S1_L2: Surface Anatomy, Lungs Flashcards
Forced expiration is an active process with forced contraction of the anterior abdominal wall. The ____ contracts to pull the 12th rib down, and the serratus posterior inferior and latissimus dorsi also play a minor role.
Quadratus lumborum
A passive process brought by elastic recoil of lungs and relaxation of diaphragm and intercostals.
Quiet expiration
Determine the corresponding descriptions of these conditions
- Possible vertebra fracture with associated injury to the spinal cord; scapula can be fractured in severe trauma
- May occur at the following areas: Pleuroperitoneal canal, Opening between xiphoid and costal margin of the diaphragm, Esophageal hiatus
- Most common rib injury because of the ribs’ thinness; bruising of a rib due to trauma
- Commonly occurs at the angle (weakest part) of the rib; A common complication from it is pneumothorax due to penetration to lungs
- Not common and occurs in high speed motor vehicle accident
- Due to incomplete fusion of the septum transversum, dorsal mesentery and pleuroperitoneal membrane
A. Rib contusion
B. Rib fracture
C. Posterior injury to the back of chest
D. Sternum fracture
E. Diaphragmatic hernia
- C
- E
- A
- B
- D
- E
Determine the corresponding descriptions of these conditions
- Collection of pus in the pleural cavity
- Air in the pleural cavity from lungs or through chest wall due to disease or injury (i.e. puncture)
- Due to gastric irritation of vagus nerve ending after eating or drinking
- Inflammation secondary to inflammation of lungs (pneumonia)
- Excess serous fluid in pleural cavity (> 300 cc); more common on right
- Involuntary spasmodic contraction of diaphragm
A. Pleurisy / pleuritis
B. Pneumothorax
C. Empyema
D. Pleural effusion
E. Singultus / hiccup
- C
- B
- E
- A
- D
- E
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Cricoid Cartilage
- Carina
- Manubrium Sterni
- Jugular / Suprasternal / Sternal Notch
- End / lowest part of costal margin
A. T3-T4
B. T4-T5
C. C6
D. L3
E. Lower border of body of T2
- C
- B
- A
- E
- D
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Right border of heart
- Left border of heart
- Apex of heart
- Superior border of heart
- Inferior border of heart
A. 2nd L costal cartilage (sternal angle) to 3rd right costal cartilage; Roots of great blood vessels
B. 3rd R costal cartilage to 6th R costal cartilage; Right atrium
C. 2nd L costal cartilage to apex beat; Left ventricle
D. 5th Left intercostal space 3.5 in from midline; Left portion of left ventricle
E. 6th R costal cartilage to apex beat; Right ventricle and apical part of Left ventricle
- B
- C
- D
- A
- E
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Cardiac Notch of lungs
- Oblique Fissure of lungs
- Horizontal Fissure of lungs
- Apex of Lungs
- Nipple Line
A. 4th intercostal space from midline
B. 4th costal cartilage
C. 4th intercostal cartilage
D. 1 in above the junction of the medial and intermediate thirds of the clavicle
E. From root of spine of scapula (T2) to 6th rib (T6) to 6th costochondral junction
- B
- E
- C
- D
- A
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Anterior Border of R Lung
- Anterior Border of L Lung
- Inferior / Lower Border of Lungs
- Posterior Border of Lungs
- Lower Border of Pleura
A. Cross 8th rib (midclavicular) and 10th rib (midaxillary) and reach 12th rib (lateral border of erector spinae)
B. Extends down from spinous process of C7 to T10 vertebra 1.5 in from midline
C. From sternoclavicular joint, reaches midline behind sternal angle and continues until xiphisternal joint
D. Begins behind sternoclavicular joint, deviates laterally (because of the heart) at the 4th costal cartilage to become the cardiac notch
E. Mid-inspiration crossing the 6th rib (midclavicular) and 8th rib (midaxillary) and reaches the 10th rib (adjacent to vertebral column posteriorly)
- C
- D
- E
- B
- A
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Sternocostal surface of heart
- Diaphragmatic surface of heart
- Base of heart
- Left Dome of Lungs
- Right Dome of Lungs
A. Right atrium and right ventricle
B. Left atrium
C. Left and right ventricles
D. Lower border of 5th rib (Mid respiratory position)
E. Upper border of 5th rib at midclavicular line (Mid respiratory position)
- A
- C
- B
- D
- E
