PHT Flashcards
Upstream will pass or fail PHT based off of this.
Actual Power
Power is measured in?
Absolute Power is calculated by?
Adding the Transit Power with the Receiver
When is Actual Power identical to Transmit Power?
When the transmit power is greater than +51.0 dBmV and receive power is greater than -0.5 dBmV below the configured CMTS level.
Constant power adjustment messages between the CMTS and the device causing excessive communication with CMTS.
Types of integrity issues that impact cable physically. Name at least 3-4.
Water, corrosion, braid on connector, long stingers
Downstream will fail under these conditions.
If DsRx is higher than +12dBmV or below -10dBmV
Downstream Signal Noise Ratio (DSSNR) will fail under this. (number)
Less than +33.0dB
Upstream will fail over this. (number)
Registration State Downstream must be ___ to Pass PHT. (number)
The method performed if any downstream or upstream channel is impaired the device stops using them.
Partial Bonding
The most common fix to Partial Bonding.
Rebooting Modem
The max allowable ingress is?
A PHY rate below ____ will fail.
PHT stands for.
Premise Health Test
PHT will fail due to what being out of spec?
Upstream Tx, Downstream dBmV, DSSNR, USSNR, MoCA, ICFR, Suckout,
Greater than 6dB is?
This type of MoCA network will cause a PHT Fail.
Split MoCA Network
ICFR greater than ____ will cause a PHT Fail.
3.0 dB
Failing to install this will cause a PHT Fail.
POE Resonator
What two devices will produce a 600+ PHY rate?
Xb6 and XG1 4K DvR
Name the ways you can view PHT.
In the standalone PHT App, Tech 360, X-Ray, and Watchtower
Name the 4 Pass/Fail states of PHT
Pass, Pass with Warnings, Pass with Overrides, Fail
PHT checks these type of devices.
DOCSIS; internet and X1 not legacy
Upstream Signal Noise Ratio (USSNR) will fail under this. (number)
Registration State Upstream must be ___ to Pass PHT. (number)