sanitary requirements for food service in field operation Flashcards
field operations categorized HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATION
Field foodservice and afloat foodservice operations personnel operating in
- deployment setting
- tactical training environment
- operations afloat
Non-US controlled food establishments:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) contracted, host nation operated facilities
- medical authority establish partnership w/t their host nation/coalition force counterpart to ensure force health protection
- regulatory authority conduct joint inspections of food establishments w/t their host nation/coalition force counterparts
- food, water risk assessment conducted for local food ops supporting deployed forces during short term deployments, ops
following publications should be referenced as applicable
- Army Tactics Techniques and Procedures (ATTP) 4-41 provides guidance for Army Field Feeding and Class 1 Ops
- FM 4-25.12 provides guidance for Unit Field Sanitation Teams
- NAVMED P-5010-6, Water Supply Afloat
- NAVMED P-5010, CH1 and sub-CH9
- NAVMED P-5010-9, Preventive Medicine for Ground Forces
- Pamphlet, Food Service Equipment and Field Feeding Systems
food operations governed by Coalition forces, consult
- NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 2550, Food Safety and Defense for Deployed Ops.
- STANG 2982, Essentia Field Sanitary Requirements
- NATO Allied Medical Publication (AMedP)-25, Minimum Standards of Food Safety and Hygiene in Deployment
International standard for food
- CODEX Alimentarius
food ops governed by other coalition partners, consult CODEX
minimum operational requirements
- ensure field-expedient handwashing facilities are provided at food preparation, serving areas, latrines
- provide sanitation center/dishwashing line
- provide safe, adequate supply of drinking water, approved system
- collect, store, dispose of solid waste to minimize insect and rodent attraction
- collect, store, dispose liquid waste water
- protect food during storage
- provide adequate mech ref/ice chests to maintain food temp
- use designated ration breakpoint areas for thawing at temps/adequate ref support
- transport food to remote sites clean, covered vehicles not subject to adulteration/ contamination
collect, store, dispose (solid waste diff manners)
- bury
- incinerate
- return to forward supply point
- dispose per local requirements
collect, store, dispose of liquid waste water
- soakage
- pits
- trench
- grease traps
health and medical screening
- military, civilian foodservice employees medically screened, cleared regarding reportable systems, diseases
- senior surgeon will develop the policy
- reg authority verify med clearance of
- ) DOD civ
- ) American expatriates/US contracted personnel
- ) host nation
- ) 3rd country nationals serving as food employee
unless op requirements prohibit, field food ops shall be
- at least 300feet (100 yards) from latrines, waste storage, disposal area, taking into account gradient, predominant wind direction
- at least 90feet (30 yards) from sleeping areas and bodies of water
special considerations for sanitation center/mess kit laundry include
- drainage from this op downhill from food op
- establish procedures to reduce potential insect/rodent harborage
physical facilities toilets
- located at least 300ft (100yds)
- downwind from food op
(taking into account gradient, predominant wind direction)
physical facilities handwashing facilities
- minimum, field expedient HW provided at following locations
- field latrines, toilet facilities
- cleaning, sanitizing area of field foodservice establishment
- food preparation, serving areas
- customer entrance to serving line
physical facilities cleanability floors, walls, ceilings
- floor kept dry as possible for food op conducted under tent/similar shelter on dirt/other unpaved surface
- walls, ceilings free of dirt, cobwebs, peeling paint, other contaminants that can fall into food/onto food contact surfaces
physical facilities functionality wood pallets
- placed in areas where ground is firm
- exchanged when new supplies are delivered
- when used as subfloor, pallets covered w/t impermeable, easily cleanable material
physical facilities functionality handwashing facilities
- include soapy water, rinse water, paper towels, covered receptacle for paper waste
- waterless maybe authorized, using approved sanitizer when no other means available
- employee wear single-use disposable gloves when waterless HW only available means for employee
- additional restrictions impose use approved sanitizer is only available means
water obtained approved source meet requirements in
- TB MED 577
- NAVMED P-5010-10
- AFMAN 48-138_IP
shipboard treated water conform to provision specified in
NAVMED P-5010-6
bottled water
come from approved source
source water for field packaged water ops meet requirements specified in
- TB MED 577
- NAVMED P5010-10
- AFMAN 48-138_IP
Quantity capacity
water source, system supplying field foodservice op shall be sufficient capacity to meet all food op requirements
Quality drinking water quality, standards
- water used field foodservice be potable, meet military field drinking water quality standards prescribed in TB MED 577, NAVMED P-5010-10, AFMAN 48-138_IP
- Drinking water for Naval op afloat conform with
NAVMED P-5010-6
chlorine residual, requirement
potable water used in field foodservice be chlorinated, retain FAC residual IAW
- TB MED 577
- NAVMED P-5010-10
- AFMAN 48-138_IP
- NAVMED P-5010-6
chlorine residual, monitoring
- medical authority test chlorine residual during each sanitary inspection (at least monthly)
chlorine residual should be checked at following locations
- supplied food equip located farthest from hose connection to bulk water supply
- bulk water container
- ice machine
the food op manager shall
- ensure chlorine residual bulk drinking water servicing food op is tested at each bulk delivery/water trailer refill
- test chlorine residual at outlet food equip located at point farthest from hose connection
- take corrective actions to re-chlorinate bulk water that falls below minimum prescribed residual
chlorine residual bulk water supplying food op monitored daily
