food operation inspection report Flashcards
Highly Susceptible Population
person who are more likely than other people in general population to experience foodborne disease
- immunocompromised individual
- obtaining food at facility that provides services such as custodial care, health care, assisted living
- military personnel, DOD civilian personnel, contractors operating in field training exercise/combat deployment /shipboard ops
Immunocompromised individual
- preschool age children
- older adults
Potentially Hazardous Food (Time/Temp Control for Safety) food
PHF(TCS) food
- food that requires PHF(TCS) to limit pathogenic microorganism growth/toxin formation
- food that support growth of microorganism
Regulatory Authority
Qual’d military/DOD civ med personnel who are representing
- Air Force,
- Navy,
- Marine Corps
preventive medicine, public health, veterinary service
- the med commander’s designated representative having jurisdiction over food establishment
Person-in-Charge (PIC)
individual present at a food establishment who is responsible for the op at the time of inspection
Medical Authority
commander of medical treatment facility/tactical unit or his/her designated representative, whose authority is above Prev Med, PH, VetTech unit designated rep conducting Prev Med/VetTech inspections/audits under this publication
- raw, cooked, processed edible substance, ice, beverage, ingredient used/intended for use/for sale in whole/in part for human consumption/chewing gum
- color additive is dye, pigment/other substance made by process of synthesis/similar artifice/extracted, isolated/otherwise derived from vegetable, animal, mineral/other source
food safety criteria or guidelines
as it realtes to HACCP means, any biological, chemical/physical property that can cause an unacceptable risk
cross connection
physical link through which contaminates from non-potable source can enter the potable water supply
foodborne illness
Illness transmitted to people by food
DD Form 2972
Food Facility Risk Assessment Survey
DD 2972 - Food Facility Risk Assessment Survey
- Use to determine inspection frequency based on risk
- aids public health regulators to convey high-risk situations to installation leaders
DD Form 2973
Food Operation Inspection Report
DD Form 2973 - Food Operation Inspection Report
- pre-op inspection
- routine inspections
- follow-up inspections
- op for used by food facility managers when conducting self eval
DD Form 2974
Tactical Kitchen Inspection Report
DD Form 2974 - Tactical Kitchen Inspection Report
use in tactical environment
DD Form 2971
Conditional Employee or Food Employee Reporting Agreement
DD Form 2971 - Conditional Employee or Food Employee Report Agreement
purpose of agreement
to inform conditional employees/food employees of their responsibility to notify PIC when they experience any conditions listed so that PIC can take appropriate steps to preclude transmission of food borne illness
self-evaluations - each food establishment manager/ PIC shall:
- perform documented self-evaluation of food establishment once a week using guidelines contained in this publication.
- keep records of documented weekly self-evaluations, at lest 1yr
- records made available to regulatory authority upon request
- conduct daily, informal self-evaluation
- eval typically conducted by managers, supervisors/shift leader, do not require documentation
- daily self-evaluations should focus on time-temp control of food, personal hygiene, food handling practices (doc of daily monoitoring activities associated w/t HACCP plan quals as self-evaluation)
pre-op inspection
initial inspection conducted following an approval to op a new food concession/newly renovated/constructed food establishments
routine inspection
regularly scheduled/unscheduled inspection
follow-up inspection
supplemental inspection usually conducted after seven days of initial inspection
complaint inspection
inspection that is conducted due to a customer complaint
walkthrough inspection
unscheduled informal inspection
inspection ratings
- fully compliant = no deficiencies
- substantially compliant = no imminent health hazard (IHH)1; and two or less critical findings Corrected Onsite (COS)2; and/or Five/less Non-Critical findings
- partially compliant = no IHH; and three/more critical findings COS; and/or six/more non-critical findings
- non-compliant = IHH is present; or any critical finding not COS
competency of inspectors
- authorized rep of reg authority who inspects, has knowledge, skills, ability to adequately perform req duties
- exception granted by med authority designated inspection personnel under direct supervision or reg authority
- ) (on-the-job training desig to conduct inspect)
all words, terms that are capitalized within text are defined in glossary, alert reader to the fact
- there is specific meaning assigned to those words, terms
- the meaning of provision is to be interpreted in defined context
- provisions are not requirements
- convey relevant info about specific exceptions/alternative means for compliance
- usually involve words “should”, “except for”, “may”, “need not”, / “does not apply”
- an asterisk (*) located at end of section title/tagline indicates that all of the provisions within that section are critical unless otherwise indicated
