Runway Operations Guidelines - Scholarly Flashcards
What conditions must be met for successive departures from the same runway?
The second aircraft may be authorized to take off provided that one of the following applies before the second aircraft begins its take-off roll: 1. The first aircraft has departed and turned to clear the departure path. 2. The first aircraft has departed and reached a point on the departure path where it will not conflict with the second aircraft.
What conditions must be met for successive arrivals on the same runway?
The second aircraft may be authorized to land provided that one of the following applies before the second aircraft crosses the landing threshold: 1. The first aircraft has landed and taxied off the runway. 2. The first aircraft has landed or is over the landing runway and the following condition applies: The first aircraft is at a sufficient distance from the threshold to allow the second aircraft to safely complete its landing roll.
What should be ensured when an aircraft arrives before a departure on the same runway?
Ensure that the arriving aircraft has landed and taxied off the runway or that it will vacate the runway before the departing aircraft begins its take-off roll.
What is the guideline for permitting an arrival behind a departure on the same runway?
You may permit an arrival behind a departure on the same runway provided that before the arrival crosses the landing threshold the departing aircraft is airborne and meets one of the following conditions: 1. It is at a distance from the threshold such that the arriving aircraft will not overtake it during the landing roll or conflict with it in the event of a missed approach. 2. It has turned to avoid any conflict with the arriving aircraft in the event of a missed approach.