Salivary Glands, Tongue, Palate and Pharynx Anatomy Flashcards
What are the borders of the oral cavity?
Anterior - teeth
Posterior - oropharynx
Superior - hard/soft palate
Inferior - tongue/floor of mouth
What muscles are found in the floor of the mouth?
Anterior belly of digastric
What drug can be administered through the thin mucosa at the base of the mouth?
GTN spray
What are the three major pairs of salivary glands?
Identify the salivary glands and their ducts
The chorda tympani supplies which salivary glands?
CN IX supplies the parotid gland. Which branch of CN V3 does it hitch a ride on to supply it?
The anterior 2/3rds of the tongue is supplied general sensory by CN V3/VII and special sensory by CN V3/VII
General sensory - CN V3
Special sensory - CN VII
What nerve supplies general and special sensory supply to the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue?
What structure divides the anterior 2/3rds and posterior 1/3rd of the tongue?
Foramen caecum
What are the four pairs of extrinsic tongue muscles?
The extrinsic muscles change tongue position/modify tongue shape and the intrinsic muscles change tongue position/modify tongue shape
Extrinsic muscles - change tongue position
Intrinsic muslces - modifies tongue shape
Which nerve supplies all of the tongue muscles?
How do you clinically test CN XII function?
Asking the patient to point out tongue straight
What artery supplies the tongue and what is it a branch of?
Lingual artery - branch of external carotid
Identify the surface anatomy of the tongue, palate and dorsum
What bones are at the back of the hard palate and at the front?
Front - maxillae bones
Back - palatine bones
What is the name for the hook at the back of the palatine bone?
Pterygoid hamulus
Name and identify each of the muscles of the soft palate
What do the levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini do?
LVP lifts the soft palate while TVP tenses the soft palate
What is the only muscle of the soft palate not supplied by CN X? What is it supplied by?
Tensor veli palatini - supplied by CN V3
How do you test CN X and CN V3 innervation of the soft palate clinically?
Asking the patient to say aah and seeing if the uvula lifts straight up in the midline
Identify the features on the posterior view of the pharynx
Which nerve overlies the stylopharyngeus muscle?