Ruminant Anesthesia Flashcards
Discuss the problems associated with ruminant anesthesia
- Ruminal tympany
- Reguritation/aspiration
- Hypoventilatiuon
- Hypothermia
- Bradycardia-hypotension
- Dluid and electrolyte imbalnce
Discuss the differences between the rumiant stomach and goat stomach
- Ruminats: 4 comparemnts –> abomasum, omasum, reticulem and rumen
- Goat –> rumen, abomasu, and omasum
somehow this relates to anesthjia idk notes are missing
Discuss fasting in relation to rumeninant anesthesia
- Fasting and water depriviation may decrease tympany and reguritaion
- Aduult cattle 18-24 ours solids and water for 12-18 hours
- Calves, sheeps, goats and camelids 12-18 hour
- fastinbg of neonates is not advisable (hyopoglycemia may resulkt)
Which vein are used for vascular access on ruminants and goats
Cow: auricular vein and artery
jugular vein
cocygeal artery or vein
- auricular artery and vein
- jugular vein
- Cephalic vein
- spahenous vein
Discuss cathterization of camelids
- Jugular catherterizaton recommended site between birfurcation and cranial to the venbtral process of the 5th cervical vertebraw
Discuss sedation and chemical restraint for ruminants
- MUCH MORE POTENT in ruminants than horses
- Dose deoendent sedation
- Side effects –> bradycradia; secondary AV block, and most imoortantly, xyalzine has an oxytocin like effect on the uterus of pregant cattle and sheep
Discuss sedation and chemical restraint for ruminants –> part 2 and 3
Benzodiazapenes (midazolam and diazepam):
Cause minimal cardiovascular and rspiratory depression
useful adjunct to etamine naesthesia to improve muscle relaxation
Opioids:–> butorphanol and morphine
- enahnces the sedative effectrs of alpha 2 agonists
Discuss indiction in ruminants
- Ketamine: 1) can be used in domestic ruminants 2) usually combined with a benzodiazpene (midazolam or diazapam)
- Propofol –> if injected too rapidly, apnea may occur
- Tiletamine-zolazepam (Telazol) –> elimation of it i snot uniform, with variation on eahc drugs clearance between aspecies
Discuss intubation concerns of camelids
- if anesthetic plane is insufificent (risk of reguritation)
- their mout barely opens (“does not oprn widely’)
REMEMBER –> THE main difference bwteen reguritation and vomitng is that reguritation is the passive return of food from the stomach or esophogus to the mouth while vomitng i sthe forceful expulsion of stomach contents to the mouth
Discuss maintenance of inhalation anesthetic in ruminants
- either use isoflurane or sevoflurane
- USE auricular, radial, and saphenous arteries to check pulse on cows
If an animal is improperly psotioned (specially a cow), then what can this reuslt in?
- Imptroper positioning and padding are associatd with myopathy-neuropathy
Discuss the inverted L block for local anesthetics on rumiants
- AN inverted L block is used for either a flank laparotomy and/or C-section