RUSSIA- Fall of the USSR 1985-91- GORBACHEV AND YELTSIN Flashcards
Which type of historians approach the concept of causation in history through the actions of individuals?
Intentionalist historians
When did Gorbachev receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
What were Gorbachev’s failings?
Lack of vision; naivety; powerbase; expectations; foreign policy; insensitive handling of national minorities; inconsistency; indecision
Why were Gorbachev’s measures to reduce the power and role of the Communist Party problematic?
Attacking the base of his own power without ensuring an adequate replacement
How did Gorbachev make the ethnic clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh worse?
Declared a state of emergency and imposed direct control from Moscow in November 1988
What is an example of Gorbachev’s inconsistency?
His speech in November 1987- praised Stalin’s leadership while condemning his ‘real crime’
What is an example of Gorbachev’s indecision?
Hesitated for several days before releasing information about Chernobyl
When was the Chernobyl nuclear accident?
Which historian believes that Gorbachev’s fault was attempting economic reform, democratisation and decolonisation simultaneously?
Ronald Suny
Which considerable challenge did Gorbachev succeed in for most of his time as General Secretary?
Dealing with divisions between reformers and conservatives
What sort of image did Yeltsin present?
A politician in touch with the wishes of the people
Why was Yeltsin in a strong position to undermine Gorbachev’s leadership?
Reputation as a reformer; base of popular support
When was Yeltsin removed from the Politburo?
February 1988
How did Yeltsin use his time after being removed from the Politburo?
Established firmer links with other reformers and critics of Gorbachev
How many people gathered in Moscow to support Yeltsin in March 1991?
When did Yeltsin attack Gorbachev publicly?
Central Committee Plenum of October 1987
How did Yeltsin take advantage of Gorbachev’s decision to hold elections for the Congress of People’s Deputies in 1989?
Used his position as mayor of Moscow to organise demonstrations in his support; secured 89% of the city’s vote
What did Yeltsin’s election to the People’s Congress give him?
Platform to attack Gorbachev and the Soviet government
What did Yeltsin use to specifically attack the central Soviet government?
His election to the Congress of People’s Deputies for the RSFSR in 1990
When was Yeltsin elected as chairman of the Congress of People’s Deputies?
May 1990
When did Yeltsin resign from the Communist Party?
July 1990
What did the Congress of People’s Deputies consider itself to be above?
Authority of the Soviet government
What calculated move did Yeltsin take to reduce the power of the central Soviet government even further?
Encouraged the nationalist movements of non-Russian republics
When did Yeltsin and Gorbachev decide to work together to pursue reform?
Spring of 1991
What did Yeltsin and Gorbachev join forces to support?
Novo-Ogarevo Agreement, which formed the basis of Gorbachev’s Union Treaty of 1991
Which historian views Yeltsin’s decision to work with Gorbachev as a cynical move to bide his time?
Robert Service
What was the August Coup of 1991 a last-ditch attempt to do?
Preserve territorial integrity of the Soviet Union and rule of Communist Party
Where was Gorbachev on holiday in when the August Coup took place?
What was formed to take over the running of the country while Gorbachev was away?
State Emergency Committee
Who were the leaders of the August Coup?
Gennady Yanaev; Vladimir Kryuchkov; Dmitri Yazov
Who was Gennady Yanaev?
Gorbachev’s vice-president
Who was Vladimir Kryuchkov?
Head of KGB
Who was Dmitri Yazov?
Defence Minister
Who were the leaders of the August Coup supported by?
Some of the leading army officers
Who announced during the Coup that Gorbachev was ill and a state of emergency would rule in his absence?
Gennady Yanaev
How long did the August coup last?
4 days
What happened during the August Coup?
Series of repressive measures hastily announced, including a ban on strikes/demonstrations
How did the leaders of the August Coup attempt to maintain law and order?
Tanks were ordered onto the streets of Moscow
Why was the August Coup unsuccessful?
Poorly planned; implemented without wholehearted backing of the armed forces
How did Yeltsin benefit from the August Coup?
His stand against the plotters greatly enhanced his reputation as a defender of freedom and reform
When had the monopoly of the Communist Party been legally ended?
By the summer of 1991
After the Communist Party had been destroyed, what did Yeltsin and other reformers establish as a political party?
Democratic Reform Movement
When did Yeltsin ban the Communist Party of the Soviet Union within Russia?
November 1991
What did Yeltsin launch after he had been emboldened by his enhanced position post-August Coup?
Programme of market reform in economy
When was Yeltsin provided with an opportunity to finally kill Gorbachev’s Union Treaty of 1991?
Ukrainian President, Leonid Kravchuk, refused to sign it; asked for further negotiations
When was Yeltsin’s Commonwealth of Independent States implemented?
December 1991
What did the Commonwealth of Independent States not require?
Central Soviet government
When did Yeltsin take a stand against Gorbachev’s Union Treaty of 1991?
November 1991