SAT-3000-5 Flashcards
ADJ. well-bred; elegant. We are looking for a man with a genteel appearance who can inspire confidence by his cultivated manner.
N. those of gentle birth; refinement. Her family was proud of its gentility and elegance.
N. people of standing; class of people just below nobility. The local gentry did not welcome the visits of the summer tourists and tried to ignore their presence in the community.
ADJ. pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand. The judge refused to allow the testimony to be heard by the jury because it was not germane to the case.
ADJ. pertaining to a germ; creative. Such an idea is germinal I am certain that it will influence thinkers and philosophers for many generations.
V. cause to sprout; sprout. After the seeds ger¬minate and develop their permanent leaves the plants may be removed from the cold frames and transplanted to the garden.
N. motion; gesture. Operatic performers are trained to make exaggerated gesticulations because of the large auditoriums in which they appear.
ADJ. horrible. The murdered man was a ghastly sight.
N. nonsense; babbling. Did you hear that fool boy spouting gibberish about monsters from outer space gibberV.
V. mock. As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs do you realize that you too are guilty of similarly foolish thoughts
ADJ. light-hearted; dizzy. He felt his giddy youth was past.
ADV. very carefully. To separate egg whites first crack the egg gingerly.
N. distance around something; circumference. It took an extra-large cummerbund to fit around Andrew Carnegie’s considerable girth.
N. essence. She was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentences.
ADJ. like a glacier; extremely cold. Never a warm person when offended John could seem positively glacial.
ADJ. highly conspicuous; harshly bright. Glaring spelling or grammatical errors in your resume will unfavor¬ably impress potential employers.
V. cover with a thin and shiny surface. The freezing rain glazed the streets and made driving hazardous. also N.
ADJ. fluent; facile; slick. Keeping up a steady patter to entertain his customers the kitchen gadget salesman was a glib speaker never at a loss for a word.
V. shine erratically; twinkle. In the darkness of the cavern the glowworms hanging from the cavern roof glim¬mered like distant stars
V. express evil satisfaction; view malevolently. As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth do you think of the many victims you have defrauded
N. brief explanation of words used in the text. I have found the glossary in this book very useful; it has elim¬inated many trips to the dictionary.
gloss over
V. explain away. No matter how hard he tried to talk around the issue President Bush could not gloss over the fact that he had raised taxes after all.
ADJ. smooth and shining. I want this photograph printed on glossy paper not matte.
V. scowl. The angry boy glowered at his father.