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Anterior axillary fold
- Posterior axillary fold
- Spine of scapula
- Superior Angle of scapula
- Inferior Angle of scapula
A. T2
B. T3
C. T7
D. Latissimus dorsi
E. Pectoralis major
- E
- D
- B
- A
- C
Determine the corresponding landmarks / levels / borders of these structures
- Tube Thoracostomy
- Thoracostomy Anterior approach
- Thoracostomy Lateral approach
- Subcostal angle
- Thoracotomy
A. Between the sternal attachments of the 7th costal cartilages
B. 2nd intercostal space
C. 4th intercostal space
D. 4th or 5th ICS anterior axillary line
E. 4th–5th intercostal space from lateral margin of sternum to midaxillary line
- D
- B
- B
- A
- E
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the types of respiration
- Common in adults (especially female)
- Rely mainly on movement of ribs
- Common in babies and young children (up to 2 years)
A. Thoracic type
B. Abdominal type
- A
- A
- B
TRUE OR FALSE: Males use both thoracic and abdominal types of respiration.
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the blood supply of lungs
- Segmental arteries carry deoxygenated blood into bronchopulmonary segment and to alveoli
- Bronchial artery supplies the bronchi, connective tissue of lung and visceral pleura
- Supplies the tissue of respiratory tree and lungs
- Where gas exchange occurs
- Bronchial vein drains to azygos and hemiazygos veins
A. Respiratory or pulmonary circuit
B. Non-respiratory circuit
- A
- B
- B
- A
- B
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the parts of the lungs
- Corresponds to the concave chest wall
- Sits on the diaphragm
- Molds into the pericardium and other mediastinal structures
- Structure projecting upward into the neck above clavicle
- Depression in which the root of lung is attached; Region outlined by pleura reflection on the medial surface where structures enter and leave
A. Hilum
B. Costal surface
C. Mediastinal surface
D. Apex
E. Base
- B
- E
- C
- D
- A
The tongue-like projection of the anterior margin of left lung that extends from inferior end of the cardiac notch
The concave indentation of the anterior margin of left lung that leaves the anterior surface of heart exposed
Cardiac notch
The end junction of the trachea and principal bronchi that separates the opening of the bronchi
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the bronchi
- 1 in. long, wider, shorter, and more vertical
- Divides into superior lobar bronchus and upon entry to hilum of lungs, divides to middle and inferior lobar bronchus
- Passes below arch aorta and in front of esophagus
- Foreign substances usually enter this bronchus
- Draining of fluid usually happens here
- Divides to superior and inferior lobar bronchus
A. Left bronchus
B. Right bronchus
- B
- B
- A
- B
- A
- A
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the relationships of the trachea
- Azygos vein
- Left brachiocephalic vein
- Left Recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Thymus gland
- Esophagus
- Origin of brachiocephalic
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
C. Right
D. Left
- C
- A
- B
- A
- B
- A
The smooth muscle connecting the cartilages of the trachea
Trachealis muscle
A mobile tube about 5 inches long and 1 in in diameter. It starts from the lower border of the cricoid cartilage as a continuation of the larynx.
Dermatome level of the xiphoid process
Dermatome level of the nipple
TRUE OR FALSE: The 1st rib is deep into the clavicle and cannot be palpated.
This vessel carries oxygenated blood from alveolar capillaries to the connective tissue septa of the bronchopulmonary segment to the pulmonary vein to the root of lung and finally, enter the heart via the left atrium.
Intersegmental vein
Most common site/s and level/s of rib fracture
Angle of 5th–10th ribs
An injury to the ribs where the section of the rib cage has been detached due to multiple fractures. It is associated with a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) and life-threatening injury due to its complications.
Flail chest
A s/sx of flail chest where the injured area moves in the opposite direction to the rest of the chest
Paradoxical chest movements
TRUE OR FALSE: Pale, cool clammy skin, a rapid, weak pulse, and pain, especially when breathing in, are some s/sx of flail chest.
