2017CTJ CT3 Questions Flashcards
AM radio frequency band
535 kHz to 1.7 MHz
FM radio frequency band
88-108 MHz
Short wave radio Frequency band
5.9 to26.1 MHz
Garage door opener frequency
About 40 MHz
Radio controlled airplane frequency
About 72 MHz
Law Enforcement and Fire Rescue Frequency Band
150-155 MHz
Air Traffic Control Radar Frequency Band
960-1215 MHz
LTE FDD Frequency Bands
700, 800, 1700, 1900 MHz
Wi-Fi- Frequency Bands
2.4 and 5.0 GHz
At which Temperature is cable attenuation calculated?
68 degrees F
A passive signal splitter with minimal loss between input and output ports, specified loss between input and tap ports, and very high loss between output and tap ports
Directional Coupler
How Much signal would you need to gain/lose in order to double/half your signal strength?
Frequency Division Multiplexing
When multiple carriers oscillating at different frequencies are transported simultaneously in the same medium it is called what?
Frequency Division Multiplexing
FCC part 76.614 states any leakage source exeeding _____ at a distance of _____in the aeronautical radio frequency bands shall be noted and repaired in a reasonable time
20 uV/m 3
Comcast stanards state _____ is the maximum amount of signal leakage allowed at a customers premsie
10 uV/m
Digital Video Recorder
A suite of applications that enables customers to enjoy their Comcast services on as many platforms as possible
Converged Products
Industry lead lead ny over 200 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators etc. committed to design open technical standards for the delivery of digital tv
DVB Project
Type of CableCARD that can only support one way services
Single stream or S-Cards
Type of CableCARD that supports two way communication, allowing the use of premium channels (although ondemand and pay-per-view will still not be accessible)
Multi-Stream or M-Card
Digital Transport Adapter
DTA model which provides High Definition and will work on both the Cisco and Motorola plant
Three main components of a Home Theater System
Audio, Video, Environment