SAT-3000-3 Flashcards
ADJ. making up for; repaying. Can a com¬pensatory education program make up for the inadequate schooling he received in earlier years
V. assemble; gather; accumulate. We planned to compile a list of the words most frequently used on SAT I examinations.
N. self-satisfaction; smugness. Full of com¬placency about his latest victories he looked smugly at the row of trophies on his mantelpiece. complacentADJ.
ADJ. trying to please; obliging. The courtier obeyed the king’s orders in a complaisant manner.
V. complete; consummate; make perfect. The waiter recommended a glass of port to complement the cheese. also N.
ADJ. serving to complete something. John and Lisa’s skills are complementary. he’s good at following a daily routine while she’s great at improvising and han¬dling emergencies. Together they make a great team.
N. readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements. Bullheaded Bill was not noted for easy com¬pliance with the demands of others. As an architect how¬ever Bill recognized that his design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.
ADJ. yielding. Because Joel usually gave in and went along with whatever his friends desired his mother worried that he might be too compliant.
N. participation; involvement. You cannot keep your complicity in this affair secret very long; you would be wise to admit your involvement immediately.
N. element; ingredient. I wish all the compo¬nents of my stereo system were working at the same time.
N. mental calmness. Even the latest work crisis failed to shake her composure.
V. combine; constitute; pay interest; increase. The makers of the popular cold remedy compounded a nasal decongestant with an antihistamine. also N.
ADJ. thorough; inclusive. This book pro¬vides a comprehensive review of verbal and math skills for the SAT.
V. close; squeeze; contract. She compressed the package under her arm.
V. include; consist of. If the District of Columbia were to be granted statehood the United States of America would comprise fifty-one states not just fifty.
V. adjust or settle by making mutual conces¬sions; endanger the interests or reputation of. Sometimes the presence of a neutral third party can help adversaries compromise their differences. Unfortunately you’re not neu¬tral; therefore your presence here compromises our chances of reaching an agreement. also N.
N. remorse. The judge was especially severe in his sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.
V. reckon; calculate. He failed to compute the interest so his bank balance was not accurate. computa¬tion N.
ADJ. hollow. The back-packers found partial shel¬ter from the storm by huddling against the concave wall of the cliff.
V. admit; yield. Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled Mark refused to concede that she was right.
N. vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. Although Jack was smug and puffed up with conceit he was an entertaining companion always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of phrase.
ADJ. having a common center. The target was made of concentric circles.
N. beginning; forming of an idea. At the first conception of the work he was consulted. conceiveV.
ADJ. mutually agreed on; done together. All the Girl Scouts made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing. When the movie star appeared his fans let out a concerted sigh.
N. an act of yielding. Before they could reach an agreement both sides had to make certain concessions.
ADJ. reconciling; soothing. She was still angry despite his conciliatory words. conciliateV.
ADJ. brief and compact. When you define a new word be concise: the shorter the definition the easier it is to remember.
ADJ. forced; artificial; not spontaneous. Feeling ill at ease with his new in-laws James made a few contrived attempts at conversation and then retreated into silence.
V. oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict. The witness’s testimony was so clear and her reputation for honesty so well-established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to contro¬vertwhat she said.
N. bruise. Black and blue after her fall Sue was treated for contusions and abrasions.
N. riddle. During the long car ride she invented conundrums to entertain the children.
V. assemble. Because much needed legislation had to be enacted the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special session by January 15.
N. social or moral custom; established prac¬tice. Flying in the face of convention George Sand shocked society by taking lovers and wearing men’s clothes.
ADJ. ordinary; typical. His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife’s eccen¬tric family.
V. approach; tend to meet; come together. African-American men from all over the United States con¬verged on Washington to take part in the historic Million Men march.
ADJ. familiar with. The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.
N. opposite. The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation.
V. chat; talk informally. Eva was all ears while Lulu and Lola conversed. Wasn’t it rude of her to eavesdrop on their conversation conversation N.
N. one who has adopted a different religion or opinion. On his trip to Japan though the President spoke at length about the virtues of American automobiles he made few converts to his beliefs. alsoV.
ADJ. curving outward. He polished the convex lens of his telescope.
N. vehicle; transfer. During the transit strike commuters used various kinds of conveyances.
N. judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief. Even her conviction for murder did not shake Peter’s conviction that Harriet was innocent of the crime.
ADJ. festive; gay; characterized by joviality. The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.
V. call together. Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. convocation N.
ADJ. coiled around; involved; intricate. His argument was so convoluted that few of us could follow it intelligently.
ADJ. plentiful. She had copious reasons for reject¬ing the proposal.
N. flirt. Because she refused to give him an answer to his proposal of marriage he called her a coquette. alsoV.
ADJ. gracious; heartfelt. Our hosts greeted us at the airport with a cordial welcome and a hearty hug.
N. extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress. The police cordon was so tight that the criminals could not leave the area. alsoV.
N. horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance. The encyclopedia salesman claimed the new edition was a veritable cornucopia of information an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the entire family.