It is a prophylaxis preoperatively in a trauma patient with significant chest trauma (e.g. flail chest). Done by creating and maintaining an opening into the thoracic cavity using needle or chest tube to drain fluid, blood, or air. It is indicated for hemothorax, pneumothorax, and open pneumothorax.
Boundaries of the safe triangle that determines the position of chest drain (tube) in Tube Thoracostomy.
- Anterior border of latissimus dorsi
- Lateral border of pectoralis major
- Apex of axilla
- Horizontal line level of nipple
An entire open thoracic surgery by making an incision through the thoracic wall into the pleural space. It passes through 8 layers (skin, subcutaneous tissue, serratus anterior and pectoral muscle, external intercostal, internal intercostal, innermost intercostal, endothoracic fascia, parietal pleura).
TRUE OR FALSE: The left lung has 2 fissures and 3 lobes.
False, it is the R.
L lung has 1 fissure & 2 lobes.
Determine the corresponding descriptions of the parts of the parietal pleura
- Covers thoracic surface of diaphragm
- Covers the inner surface of ribs, costal cartilage and sides of vertebral bodies, and back of sternum
- Found along anterior costal margin, largest on the left side in the region overlying the heart. Allows the heart to expand
- Slit space between costal and diaphragmatic parietal pleurae; lower area of pleural cavity into which lung expands during inspiration
- Covers the mediastinum
- Dome shape layer of parietal pleura lining the cervical extension
A. Costomediastinal recess
B. Costodiaphragmatic recess
C. Costal pleura
D. Cervical pleura
E. Diaphragmatic pleura
F. Mediastinal part
- E
- C
- A
- B
- F
- D
Occurs when the diameters of the lung increase due to the contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, and the first rib is fixed by the scaleni muscles.
Quiet inspiration
Caused by contraction of the scalenus anterior and medius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. The scapula is fixed by trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboid muscles while the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor pull the ribs up.
Forced inspiration
Each respiratory bronchiole divide into ___ alveolar ducts that enter the alveolar sac
The division of the smallest bronchi. This has no cartilage, but is lined by columnar epithelium.
The lobar bronchi further divide into segmental (tertiary) bronchi supplying the ___
Bronchopulmonary segments
Thin walled out-pouching that consists of several alveoli opening in a single chamber
Alveolar sac
Arrange the following in order of organization / creation / division of the bronchi
Choices: Bronchiole, Lobar bronchus, Terminal bronchiole, Alveolus, Mainstem bronchus, Segmental bronchus, Trachea, Alveolar duct, Respiratory bronchiole
- Trachea
- Mainstem bronchus
- Lobar bronchus
- Segmental bronchus
- Bronchiole
- Terminal bronchiole
- Respiratory bronchiole
- Alveolar duct
- Alveolus
Determine the corresponding structures adjacent to the medial surfaces of the lungs
- Superior vena cava
- Thoracic aorta
- Heart
- Azygos vein
- Esophagus
- Aortic arch
A. Medial surface of right lung
B. Medial surface of left lung
C. Both
- A
- B
- C
- A
- C
- B
Enumerate the structures found in the hilum / root of the lung
- One pulmonary artery
- Two pulmonary veins
- Main bronchus
- Bronchial vessels
- Nerves and lymphatics
TRUE OR FALSE: Capillaries of the visceral pleura absorb pleural fluid.
What nerves supply the diaphragmatic pleura (over the dome of the diaphragm and over the periphery)?
- Over the dome of the diaphragm: phrenic nerve
- Over the periphery: 6 intercostal nerves
The costal pleura is supplied by the (1)___, while the mediastinal pleura is supplied by the (2)___.
- intercostal nerve
- phrenic nerve
TRUE OR FALSE: The visceral pleura is continuous with the parietal pleura at the hilum of each lung. It is innervated by the visceral afferent nerve; it is usually insensitive to pain and touch but sensitive to stretch.
Refers to the layers of pleura at the hilum of each lung; allows movement of pulmonary vessels and large bronchi during respiration.