multiple testing may be required each day in hot climates
inspection, chlorine residual records
maintained at the field food service establishment
UGR-As/A-type (perishable) rations
not be prepared when the minimum prescribed chlorine residual cannot be achieved/sustained
bottled/packaged water used for hot/cold beverage service when
no chlorine residual in supplied bulk potable water
plumbing system pressure
bulk water supplying food op does not have to be under pressure
plumbing system bulk water, storage container
water supplying food op obtained from water bladders, water trailers that meet requirements outlined in
- TB MED577
- NAVMED P-5010-10
- AFMAN 48-138_IP
Plumbing system water trailers, bulk potable water storage
containers be inspected before, during, after use
plumbing system pipes, hoses, connections
- meet NSF/ANSI listed standards for potable water
- be kept in clean dry location when not in use
- be sanitized and tested
- drinking water hose connection different thread design, diameter from any waste lines prevent accidental cross connections
equipment and utensils good repair and operation
- equip, utensils maintained in food repair, condition
- field foodservices equip procured using commercial item description meet NSF International standards
pest control measures pest management
- food op manager implement IPM principles within food op, adjacent areas
- PIC/designated employees conduct daily inspections of food op area
- IPM actions above unit/food establishment’s capability requested from supporting med command/preventive med unit
animals and pest control
- tactical, field food service op, insect, rodent controls meet requirements as specified under NAVMED P-5010
- animal prohibitions also conform w/t NAVMED P-5010
food sanitation req field, deployment food op sources
- food obtained from approved sources
frozen foods shall be
- stored at 0F (-17.7C)
- thawed ration breakpoint, maintained at 41F(5C) or below
- transport frozen to remote feeding site, either prepared, cooked immediately from frozen state/thawed in field ref units
refrigerated TCS food
- shall be stored at 41F(5C) or below
- perishable foods not be used when adequate ref/ice chests not available
- unopened containers of ultra high temp (UHT) milk not require ref during storage, may be chilled immediately prior to offering for consumer consumption
- chilled UHT milk unopened removed from ref storage, subsequently rechilled at later time
cooking and hot holding temp
- TCS food requiring cooking/intended to eat hot, cooked/heated to internal product temp 165F(74C)
- held at 135F(57C) or above throughout meal period
insulated food containers
insulated food containers (IFC’s) used for holding/transporting TCS food
- cleaned, sanitized prior to use
- pre-chilled/preheated before filling with TCS foods
- labeled w/t common name of food, time, product temp when IFC was filled
- hot/cold foods placed in IFC issued inserts; placement without use of inserts is prohibited
filling IFC for meal service
coordinated w/t supported unit to minimize holding time before transporting to remote feeding site
internal product temp, hot/cold TCS food
- hot - 135F(57C) or above
- cold - 41F(5C) or blow
- when initially placed in IFC’s
when using IFC’s, Time only as Public Health Control (TPHC) automatically applied
- TCS foods in IFCs consumed within 4hrs from time IFC was filled
- any TCS foods not consumed within this time period discarded
- exceeding 4hr time limitation not reheated
leftover food
- unconsumed TCS food prepared specific meal period not be retained as leftover
- sandwiches retained at end of current meal period up to 4hrs served at next scheduled meal provided food are maintained at required temps
individual serving condiments protected from contamination dispensed sanitary dispensers
milk and milk products
- provided to consumer in unopened, commercially filled individual package not exceeding 1 pint/ 16fl oz (0.473 L) capacity
- except for UHT milk,
- milk, milk products maintained @ 41F(5C) or below during storage, display, service
raw fruits and vegetables
thoroughly washed, subjected to chemical wash (disinfection) process
raw fruits and vegetables alternate approved non-chemical method
reducing microbial contamination requires submersing in 140F(60C) drinking water for 1min
vegetables that are packaged in ready-to-eat form (i.e. bagged salad)
handled IAW manufacturers’ specifications and not require washing before being served
procurement and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables grown in areas of “night soil”
only allowed during emergency feeding situations
vegetables uncertain origin and those purchased from areas where inspections have not been conducted by veterinary personnel, suspected of being contaminated w/t pathogenic organisms
- thoroughly washed in drinking water, then chemically washed, then followed by rinse w/t clean drinking water
disinfection achieved chemically using chlorine bleach non-chemically using hot water
- A 100ppm concentration prepared by mixing 1oz of household liquid bleach (5%HTH) 2gal of cool drinking water
-) 50 ppm (FAC) for 30 min
-) 100 ppm (FAC) for 15 min
-) 200 ppm (FAC) for 30 sec
(-) must be followed by a second clear drinking water rinse
- hot, 140F(60C) drinking water for 1 minute
transporting food, vehicle and prohibition
- vehicles used transport food to field feeding sites clean, covered, used exclusively for transporting food
multipurpose vic used transport personnel, equipment, supplies, other items
- vics completely washed soapy water, rinsed allowed to air dry prior to transporting food
- food containers, packages of single-use items, utensils placed on clean, dry pallets to prevent direct contact w/t vic floor
- food may not be transported w/t bulk fuel/chemicals
- transport of food w/t equip, nonchemical supplies be approved if requested by tactical situation
camouflage paint and food employee uniforms
- paint/other toxic skin coatings are poisonous when consumed
- poisonous/toxic materials prohibited on hands, arms, face of field food employees if
- ) preparing food
- ) washing/sanitizing food equip
- ) performing kitchen patrol (KP) duties
- uniforms free from heavy soil, residues from handling fuel, other petroleum products