- any unmarked provisions within a section that has an asterisked tagline are critical
- any provisions that are followed by the bold, superscripted letter (N)
- all provisions following a tagline that is not marked w/t an asterisk
- those that may/may not be critical depending on the circumstances
- any provisions that are followed by the bold, superscripted letter (S)
- “shall” - means that act is imperative
- “May not” - means absolute prohibition
- “May” - is permissive and means the act is allowed
- “should” - means the action is recommended
debitable provisions
used to identify compliance criteria. Applies to requirements associated w/t managing, maintaining food establishments
debitable provisions adhering criteria
- number following the decimal point in provision’s numerical format is used to identify debitable provision x-xxx.11
- decimal values that do not end in zero represent requirements that are debitable x-xxx.112
- decimal values containing three numbers, ending with one zero are also debitable x-xxx.110
Non-debitable provisions
- those that end w/t two digits after the decimal point, the last digit is a zero x-xxx.x0
- those that end w/t three digits after the decimal point, the last two digits are zero x-xxx.x00
- non-provision paragaphs; these do not contain a decimal value
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection Report blocks 1-3
(Facility Name, Address, Location)
- ) common/unique name of the facility
- ) full street address: street name, city, state, zip code
- ) camp name/vessel name
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection Report block 4
- year-month-day or day-month-year format
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection Report block 5
(inspection type)
- only mark 1 box corresponding to the inspection type
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection Report block 6
- provide full name (military rank), phone number w/t area code, official e-mail, assigned unit of the person conducting the inspection
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection Report block 7
(start time)
- time of inspection officially ended; use 24-hrs clock notation. Place an “X” in the box to indicate the inspection occurred at multiple time intervals throughout the day
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
block 8
(end time)
- time inspection officially ended; use 24hrs clock notation. place “X” in the box to indicate inspection occurred at multiple time intervals throughout the day
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 9
(Person In-Charge)
- provide the full name (and military rank), phone number with area code, and official e-mail of the PIC who accompanied the inspector
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 10
(Number and Type of Deficiency)
- provide the total number of “critical” deficiencies and “Non-critical” deficiencies found during the inspection. Do not mark the box if no deficiencies were noted
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 11
(Inspection Rating)
- using “Inspection Rating Criteria” , Place an “X” in box to indicate the overall level of compliance for the facility. when a “non-compliant” rating is assessed, provide date in which follow-up inspection will be conducted.
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 12
(compliance status)
- mark “X” in box to indicate provision NOT in compliance
- circle N/O, items not observed or NA, not applicable
- where multiple provisions included in item description, only mark CRITICAL provision in non-compliant
- unmarked item indicates all provisions within the grouping are fully compliant
- items that are OUT of compliance, mark “X” in appropriate box COS (corrected on-site) R (repeat violation from previous inspection)
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 15
(Inspection type)
- place “X” in box indicate type of inspection being conducted. If “other” is marked, specify inspection type
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 16
(Temp Observation)
- food, identify the food item and location of food in facility when the internal product temp was taken
- equipment, identify equipment type, location in facility where ambient air temp taken
- provide temp measurement as indicated on your thermometer
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 17
- briefly describe specific observations for deficiencies
- IHH - Place “X’ in the box in IHH was found, describe the situation in space provided
- item Number- indicate item number from list provision grouping in block 12
- describe findings, provide remediation guidance
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Block 18
- inspector and PIC sign, date form
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
Report Distribution
- completed inspection report will be distributed as
- original to the Commanding Officer having direct responsibility of food establishment via COC
- copy to PIC, Retain a file copy for the PMA
PREPARE a food op inspection report
as IDC, you will be required to prepare a food op inspection report, during a visit to Naval Vessel
instructions for marking the Food Operation Inspection
DOCUMENT - a food op inspection report