Sarcocystis cruzi (Apicomplexans) Flashcards
Zoonotic potential?
dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, etc. (predators)
cattle, ox, bison (prey species)
_____ Life cycle
in DH: Ingestion of IH tissue and digestion of _____ with ____ causes gametogony for male and female gametes> fertilization
Sarcocysts with bradyzoites
oocysts are sporulated where
in the host
In DH: After sporulization, the oocysts are passed in the feces into enviornment for what to occur next?
for sporogony of sporulated oocyst to sporocysts !!!
DH does NOT have ____ but DOES have ______
merogony; gametogony
IH DOES NOT have _____ but does have _____
Gametogony but DOES have merogony
IH: Ingested sporocysts from the environment leads to
extraintestinal excystation of sporozoite
Infectious stage of DH:
sarcocyst with bradyzoites
infectious stage of IH:
DH: Ingestion of ___ ____ (sarcocysts containing bradyzoites)
IH: Ingestion of ____/____ in the environment
tissue cyst; oocysts/sporocysts
7-14 days
Clinical signs for DH
asymp., no immunity, FREE SPOROCYSTS on the fecal float