S7 L2 Diarrhoea, Constipation, Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, Rectum and Anal Canal Flashcards
- Definitions
- Pathophysiology - why does diarrhoea happen?
- 2 types, explain them briefly
Diarrhoea - Secretory cause
- What is this?
- Caused by?
Diarrhoea - Osmotic cause
- Explain in detail
- Name some other causes of diarrhoea
- Defintion
- Risk factors
- Pathophysiology
- Treatments
- What is this?
- Describe the muscle in the appendix
- Blood supply
- Location - how these differ between people
- 3 types
- Causes (main believed one)
- Alternative explanation of appendicitis
- Symptoms
- Explain the ‘typical’ pain profile
- Signs
- Physical examination test doctor can do
Appendicitis - diagnosis/treatment
- What is this?
- Symptoms?
- Where does it occur?
- What actually happens?
- Cause of this…
Acute Diverticulitis
- What is this?
- What does it happen?
- Pathophysiology
- Uncomplicated diverticulitis
- Complicated diverticulitis
What is:
- Diverticulosis
- Diverticular disease
Acute diverticulitis
- Symptoms and signs
Acute diverticulitis - Diagnosis
Rectum and Anal canal anatomy:
- Where is the rectum?
- Where is the anus?
- Where is the junction between them?
- Muscle in rectum?
- Shape of rectum?
- Peritoneum - rectum?
- Role
Rectum and anal canal - Arteries and veins
- Blood supply to rectum is from several arteries….
- Venous drainage
Anal canal
- What is this?
- Where is the start of the anal canal?
- Two directions of the anus
- Anatomy that changes the direction of the anus?
Anal canal
- How is this involved in continence?
Anal sphincter complex:
- two types…
- control…
Process of Defaecation
Anal canal:
- Dentate line
- White line
What is the significance of above and below these lines?
- What are these?
- When can they cause problems?
Internal Haemorrhoids
- What are these?
- Characteristics of these and description?
- Treatment
- What makes them worse?
Internal Haemorrhoids
- 4 grades
External Haemorrhoids
- Characteristics of these?
- Description of these?
Anal Fissure
- What happens?
- Underlying cause
- Treatment
Haematochezia - common causes
- List some
- What is this?
- Description?
- Common causes
- Uncommon causes