Pulmonary ligament
How many bronchopulmonary segments does each lung have?
Left: 8-10 segments
Right: 10 segments
Structural and surgical unit of the lungs that can be surgically removed if diseased
Independent units
Subdivision of a lung lobe
Pyramidal in shape (apex towards the root)
Surrounded by connective tissue
Has a segmental bronchus, artery, lymph vessel and autonomic nerve
Bronchopulmonary segments
The trachea is an important structure of the lower
respiratory tract. The following are true:
a. Found posterior to the arch of the aorta
b. On the right is the azygos vein
c. On the left are the left common carotid and
subclavian arteries as well as the pleura
d. B and C
e. all
e. all
A 3 year old boy accidentally choked with a peanut entering the trachea. Normally, the foreign particle would
most likely lodge on the right bronchus because:
a. it is wider
b. more vertical
c. Both A& B
d. none, foreign body most likely will go to the left
bronchus which is more common
c. Both A& B
True about the trachea except:
a. is a mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube
b. is found posterior to the esophagus
c. made of U shape hyaline cartilage
d. during deep inspiration, the bifurcation goes as low
as level of the 6th thoracic vertebrae
b. is found posterior to the esophagus
Bronchopulmonary segments:
a. are the anatomic and surgical units of lungs
b. arises from a secondary bronchus
c. is pyramidal in shape with apex toward the root
d. A and C
e. all
d. A and C
During quiet respiration, expiration happens as a result of
a. diaphragm contraction
b. the intercostal fix at the first rib and contracts
c. Both
d. Neither
d. Neither
Sympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system will
a. inhibitory to the bronchial smooth muscle
b. dilate the pulmonary blood vessels
c. motor to the bronchial smooth muscles
d. A and B
e. B and C
a. inhibitory to the bronchial smooth muscle
The start of the trachea is opposite
a. C3
b. C4
c. C6
d. T2
e. T4
c. C6
The blood supply to the lung parenchyma and its pleura is
a. coronary artery
b. pulmonary artery
c. pulmonary vein
d. bronchial artery
d. bronchial artery
Increase in transverse diameter of the lungs is brought about by fixing the 1st rib by the contraction of the scalene muscles and intercostal muscles to raise the other ribs. This is also known as the bucket handle mechanism in respiration.
a. 1st statement is true, 2nd is false
b. 1st statement is false, 2nd statement is true
c. both statements are true
d. both statements are false
c. both statements are true
Nerve supply to the trachea are branches from
a. vagus n. (sensory)
b. recurrent laryngeal n. (sensory)
c. sympathetic trunk (trachealis muscle)
d. A & C
e. All
e. All
Root of the lung is formed by structures entering and
leaving the lung. This includes
a. lymph vessels
b. bronchial vessels
c. Bronchi
d. B & C only
e. all
e. all
The horizontal fissure of the lung is drawn starting from
a. spine of scapula
b. Clavicle
c. 6th costochondral junction
d. 2nd Thoracic vertebral spine
e. 4th costal cartilage
e. 4th costal cartilage
The dermatome level at the xiphoid process is
a. T4
b. T6
c. T9
d. T10
e. T12
b. T6
The lowest level of the costal margin as at the level of
a. T12
b. L1
c. L2
d. L3
e. L4
d. L3
Superior border of the heart is
a. composed of the both atrium and auricle
b. formed by roots of the great large blood vessels
c. is at the level of 2nd left costal cartilage to the right third costal cartilage
d. B and C
e. all
d. B and C
Match the characteristics to the right or left lung.
- Has 2 lobes
- Has an oblique fissure
- At the medial surface of this lung is the arch of Aorta
- Has a lingula
- Is heavier
A. Right lung
B. Left lung
C. Both
D. Neither
- B
- C
- B
- B
- A
True regarding the bronchopulmonary segment:
- subdivision of a lung lobe
- 10 segments in each lung
- each segment has its own lymphatic vessel as well as autonomic nerve supply
- is round-shaped like the alveoli
- a diseased segment can be removed surgically
A. True
B. False
- A
- A (according to Snell)
- A
- B
- A