Lesson 202 VFR Departures Overview Flashcards
What is the enabling objective EO 202.1?
Issue taxi clearance to VFR departure.
What must a pilot do at a controlled airport before taxiing for takeoff?
Contact ATC the ground controller.
What should pilots state upon initial contact with ATC for departure?
Their intentions such as destination and requested altitude.
What frequency should taxi authorization be requested on?
The ground control frequency.
What should pilots do where no Clearance Delivery frequency is available?
The IFR clearance will normally be relayed by ground control before or after taxi authorization has been issued.
What must pilots inform the tower of if no flight plan has been filed?
The nature of the flight on initial contact such as local VFR or proceeding VFR to destination.
What does the ground control provide in response to a pilot’s request for taxi?
Runway number wind in magnetic degrees and knots altimeter four-digit group taxi route and any other relevant information.
Under what circumstances may a taxiing aircraft taxi onto an active runway?
Only when specifically authorized to do so.
What is expected of a pilot upon receipt of a normal taxi authorization?
To proceed to the taxi-holding position for the runway assigned for takeoff.
What should pilots do if they have not received specific authorization to cross a runway?
Hold short and request authorization to cross the runway.
What does the term ‘holding short’ signify in communications?
It is considered a location and does not require a readback.
What should a ground controller do upon receiving a request from a pilot?
Quickly review the FDEs in the planned panel to check whether an FDE already exists.
How does the system determine the aircraft type when creating an FDE?
The aircraft type will automatically populate if it’s in the database; if not it must be entered manually.
What is the purpose of the MATS Tower Appendix Forms and Reports Statistics?
To record only aircraft events that are controlled by the tower or are not already recorded in another category.
What type of data should be recorded for aircraft events according to MATS?
- Initial takeoff
- touch-and-go stop-and-go
- simulated approach without landing
- low approach
- pullup missed approach
- overflight and
- final landing.
What should be included in the Comments field during data entry?
The unabbreviated aircraft registration mark explanations given by the pilot or useful information as directed in unit procedures.
What is the default position of the ground controller for creating a departure FDE?
It will default to creating a departure blue FDE.
What is necessary for recording an aircraft’s identification?
The identification must be recorded in full without the leading C on Canadian aircraft.
What must a pilot ensure regarding altitude based on flight direction?
An aircraft must fly at an odd or even number of thousands of feet based on flight direction as per CARs.
What should a pilot do if the requested altitude is not appropriate for their flight direction?
The controller is responsible for advising the pilot that the requested altitude is not appropriate.
When must the type of aircraft be recorded in the FDE?
The TYPE field is mandatory.
What is the purpose of the notepad in the FDE?
To fill in quick notes with critical details for a departure.
What information must be included in the FDE’s notepad?
Direction of flight special intentions (if any) and requested altitude.
What should be considered when determining the requested altitude for a flight?
The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) specify altitude according to flight direction.
What is the purpose of a published VFR route?
To standardize the routes of VFR aircraft that are departing from an airport.
What is the purpose of VFR routes?
VFR routes make the pilots and controllers’ jobs easier since arrival and departure routes may be separated laterally and/or vertically in the vicinity of the airport.
How should a VFR waypoint be identified in communications with pilots?
Identify a VFR waypoint by its full name not by its identifier.
What is mandatory for a VFR flight?
A destination is mandatory.
What does the use of location indicators air traffic designators suffixes and abbreviations do for the controller?
Reduce the workload of the controller allowing them to create Flight Data Entries (FDEs) more quickly.
What should be memorized before starting simulation regarding the vicinity of March?
Memorize the location indicators or indicator symbols as they help focus on the main task of controlling aircraft.
What is the code used if the destination has no location code?
ZZZZ is used instead.
What should the Site Remarks indicate?
The pilots’ intentions or direction of flight.
What is the critical action for ground controllers before advancing the strip to the airport controller?
Ensure the Flight Data Entry (FDE) is complete.
What is the purpose of a transponder?
It takes a surveillance target and allows us to link the target to a specific aircraft.
What does a Mode C transponder provide?
Accurate altitude information which is essential in air traffic control.
What must pilots comply with regarding transponder instructions?
Pilots must comply with instructions from air traffic control (ATC) regarding the use of transponders until they receive other instructions or until the aircraft has landed.
What is the preferred code assignment for aircraft?
Assign an aircraft a discrete code in preference to a non-discrete code.
What non-discrete code do VFR aircraft below 12500 ASL use?
What is the non-discrete code for gliders?
What are the non-discrete codes for IFR and CVFR aircraft?
HLA 2000 for IFR and LLA 1000 for CVFR.
What must be done when issuing a transponder code during high workload phases like departure and arrival?
Avoid issuing code changes during these phases of flight.
