Equine anesthesia lecture Flashcards
Discuss Fasting in relation to equine anesthesi
- overnight fasting for 8 hours used to be reocmennede
- fasting may increase the risk of postoperatice ileus
Discuss preanesthetic sedation for horses
Preanesthetic sedatuion: Acepromazine
- bloclk dopamine recpetors in the CNS
- vasodilation resulting in hypotenison
- peinile prolapse is a dose dpednent effect
- less tranquilizing eggect in comparision with zykazine but potent effect on MAC (its decreased)
Discuss preanesthetic seation: alpha 2 andrenergic agonist
- xylazine
- detomidine
- romifidine
excellent sedative effects
decrease cetcholaime release from CNS
somatic and visceral analgesia
Bradycardia –> secnod degreee heart block is common
increases urine output
Discuss xylazine
- maximal sedation 5 minutes after Ivadmin
- Lasts 30-60 mins depending on the dose
- Reversal: Yohimbine
- Horses may remain very senstize to the tocuh
Discuss preanesthetic sedation in terms of opioids
- butorphanol
- morphine
- decrease GI motility
- ## excitement/dysphoria (conbine with sedatives)
Discuss the ropemedication effects on horses and their posture
Discuss anesthesia induction
- NMDA rceptors
- CNS anesthesi and anlagesia
- increased sympathetic - parsynmpathetic effect’
- poor muscle relaxation
- muscle relaxation
- effects on CV function are minimal
- efefcts on respiration are minimsl
Discuss ‘Positioning - problems associated with recumbency’:
Myopathy can result from ischemia due to compressionof bklood vessels in dependent muscles (hypotension is a ocnrtirbuting factor)
Neuropathy especially of periopheral nerves, can result fromnpressure on the nerve or stretching hte nerve
Miantenaince of general anesthesia TIVA –> discuss this topic
TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) - no inhalation anesthesia i sused. Only intravenous drug are adminsisterdx
- Ketamine + xyalzine + guiapjenesin
- infused at a rate of 2-3 yad yada yada
Discuss which arter(s) is used ot to check the arterial pulse
Evaluation pf the raterial pulse by digital palpation:
- arterial used: facial, transverse facial, metatrsal, digital anf occygeal
- arteria; pulse reflects peripheral perfusion
Which drug is used for the treatment of hypotension that cna result from the admiistrationof anesthesia inhorses
Treatment of hypotension:
- Ionotropes:
- Dobutamine infused to effect is the uionotrope of choice
- correct volume deficits