N. consequence; accompaniment. Brotherly love is a complex emotion with sibling rivalry its natural corollary.
N. ceremony of crowning a queen or king. When the witches told Macbeth he would be king they failed to warn him he would lose his crown soon after his coronation.
ADJ. bodily; material. The doctor had no patience with spiritual matters: his job was to attend to his patients’ corporeal problems not to minister to their souls.
ADJ. very fat. The corpulent man resolved to reduce. corpulence N.
N. mutual relationship. He sought to determine the correlation that existed between ability in algebra and ability to interpret reading exercises. correlate V. N.
V. confirm; support. Though Huck was quite willing to corroborate Tom’s story Aunt Polly knew better than to believe either of them.
V. destroy by chemical action. The girders support¬ing the bridge corroded so gradually that no one suspected any danger until the bridge suddenly collapsed. corrosion N.
ADJ. eating away by chemicals or disease. Stain¬less steel is able to withstand the effects of corrosive chem¬icals. corrodeV.
ADJ. wrinkled; ridged. She wished she could smooth away the wrinkles from his corrugated brow.
ADJ. pertaining to the universe; vast. Cosmic rays derive their name from the fact that they bombard the earth’s atmosphere from outer space. COSMOS N.
ADJ. sophisticated. Her years in the capitol had transformed her into a cosmopolitan young woman highly aware of international affairs.
N. group that meets socially; select circle. After his book had been published he was invited to join the literary coterie that lunched daily at the hotel.
V. approve; tolerate. He refused to counte¬nance such rude behavior on their part.
N. face. When Jose saw his newborn daugh¬ter a proud smile spread across his countenance.
V. cancel; revoke. The general counter¬manded the orders issued in his absence.
N. artificial channel for water. If we build a culvert under the road at this point we will reduce the possibility of the road’s being flooded during the rainy season.
ADJ. heavy; hard to manage. He was bur¬dened down with cumbersome parcels.
ADJ. growing by addition. Vocabulary building is a cumulative process: as you go through your flash cards you will add new words to your vocabulary one by one.
N. greed. The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors who demanded excessive tribute.
N. superintendent; manager. The members of the board of trustees of the museum expected the new curator to plan events and exhibitions that would make the museum more popular.
N. churlish miserly individual. Although he was regarded by many as a curmudgeon a few of us were aware of the many kindnesses and acts of charity that he secretly performed.
ADJ. flowing running. In normal writing we run our letters together in cursive form; in printing we separate the letters.
ADJ. casual; hastily done. Because a cursory examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson we believe the insurance agency should undertake a more extensive investigation of the fire’s cause.
V. shorten; reduce. When Herb asked Diane for a date she said she was really sorry she couldn’t go out with him but her dad had ordered her to curtail her social life.
ADJ. skeptical or distrustful of human motives. Cyn¬ical from birth Sidney was suspicious whenever anyone gave him a gift “with no strings attached.” cynic N.
N. the object of general attention. As soon as the movie star entered the room she became the cynosure of all eyes.
V. work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around. The amateur painter dabbled at art but seldom produced a finished piece. The children dabbled their hands in the bird bath splashing one another gleefully.
N. raised platform for guests of honor. When he approached the dais he was greeted by cheers from the people who had come to honor him.
ADJ. damp. The walls of the dungeon were dank and slimy.
ADJ. neat and trim. In “The Odd Couple” TV show Tony Randall played Felix Unger an excessively dapper soul who could not stand to have a hair out of place.
ADJ. spotted. The sunlight filtering through the screens created a dappled effect on the wall.
V. smear (as with paint). From the way he daubed his paint on the canvas I could tell he knew nothing of oils. also N.
V. intimidate; frighten. “Boast all you like of your prowess. Mere words cannot daunt me the hero answered the villain.
ADJ. bold. Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking the dauntless soldier volunteered for the assignment.
V. loiter; waste time. We have to meet a deadline so don’t dawdle; just get down to work.
N. standstill; stalemate. Because negotiations had reached a deadlock some of the delegates had begun to mutter about breaking off the talks. alsoV.
ADJ. wooden; impersonal. We wanted to see how long he could maintain his deadpan expression.
N. scarcity. The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.
N. sudden downfall; complete disaster. In the Air¬plane movies every flight turns into a debacle with passen¬gers and crew members collapsing engines falling apart and carry-on baggage popping out of the overhead bins.
V. reduce in quality or value; lower in esteem; degrade. In The King and l Anna refuses to kneel down and prostrate herself before the king for she feels that to do so would debase her position and she will not submit to such debasement.
V. corrupt; seduce from virtue. Did Socrates’ teachings lead the young men of Athens to be virtuous citi¬zens or did they debauch the young men causing them to question the customs of their fathers Clearly Socrates’ philosophical talks were nothing like the wild debauchery of the toga parties in Animal House.
V. weaken; enfeeble. Michael’s severe bout of the flu debilitated him so much that he was too tired to go to work for a week.
ADJ. friendly; aiming to please. The debonair youth was liked by all who met him because of his cheerful and obliging manner.
