Safety- Defensive Driving Flashcards
What is the 3x5 test for brakes?
Pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold for 5 seconds
In city driving, how far ahead would a 12 to 15 second eye lead time have you scanning?
1 to 1-1/2 blocks ahead
What is meant by a 45 degree eye scan?
Scanning the area in front of your vehicle from sidewalk to sidewalk
When passing or changing lanes, what should you do to check the traffic coming up behind you?
Check your rear-view mirror, do a 45 degree scan using your side-view mirrors, then do a 90 degree head check
What is the safety perimeter?
Its the 360 degree safety space cushion around your vehicle.
Complete the following formula: Space + Visibility =
What is the rule for determining the proper following distance?
The 3 to 4 second rule
For which brake type should you use a steady firm pressure when braking hard?
ABS brakes
What is the “Rear Tire Rule”?
When stopped behind a vehicle at an intersection you should be able to see the rear tires of the front vehicle touching the grounf
What is the most important rule to remember concerning right-of-way?
Never assume or demand the right-of-way, always be prepared to stop if necessary
What is the most basis rule concerning left turns?
When stopped, keep your front wheels straight and keep your foot on the brake
When the weather turns the road conditions slick, the appropriate precaution is to:
Slow down and avoid breaking in a turn or on a curve, if possible
Why can being in a bad mood make you a bad driver?
Because being upset when you’re driving may make you careless or more agressive
How can you cope with frustration and anger when driving?
Stop and Pullover, count to 10 and do some breathing, try to relax and cool off
What are you responsible for when you drive a vehicle?
You are responsible for your own life and the lives of others in the vicinity and Comcast’s equipment and reputation
What personal factors may affect your ability to drive a vehicle?
Illness, drowsiness, work-related conflict, and personal conflict.
What are the characteristics of aggressive driving?
- driving in a selfish manner
- trying to intimidate or “better” another driver
- a ticketable offense
What are the characteristics of road rage?
- using a vehicle as a weapon with intern to harm
- physical assault of a person or vehicle as a result of a traffic accident
- a criminal offence
Who are the likeliest road rage culprits?
Men between 35-50 (driving blue BMWS)
What is the most frequent way road rage culprits express their anger?
Shouting or swearing
What is the worst time of day for road rage?
What are the signs of aggressive driving?
- speeding
- lane changing
- following too closely
- blocking the intersection
- ignoring traffic signals
- maneuvering around traffic with no turn signals
What factors contribute to aggressive driving?
- personal factors
- slow drivers
- running late
- other aggressive drivers
Why do people not wear their seat belts?
- They forget
- discomfort
- wrinkles their clothes