MCF Flashcards
dead end host for MCF?
other bovine species
what does MCF stand for?
malignant catarrhal fever
what’s another name for MCF?
what are the natural hosts for MCF?
wildebeest (africa)
sheep (worldwide)
aetiology of MCF?
causative agent of wildebeest-assoc. MCF (WA-MCF) is alcelaphine HV-1 (AHV-1)
causative agent of sheep assoc MCF (SA-MCF) is ovine HV-2 (OvHV-2)
when these viruses infect cattle = severe systemic dx
have latent form!
transmission of MCF?
transmit efficiently btwn indivs of natural host, inefficiently btwn other species
transmission: direct, aerosol, may be IMH (?flies)
typically sporadic, multiple cases usually caused by close prox of lambing ewes to housed cattle
reactivation: calving/lambing time
recrudescence poss. in recovered cattle
CS of MCF?
"head & eye", peracute, intestinal extreme dullness anorexia agalactia copious mucopurulent oculo-nasal discharge +/- blood drooling of saliva ('ropes') dyspnoea & stertorous breathing loss of condition usually fatal, survive ~1wk
other CS of MCF?
pyrexia (41degC)
congestion of scleral vessels, centripetal corneal oedema, hypopyon
corneal neovascularisation
diffuse oral ulceration w pain (loss of tips of oral papillae @ commisures of lips) extending onto rhinarium
more CS of MCF?
generalised lymphadenopathy + lymphocytosis
dermatitis - sweating, crusting lesions - severe ulcerated lesions on the teats
cystitis +/- pyuria
altered faecal consistency
(sloughing of horns & horn of the digits)
pathology of MCF?
lesions in virtually every system
hydropic degeneration, vesicle formation & erosion in stratified squamous epithelium
ulcers coalesce & become v extensive
vasculitis - perivascular cuffing w lymphoid cells
paracortical expansion in lymphoid tissues
look at slides 80 onwards for pictures
diagnosis of MCF?
ab in serum/from affected tissues
PCR for virus (tissues/whole blood)
exclude impt ddx - mucosal dx, FMD, bluetongue
tx: euthanasia/supportive therapy
control of MCF?
avoid contact w sheep - lambing time