N. rubble. A full year after the earthquake in Mexico City they were still carting away the debris.
V. expose as false exaggerated worthless etc; ridicule. Pointing out that he consistently had voted against strengthening anti-pollution legislation reporters debunked the candidate’s claim that he was a fervent environmentalist.
N. young woman making formal entrance into society. As a debutante she was often mentioned in the society columns of the newspapers.
N. decay. The moral decadence of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period.
V. behead. They did not hang Lady Jane Grey; they decapitated her. “Off with her head!” cried the Duchess eager to decapitate poor Alice.
V. slow down. Seeing the emergency blinkers in the road ahead he decelerated quickly.
ADJ. falling off as of leaves. The oak is a decid¬uous tree; in winter it looks quite bare.
V. kill usually one out of ten. We do more to decimate our population in automobile accidents than we do in war.
V. interpret secret code. Lacking his code book the spy was unable to decipher the scrambled message sent to him from the KGB.
N. downward slope. The children loved to ski down the declivity.
ADJ. having a low-necked dress. Current fashion decrees that evening gowns be decollete this season; bare shoulders are again the vogue.
N. decay. Despite the body’s advanced state of decomposition the police were able to identify the murdered man.
N. propriety; orderliness and good taste in man¬ners. Even the best-mannered students have trouble behav¬ing with decorum on the last day of school. decorousADJ.
N. lure or bait. The wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy. alsoV.
ADJ. worn out by age. The decrepit car blocked traffic on the highway.
N. state of collapse caused by illness or old age. I was unprepared for the state of decrepitude in which I had found my old friend; he seemed to have aged twenty years in six months.
V. express strong disapproval of; disparage. The founder of the Children’s Defense Fund Marian Wright Edelman strongly decries the lack of financial and moral support for children in America today.
ADJ. derived by reasoning. If we accept your premise your conclusions are easily deducible.
V. mar; disfigure. If you deface a library book you will have to pay a hefty fine.
V. harm someone’s reputation; malign; slander. If you try to defame my good name my lawyers will see you in court. If rival candidates persist in defaming one another the voters may conclude that all politicians are crooks. defamation N.
N. failure to act. When the visiting team failed to show up for the big game they lost the game by default. When Jack failed to make the payments on his Jaguar the dealership took back the car because he had defaulted on his debt.
ADJ. attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome. If you maintain your defeatist attitude you will never succeed. also N.
N. desertion. The children who had made him an idol were hurt most by his defection from our cause.
V. delay till later; exempt temporarily. In wartime some young men immediately volunteer to serve; others
making plans until they hear from their draft boards. During the Vietnam War many young men hoping to be deferred requested student deferments.
V. give in respectfully; submit. When it comes to making decisions about purchasing software we must defer to Michael our computer guru; he gets the final word. Michael however can defer these questions to no one; only he can decide.
N. courteous regard for another’s wish. In defer¬ence to the minister’s request please do not take pho¬tographs during the wedding service.
N. refusal to yield; resistance. When John reached the “terrible two’s he responded to every parental request with howls of defiance. defy,V.
V. pollute; profane. The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.
ADJ. final; complete. Carl Sandburg’s Abraham Lincoln may be regarded as the definitive work on the life of the Great Emancipator.
V. turn aside. His life was saved when his cigarette case deflected the bullet.
V. destroy leaves. In Vietnam the army made extensive use of chemical agents to defoliate the woodlands.
V. pay the costs of. Her employer offered to defray the costs of her postgraduate education.
ADJ. neat; skillful. The deft waiter uncorked the cham¬pagne without spilling a drop.
ADJ. dead; no longer in use or existence. The lawyers sought to examine the books of the defunct corpo¬ration.
V. /;()/remove the fuse of a bomb; reduce or eliminate a threat. Police negotiators are trained to defuse danger¬ous situations by avoiding confrontational language and behavior.
V. become worse; deteriorate. As the fight dragged on the champion’s style degenerated until he could barely keep on his feet.
N. humiliation; debasement; degeneration. Some secretaries object to fetching the boss a cup of cof¬fee because they resent the degradation of being made to do such lowly tasks. degradeV.
V. remove water from; dry out. Running under a hot sun quickly dehydrates the body; joggers soon learn to carry water bottles and to drink from them frequently.
V. turn into a god; idolize. Admire Elvis Presley all you want; just don’t deify him.
V. condescend; stoop. The celebrated fashion designer would not deign to speak to a mere seamstress; his overburdened assistant had to convey the master’s wishes to the lowly workers assembling his great designs.
ADJ. delightful; delicious. We thanked our host for a most delectable meal.
V. erase; strike out. Less is more: if you delete this paragraph your whole essay will have greater appeal.
ADJ. harmful. If you believe that smoking is deleterious to your health (and the Surgeon General cer¬tainly does) then quit!
V. consider; ponder. Offered the new job she asked for time to deliberate before she told them her decision
V. portray; depict; sketch. Using only a few descriptive phrases Austen delineates the character of Mr. Collins so well that we can predict his every move. delin¬eation N.
N. mental disorder marked by confusion. In his delirium the drunkard saw pink panthers and talking pigs. Perhaps he wasn’t delirious: he might just have wandered into a movie.