care. The new high-frequency word list is the result of painstaking efforts on the part of our research staff.
ADJ. agreeable; pleasing to the taste. Neither Jack’s underbaked opinions nor his overcooked casseroles were palatable to Jill.
N. study of prehistoric life. The paleontology instructor had a superb collection of fossils.
N. board on which painter mixes pigments. At the present time art supply stores are selling a paper palette that may be discarded after use.
V. grow tiresome. The study of word lists can eventu¬ally pall and put one to sleep.
V. lessen the violence of (a disease); alleviate; moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses. Not content merely to palliate the patient’s sores and cankers the researcher sought a means of wiping out the disease. pal¬liativeADJ.
ADJ. pale; wan. Because his job required that he work at night and sleep during the day he had an excep¬tionally pallid complexion.