Salem Flashcards
how many new englanders were indicted and between when
1647 - 1693
234 new englanders were indicted
how many of the new englanders were executed
what was the population in Salem
by 1690s population was about 100,000
when and where was a large hunt in Salem
1692-3 claimed more than 1/2 victims
less than a third of these actually came from Salem village
background to Salem hunt- who were the settlers and where did they come from
English colonists settled in North America, these puritans wanted a theocracy
how did the puritans arrive in New England
on the mayflower in 1620
when was the Massachusetts bay colony established
prior to 1629 what was the witchcraft beliefs
witch hunting was not common, only 100 cases in the previous 50 Years only about 25% had resulted in executions
what were genuine witchcraft beliefs prior to 1692
belief Satan and his agents were present and active on earth
how did Charles II attempt to exert royal control over Salem
Massachusetts government became resistant to Charles 1680-85
Charles attempted to revoke the royal charter in 1678 and 1681 and consolidate all New England colonies into one to exert centralised control but resistance from puritans authorities meant the charter wasn’t formally annulled till 1684
what did a new charter in 1691 lead to
puritans feared they would lose autonomy
a new charter 1691 stated Massachusetts should conform to English law and conform to religious toleration
what happened in the Boston case and when was this
1688-9 Boston case used spectral evidence when 4 of John Goodwins children began to behave strangely
Cotton Matter concluded they had been bewitched by Mary Glover who was found guilty and executed
who was kings Williams war bettween
English colonists in Maine and French supported wabanaki native Americans
what was the consequence of king Williams war
over the winter of 1691-2 a stream of refugees fleeing Native American raids brought reports of massacres and predictions of savagery to come
children in particular would have been worried from what they had heard
what is the first Indian war also referred to as
King Philips war 1675-1678
what happened in king Philips war
native Americans attacked Massachusetts Maine etc
one tenth of all military aged men were killed
what did the Philips war lead to
a constant threat of attack causing settlers to be weary
in the puritan mindset, what were the Indians
devil worshippers who were preventing a godly society, similar outlook of witches
also allied of the French who were in need of extermination
fostered paranoia
what were the series of navigation acts
1651 - 1660 1662 and 1673 - goods imported to England and its territories had to be passed on English ships
and further acts stipulated goods being transported from the colonies to any destination had to travel to England first
reduced resources coming to colony as it became virtually impossible to ship grain to England
who were the putnams
The putnams wanted to sever the village from salem town establishing institutions of local government and worship
The putnams supporters came mainly from the village and engaged mainly in subsistence farming
who were the porters
The porters favoured closer ties to the town
The porters had a more entrepreneurial and commercial in outlook
Disputes over land became a test of clan loyalty
what did conflict between porters and putnams lead to
disputes over land were a test of clan loyalty
what did Putnam and porter rivalry lead to conflict over
This created tension over the church ministry
who did the putnams originally appoint as village minister
the putnams wanted for the village to have its own congregation and appointed george Burroughs as minister in 1681- lasted until 1682
who replaced Burroughs
Deodat lawson replaced burroughs but his appointment soon divided the community
who was appointed after Burroughs
In 1689 samuel parris became village minister and had support of the Putnam family and preached against those who opposed him
Anti parris faction retaliated in October 1691 when Putnam dominated committee ousted and a porter faction took over
By 1692 parris was worried as the rate comittee control his salary
what did Mary glover confess too
Mary glover was arrested and a search of her house revealed she had been making dolls in witchcraft them with goat hair - poppets
she used these in witchcraft
couldn’t recite lords prayer correctly and was a catholic
what were Cotton Matters beliefs on evidence
Matter never released the names of the accomplices as he believed people with a pact with the devil were inclined to lie.
Matter preached that evidence of a witch shouldn’t be used to charge another suspect because the devil may have been attempting to incriminate innocent people
who was cotton Mathers father
increase Mather
who were cotton Mather and increase Mather
two of the most senior clergymen in Massachusetts
what were cotton Mathers beliefs on spectral evidence
cautioned judges to not rely on spectral evidence but did not reject it
nor did he condemn the first trial
What were cotton Mathers opinions on the trials after they had ended
after 1693 he never admitted publicly to have any regret for his part in the trials
how many books did he write
over 400 books
what book did he publish in 1689 and what impact did this have
1689 memorable providences relating to witchcraft and possessions
it acted as a guide to those who conducted trials
what did his 1689 publication include
an extensive account of Goodwin possessions
a sermon delivered by Mather and reprinted warning against the presence of witches and offering advice on how to detect them
where did he witchunts of 1691 begin
in Samuel parris’ household
why was there anomosity towards Parris
he attempted to increase his salary and benefits such as free firewood and exclusive ownership of ministers houses
shortly before the hunts began the town refused to pay his wages after he purchased unnecessary items for the puritan meeting house
what did Elizabeth parris and Abigail Williams begin to experiment with
fortune telling in the winter of 1691
what then happened to Elizabeth parris and Abigail Williams
1692 began to lose concentration and experience fits
she would forget prayers
Abigail williams also began to exhibit stranger behaviour
what was Ann putnams role in trials
her name was mentioned in trials over 400 times and apologised for her part in the craze in 1706 claiming she was deceived by the devil
what was the role of mercy lewis in trials
accused a total of 8 people
her parents were killed in an Indian attack possibly witnessed by mercy herself
was parris immeditely convinced of witchcraft
not at first
what did a neighbour of Parris do
Mary Shibley in 1692 instructed Tituba to make a witch cake as a form of counter magic
according to folklore the dog would eat the cake and the witch herself would cry with pain
this only made the girls fits worse and then was also suspected
who did the afflicted girls name
Sarah Good Sarah Osborne and Tituba
=stereotypical witches
who was William Phipps and what did he do
recently appointed govenor
set up the court of over and terming to officially hear the cases
was there suspicion in the courts
yes, one of the judges resigned within a month when he became suspicious about the legitimacy of the proceedings
what did the witches confess to
mARY Warren and Deliverance Hobbs declared there were over 300 witches in massachuetts that few to mass meetings
how did William Phipps decrease witch hunts
Phips realised the court of oyer and Terminer inflamed the situation so therefore disbanded them on 26th October 1692 and reprieved the 5 people who were awaiting execution in gaol
how did increase Mather decrease hunts
Increase Mather presented a pamphlet Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits critical of spectral evidence and that the evidence should be as clear as any other felony
how did elite scepticism decrease trials
Samuel Williard a Boston Minister had spoken openely against the trials and had written Some Miscellany Observations stating his objections to the trials
how did changing courts decrease cases
The Superior Court of Judicature 1593, Court of Assize and General Gaol delivery governed Salem headed by Stoughton prevented the admittance of spectral evidence
and pardoned all those not guilty