rumen health & caecum Flashcards
what temp is the rumen?
is the rumen anaerobic?
what is the pH of the rumen?
> 6.2 to neutral
what is the contraction rate of the rumen?
shouldn’t <1 contractions q45s
what are the 3 types of microbes in the reticulum?
bacteria (10^10/g)
protozoa (10^6/g)
fungi (10^4/g)
what gas is in the rumen?
40% methane
40% CO2
how much gas is eructed per hour?
what is the function of the reticulum?
ferment cellulose & hemi-cellulose
ferment starch & sugar
use proteins
what is saliva impt for?
buffering - alkaline: prevents pH from dropping too much
what is the lactic acidosis spiral?
if have rapid ingestion of starch, will have sudden drop of pH to 5.5
streptococcus bovis takes over & produces lots of lactic acid: pH drops <5
only lactobacillus can grow, low pH causes death of all bacterial, fungi and protozoa
more lactic acid from lactobacillus - pH drops sharply & animal dies
what is ruminal acidosis?
metabolic disorder arising into rumen, which affect body fluids overpassing the body buffers for a determined amt of time
how to differentiate ruminal acidosis w met acidosis?
met acidosis is a condition resulting from accumulation of acid or depletion of alkaline reserve in body fluid
what are the 2 syndromes in ruminal acidosis?
acute ruminal acidosis
subacute (sometimes subclin) ruminal acidosis or SARA
both same patho & most of the time same aetiology
what is the pathogenesis of ruminal acidosis?
starches are rapidly fermented to glucose
free glucose has 3 adverse effects:
1. ruminal bact e.g. S bovis which aren’t usually competitive can thrive
2. other opportunistic bact e.g. E coli can prosper & release endotoxins/histamine when they die
3. free glu increase osmolarity which exacerbate accumulation of acids in rumen by inhibiting VFA absorption
w a more acidotic pH osmotic P is increased by greater ionization of VFAs = ruminal absorption rate decreases, exacerbates acidity & osmolarity
what pH buffers are present in the rumen?
bicarbonate: approx half comes from saliva, the rest enter the rumen from blood in exchange for ionized acids
w concentrate diets, ruminal input of saliva decreases. . a higher proportion of bicarbonate must be derived from blood = decreases base excess of blood
what is acute rumen acidosis?
grain overload intake of high quantities of rapidly fermentable carbs ruminal & met acidosis L- and D-lactate acidosis rapid decrease in pH severe ruminitis
where is acute rumen acidosis seen freq?
seen in feedlots, grain beef systems & after breaking into feed stores
CS for acute rumen acidosis?
bloat anorexia/ruminal stasis severe met acidosis: tachypnoea, hyperpnoea = pH drops in bloodstream as well D+ dehydration, shock, recumbency DEATH
diagnosis of acute rumen acidosis?
hx CS rumen pH (<5), rumen fermentation ceased plasma pH/TCO2 PM
clinical pic of acute rumen acidosis
Affected cattle are completely off feed, exhibit drastically decreased milk production, are dehydrated, and have elevated heart and respiratory rates. They typically have a splashy, totally static rumen, cool skin surface, subnormal temperature, and diarrhoea or loose manure.
Affected animal are weak and can be recumbent depending on the entity of electrolytic imbalance.