Sales Documents Flashcards
Sales Document levels
• Header Level (Table VBAK) • Item Level (Table VBAP) • Schedule Line (Table VBEP)
Header Level
Responsible for master data such as customer material master as well as sales area and organization data.
Item Level
Responsible for material item data such as order quantity, and material master data. • Controlled by the item category settings of the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide
Schedule line
Responsible for delivery dates and delivery quantity. This is controlled by the schedule line item category settings of the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide.
Business Data
Table (VBKD) Can exist on Header level or item level Ex: Incoterms for the sales order, which are copied from the ship to party master data into the sales order header business data. This header business data applies to all items on the sales order. • You can change business Data for one of the order items even after having a header business data. Thus we have item business data.
Sales order
Contractual agreement between a sales org and a customer (sold-to-party) for supply of services or products over a specific period of time and in certain quantities • Sales order pulls master data from the customer master record and the material master record of a specific sales area. This data is then manipulated into context according to the sales document type, item category, and schedule line category • Can be created with reference to a preceding document, in which case data from preceding document is copied into the new document. • sales order data is transferred into delivery document upon creation using additional delivery or shipping information for the delivery note. Following goods issue, the information is passed onto billing, if billing is necessary
Standard quotation
Standard sales order
Standard delivery
Standard invoice
Number ranges
• A number range is assigned to a document type • Also used for master data objects such as customer master records • Two forms of number ranges, Internal and External - Internal, system proposes the number range and next available number - External, system allows user to specify a number that has not already been used and is within the number range for the object • Manually transported through clients Ex: number range “01” or “A2”
The environment you are working in. • Generally, companies have a system with a client for each environment • If you transport a number interval from one client to another, the intervals you have in the client you are exporting to will be deleted first, then the number range and assigned status will be created in the new client.
Item Proposal
List of materials and order quantitites that are regularly ordered together by a customer.
- Sales-area-sepcific
- Can be referenced when creating the sales order
- Speeds up order entry time
- Items may be related or unrelated
Bill of material (BOM)
A record linked to a material that details the individual components that make up the material Ex: A computer may have a BOM. That consists of screen, keyboard, and processor
Sales Document Type Configuration: SD Document Category field
Controls how the system behaves. • Pre-determined in SAP and cannot be added to.
Sales Document Type Configuration: Sales document block field
Blocks sales document type
Sales Document Type Configuration: No. range int. assgt. Field
Internal number range key
Sales Document Type Configuration: No. range ext. assg. Field
External number range key
Sales Document Type Configuration: Item and sub-item increment on the sales order fields
The sequence in which items in the order are numbered
Sales Document Type Configuration: Document probability field
Used for quotations and orders. MRP based on this value.
Sales Document Type Configuration: Output application field
used in output determination, sets what outputs, are created
Sales Document Type Configuration: Screen sequence, display range, and function code fields
Control how the interface is represented in the sales document—that is, should you wish the system to propose a different screen for quotations than for orders, you change these entries • Function code determines which overview(or item list) screen users will see when they create a sales document for this type
Sales Document Type Configuration: Incompletion procedure field
Identifies which fields are considered incomplete if the values are null
Sales Document Type Configuration: Transaction group field
Controls the data to be updated in the respective tables for each transaction of the respective document type
Sales Document Type Configuration: Document pricing procedure indicator
Determines what pricing procedure the system will use in this sales order
Sales document levels
• Sales document header, controlled by the sales document type • Sales document item, controlled by item category • Sales document schedule line, controlled by the schedule line category
Sales document keys
• When creating a new document type, one should always reference the document type that is the closest match to the one you’re aiming to create • When you want to change an SAP document type, if’s better for you to copy the document type and assign it a new name in the customer name range
Copy Control
Rules that determine the data that is copied and the order types that may be copied into corresponding delivery types
Sales Document Type Configuration: Reference mandatory field
If a reference is mandatory
Sales Document Type Configuration: Check division field
Division of the material or item
Sales Document Type Configuration: Item division checkbox
Check with an error message to see if this division is equal to the header
Sales Document Type Configuration: Read info record checkbox
System should read customer material info record, should one exist
Sales Document Type Configuration: Credit limit check field
Checks credit limit
Sales Document Type Configuration: Check purch order no. Field
Checks purchase order number
Sales Document Type Configuration: Commitment date field
• Will be recalculated if changes are made to the material, quantity, requested delivery date, or delivery time
Sales Document Type Configuration: Quotation messages and contract messages fields
Checks to see if the item in question, is available on any other quotations or contracts for the sold-to-party
Sales Document Type Configuration: Doc. pric. procedure field
determines which pricing procedure to use
Sales Document Type Configuration: Status profile field
Assigns a status profile to a particular document type. It is also assigned to the item category level.
