SAFMEDS Flashcards
A procedure by which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response after it is paired with a stimulus that automatically elicits that response
Classical Conditioning
The process of teaching a new behaviour by reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired response
The process by which our behaviours transfer to new situations or stimuli that we did not directly learn about
Specialized cells in the nervous system that support the integrity of neurons
A factor that varies systematically between experimental conditions, but is not the variable of interest
An experimental design where each participant only takes part in a single experimental condition
Between Subject Design
Chemicals secreted by neurons allowing information to be transmitted between cells
Brain structures located in the lower side portion of the cortex that are important in audition (hearing) and language
Temporal Lobes
An extension of the spinal cord, essential to life, controlling vital physiological functions such as heartbeat, circulation, and respiration
A branch of the autonomic nervous system, typically activated in response to threats to the organisms, which readies the body for ‘fight-or-flight’ reactions
Sympathetic Nervous System
Gestalt Laws
A set of principles that describe how sensory inputs are organised into meaningful patterns
Gestalt Laws
The organisation of changing sensory inputs into percepts that are relatively stable in size, shape and colour
Perceptual Constancy
The conscious “work-space” used for processing, retrieving, and manipulating information
Working Memory
Better memory for information that is presented at the beginning and end of a sequence
Serial-Position Effects
Those mental processes we engage when deciding how to act in a complex or novel situation where there might be significant immediate rewards or punishments
Hot Cognitive Control
The measurement of electrical signals associated with muscle movements; commonly used to record facial expressions of emotion
A form of logical thinking where children understand that physical properties of objects remain unchanged even when their appearance changes
A statement of the possible relationship between two variables, which is well grounded in what we already know
The response an experimenter measures to see if the experimental manipulation has had an effect
Dependent Variable
The process whereby a behaviour is made more likely because it is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus
Negative Reinforcement
The non-delivery of reinforcers maintaining undesirable behaviour
The part of a neuron that includes the nucleus (which contains the genetic material) and other organelles, vital to cell functioning
Cell Body
Protein molecules in cells to which neurotransmitters can bind and pass information to other cells
Brain structures located in the rear portion of the cortex, involved in vision
Occipital Lobes
A structure deep in the temporal lobes that is crucial for acquiring and retrieving memories for events or experiences
A technique for measuring the structure of the brain or its activity during a particular task
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Psychophysical law which states that the just noticeable difference between two stimuli is proportional to their intensity
Weber’s Law
Perceptual processing that is driven by our memory or knowledge of the world
Top-Down Processing
Old information interfering with the retrieval of new information
Temporal lobes
Superior memory for information rehearsed in sessions spread-out over longer testing intervals
Spacing Effect
The process of teaching a new behaviour by reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired response
A sub-cortical brain structure that is a central component in emotional brain networks