What are some conditions under which ATC may authorize an aircraft not equipped with a functioning transponder to operate in transponder-required airspace?
Approval can be subject to conditions such as altitude restrictions and/or airspace limitations deemed required to maintain safety.
During taxi what must transponders normally be set to?
Transponders must normally be set to STANDBY during taxi and to ON or NORMAL just before takeoff.
What should a ground controller know before issuing taxi instructions?
Which aircraft is requesting taxi and where it is located on the airport.
What is the order of items in a taxi departure clearance?
- Aircraft identification
- Unit identification
- Runway information
- Wind information
- Altimeter information
- Movement instructions
- Supplementary information.
Why might increased taxi intervals be required for aircraft taxiing behind jet aircraft?
Wake Turbulence
What does ‘HOLDING SHORT’ indicate during communication transfer?
It indicates a location and is not considered a restriction thus does not require a readback.
What is the significance of using ‘RUNWAY’ followed by the runway number when identifying a runway?
It clarifies the runway by specifying the word RUNWAY followed by the number using separate digits.
What must controllers do if the local wind data indicates a direction and speed?
Issue the local wind direction and speed from the direct-reading instrument.
When extracting wind data from METAR or automated observations what must be issued?
Time wind direction and speed.
What must be indicated if the altimeter is older than an hour?
Indicate the time it was issued.
What can be included in taxi instructions beyond the standard items?
Traffic airport conditions and RVR data can be included.
When should the communication control be transferred from the ground controller to the airport controller?
As an aircraft moves to the departure runway.
What should the pilot do if they do not need the full length of the runway for takeoff?
They may request an intersection departure.
What must the ground controller obtain before authorizing an intersection departure?
Approval from the airport controller.
What happens if the airport controller refuses an intersection departure request?
The ground controller will inform the pilot of the refusal and the reason.
In what scenario must the ground controller suggest departure from an intersection?
When the pilot does not request it especially in a runway configuration without a taxiway going to the threshold.
What must be done if a pilot decides to use the full length of a runway with no taxiway to the threshold?
The pilot must backtrack.
What can the ground controller access for the intended runway for departure?
The ground controller can access a drop-down menu of taxiways for the intended runway for departure as well as the remaining runway length by clicking on the intersection popup in IWP.
What is the process to indicate a departure from an intersection after a runway is selected?
- After a runway is selected for departure tap the RWY control on a departure FDE. 2. The RWY popup opens. 3. Tap the Intersection INT control. 4. The Intersection popup opens showing the associated runway distances for each intersection. 5. Tap the intersection to be used for departure.
What should a ground controller do if a request for an intersection departure is clearly not feasible?
It is encouraged for the ground controller to unilaterally refuse a bad intersection request without coordinating with the airport controller.
Define an oblique angle in aviation terms.
An oblique angle is any angle that is not 90 degrees.
What are oblique taxiway departures?
Oblique taxiway departures are procedures implemented to reduce runway incursions and are limited in that the flight crew must be able to see the threshold of the active runway and final approach of the active runway.
Under what circumstances can oblique angle intersections be used to access the active runway?
Oblique angle intersections can only be used if there are no other options to access the active runway without having to taxi or backtrack onto an active runway.
What is the definition of backtrack in aviation?
Backtrack is the taxiing of an aircraft on a runway in use in a direction opposite to the landing or take-off direction.
What must a pilot do if they want to backtrack up the runway after entering at an intersection?
The pilot must inform the controller of these intentions and obtain clearance to complete this maneuver before entering the runway.
When should a controller instruct a pilot to change communication frequency?
A controller should instruct a pilot to change to or monitor a new frequency when specified in the communication transfer procedures.
What does the term ‘CONTACT HOLDING SHORT’ indicate?
The term ‘CONTACT HOLDING SHORT’ is used when the ground controller asks a pilot to contact the Tower while HOLDING SHORT of the runway.
What is the difference between ‘CONTACT HOLDING SHORT’ and ‘HOLD SHORT’?
CONTACT HOLDING SHORT does not require a readback from the pilot whereas HOLD SHORT does require a readback to ensure the pilot understands and will follow the instruction.
What is the specified frequency at March for the tower?
The specified frequency at March is 118.2 tower frequency.
What information must be recorded before transferring control of an aircraft?
Identification type
requested altitude
destination point of zone exit and/or departure direction
departure runway departure intersection if applicable and language if applicable.
What is the primary rule regarding control transfer of an aircraft?
Control of an aircraft belongs to one specific controller at a time and an aircraft can never be under the control of two controllers simultaneously.
What should a controller do visually before issuing take-off clearance?
The controller must do a visual scan of the aircraft’s location to confirm the entire runway final approach and departure path are clear of obstacles.