sampling methods revision (quadrats) mock revision 2022 Flashcards
pooters collect…
- ground insects
- bottom of tree
pooters are…
- jars that have a bung sealing the top of it, with two tubes running through the bung, long tube and short tube.
how are pooters used?
- the long tube is placed over the insect on the ground above the insect.
- suck on the shorter tube and the insect is then sucked into the jar and collected.
how are pooters useful for sampling?
- once all insects from the 2/however many sampling areas are collected the amount of insects can be compared.
Pitfall traps collect…
- ground insects, range from beetles to snails.
pitfall traps are…
- containers that are placed in a hole within the ground
- they have slanted sides and the top is partially open
how are pitfall traps used?
- leave the trap overnight
- insects will walk/ fall into the trap and wont be able to escape as the sides are slanted
- next day look and count the amount of insects were found in the 1st sampling area
- repeat in another sampling area and then compare.
Sweep nets collect…
- insects
- flies/ aphids
- spiders
sweep nets are used in…
- tall grass
how are sweep nets used?
- the net is swept through the tall grass
- insects are collected and then counted
- repeat in 2nd sampling area and then compare.
pond net collects…
- insects
- water snails
how are pond nets used?
- swept under water
- number of insects are counted
- used in another sampling area, compare
Quadrats collect…
- insects, ground normally
what is a quadrat?
- 1m^2 frame that is placed randomly within a nm^2 area.
how are quadrats placed randomly?
- use random number generator to figure out coordinates and place the quadrat accordingly within the sampling area.
how are quadrats used?
- count organisms within the quadrat
- repeat a certain amount of times to figure out the mean
mean = total organisms / number of quadrats
compare mean from other sampling area
Estimating population size (quadrat)
- figure out a mean from quadrat sampling
- multiply the mean by the sampling area
estimating pop size example
“ mean of organisms found within the quadrats is 4, the size of the sampling area is 20m^2 what is the estimated population size?”
4x20= 80
capture - recapture method…
- capture a sample of the population
- mark the sample and then release them
- capture another sample
- count the number of marked organisms
- estimate the population size with the following calculation =
population size = (number 1st sample x 2nd)/ marked organisms
capture recapture example Q
“ 30 woodlice are captured and marked, then another sample of 35 woodlice are recaptured, only 5 are marked what is the estimated population size?”
(30x35) / 5 = 210 woodlice