S2-Conducting Research in Social Psychology Flashcards
Basic research
Research designed to increase knowledge about social behavior
Scientific method
A set of procedures used to gather, analyze, and interpret information in a way that reduces error and leads to dependable generalizations
Applied research
Research designed increasing understanding of and solutions to real-world problems by using current social psychological knowledge
An organized system of ideas that seeks to explain why two or more events are related
An educated guess or prediction about the nature of things based upon a theory
Factors and scientific research that can be measured and that are capable of changing (or varying)
Operational definition
A very clear description of how a variable in a study has been measured
A methanol logical technique in which the researcher misinforms participants about that your nature of what they are experiencing in the study
I trained member of the research team who follows the script designed to create a specific impression on the research participant
Institutional review boards (IRBs)
A panel of scientists and nonscientists who ensure the protection and welfare of research participants by formally reviewing researchers’ methodologies and producers prior to data collection
Informed consent
A procedure by which people freely choose to participate in a study only after they are told about the activities they will perform
Informed consent
A procedure by which people freely choose to participate in a study only after they are told about the activities they will perform
A procedure at the conclusion of a research session in which participants are given full information about the nature and hypotheses of the study
A group if people who are selected to participate in a research study
All the members of an identifiable group from which a sample is drawn
Repeating a study’s scientific procedures using different participants in an attempt to duplicate the findings
The use if statistical techniques to summarize results from similar studies on a specific topic to estimate the reliability and overall size of the effect
Observational research
A scientific method involving systematic qualitative and/or quantitative descriptions of behavior
Naturalistic observation
A descriptive scientific method that investigates behavior in its natural environment