Navarre Flashcards
how many cases were there in the Navarre Witch Hunts
almost 7,000 cases
what was the auto de fe
the confession of faith
in 1609 how many witches were sent to their auto-de-fe
how many of the first 31 witches were burned
what did the first 31 witches accused lead to
the belief a witch cult was active over a wide area
this lead to the period of grace being proclaimed during which time all those who voluntarily reported themselves and denounced their accomplices would escape punishment
how many witchcraft confessions were there from the Junior Inquisitor travelling around the Basque Lands
1,802 confessions
1,384 of which came from children
a further 5,000 accusations came from people who failed to report themselves
when did the Edict of Grace end
What did the judges want to do with the 5,000 accusations
two of the judges favoured severity
however the youngest Inquisitor who travelled around the Basque region said there was no evidence and aroused scepticism
therefore due to the disagreement la Suprema intervened
what is the difference between the judges education
Salazar Frias had a degree in ecclesiastical law
Frias was well connected, when the Archbishop became Inquisitor General in 1608 he sent Salazar to serve at Logrono
Becerra and Valle had degrees in theocracy
during the auto-de-fe what did Salazar think about the other 2 judges
for the 1st two years Frias had respect for his 2 colleagues.
However, he then ventured to criticise certain points of evidence, thus saving 2 from the stake.
Before long Becerra and Valle openly implied that Frias was in league with the Devil.
what was Salazar’s requirements for evidence
must be proven by external and objective evidence sufficient to convince everyone who hears
what was the argument of the two judges
witches confessions were in agreement each with another as well as with the available books on demonology
how did Salazar respond to the judges
objected his colleagues had taken a selective view of the material and that their whole opinion rested on their subjective evaluation of confessions
what did Salazar suggest should happen to the accused
concluded in his submission to the Inquisitor-General with a recommendation that all the accused should be pardoned because they were innocent
what does the arguments between the judges show
a clash of cultures
all had university degrees
Frias had a ecclesiastical law degree but Valle and Becerra had read theology
who did the Inquisitor General agree with ?
were the Suprema sceptical about witchcraft
in 1526 the last burning for the offence of witchcraft happened
1538 the council had warned the tribunal not to believe everything they Read in the Malleus Maleficarium since it contained many mistakes
what did the Suprema rule in 1614
all cases should be dismissed
what was a result of the Navarre trails in regard to evidence
new instructions were issued based on a draft prepared by Salazar which were so rigorous they brought witch burnings in Spain to an end
what had caused the panic of witches
There was a fear of witchcraft in 1600s, in winter of 1610-11, those accused were at risk of being lynched = genuine fear
how did beliefs from France encourage hunts in Spain
they only discovered notions of a secret organisation of witches in 1609 when Judge Pierre de Lancre from the parlement Bordeaux condemned to death about 100 witches from the Pays De Labourd in France. These rumous spread to Spain.
village beliefs of witchcraft
local notions about isolated village witches who were able to harm their neighbours by cursing them, but through dissemination of beliefs from France ideas of a secret organisation occurred
when did the Navarre trails occur