Sales Document Type Configuration: Message Mast. Contr. Field
Checks to determine if any master contracts exist while you are creating a document type “contract”
Sales Document Type Configuration: ProdAttr. Messages field
• System can error or warn to check manually entered products for the attributes to see if the ship to party accepts them. • In the case of automatic material entry, such as material determination, this check is ignored
Sales Document Type Configuration: Incomplet. messages checkbox
System will inform you at the time of saving that the document is incomplete, however you can still save the document
Sales Document Type Configuration: Corr. delivery type field
Used for scheduling agreements
Sales Document Type Configuration: Use field
Used to indicate on the sales order what the customer uses the material for. Entry will be copied onto all items, or it may be placed into items individually in the sales order
Sales Document Type Configuration: MRP for DivSchType
Used for scheduling agreements in order for them to set if the system should use just in time (JIT) processing or forward the demands on to material requirements planning(MRP)
Sales Document Type Configuration: Delivery block field
Can be set automatically for scheduling agreements
Sales Document Type Configuration: Delivery type field
Describes the type of delivery to be used
Sales Document Type Configuration: Delivery block field
Blocks delivery
Sales Document Type Configuration: Shipping condition field
• Proposed by the customer master record • If an entry already exists in this field, it takes precedence over customer master data • Determines the shipping point
Sales Document Type Configuration: Immediate delivery field
Creates a delivery immediately after saving the sales order • The delivery is not completed and the picking, packing(if relevant), and goods issue must still be carried out
Sales Document Type Configuration: Div-rel. billing type field
Shows that this document is relevant for invoicing and for delivery-related invoicing. The system automatically uses invoice document type F2
Sales Document Type Configuration: Order-rel bill type field
System uses invoice document type F2 for automatic processing
Sales Document Type Configuration: CndType line items
Determines the costing of the line item; it must be equal to the condition type allocated on your pricing procedure
Sales Document Type Configuration: Billing plan type
2 options • Periodic billing, where the entire value to be billed to date is billed in full on the bulling plan date • Milestone billing, where total value to be billed is distributed between the individual billing plan dates
Sales Document Type Configuration: Intercomp bill. Type
Inter-company billing document type for automatic processing is IV
Sales Document Type Configuration: Paymt guarant. Proc
Indicates to the system what form of guarantee procedure to use for this sales document. These are risk management.
Sales Document Type Configuration: Billing block
• Blocks billing • It’s a safety feature
Sales Document Type Configuration: Paymt card plan type
Allows your system to accept payment cards in the sales order process
Sales Document Type Configuration: Lead times in days field
Sales Document Type Configuration: Propose deliv date checkbox
Sales Document Type Configuration: Date type
Sales Document Type Configuration: Propose PO date
Sales Document Type Configuration: Prop.f.pricing date
Sales Document Type Configuration: Prop.valid-from date
Sales Document Type Configuration: Propose PO date field
Proposes the current date as purchase order date
Sales Document Type Configuration: PricProcCondHeadr field
Refers to contract conditions at header level
Sales Document Type Configuration: PricProcCondItem field
Refers to contract conditions at item level
Sales Document Type Configuration: Contract profile field
Default setting that will propose default data into the contract you are creating
Sales Document Type Configuration: Billing request
Field associated with contracts
Sales Document Type Configuration: Group Ref. procedure field
Used for master contracts to determine which data is to be copied or proposed into lower-level contracts Referencing procedures are configured with master contracts
Sales Document Type Configuration: Contract data allwd. Field
Controls what data is copied over contract item data from header data If you don’t want contract data for the sales document type, leave this field blank
Sales Document Type Configuration: FollUpActivityType
Used to assist an initiate in the speedy creation of a sales activity work list, such as a follow-up phone call or follow-up sales letter
Sales Document Type Configuration: Subseq order type
Used should you define a follow-up action for the contract Ex: if you wish your contract to create a quotation for a new contract one week before the contract end date, you would specify what type of quotation document type that would be
Sales Document Type Configuration: Check partner Auth. Field
Used by the system to check the partner type creating a release order against the contract Only partner function AG or AA as well as higher-level partners in a hierarchy are allowed to create release orders
Sales Document Type Configuration: Update low. Lev.cont field
Update lower level contracts, should the data you are changing be the master contract.