Rules & Reg Article 7-10 Flashcards
Who made a honorable discharge be given to?
1) Upon retirement in good standing.
2) Upon separation for illness or injury incurred through no fault of the member in the actual performance of duty and where the members record of service merit such discharge.
What is a ordinary discharge?
Discharge of members given under the honorable conditions to members of the MSP resigning at their own request.
Who may be given a general discharge of the MSP?
May be given to members of the MSP not complying with conditions applicable to honorable or ordinary discharge. A general discharge Shall Main the complete and final severance from any duty with the MSP.
When it comes to medical issues what is the difference between a honorable and an ordinary discharge?
And honorable discharge would be for a person who is forced to retire due to their medical issues. An ordinary discharge is where the MSP member decides to leave prior to being forced out For medical reasons.
What would be considered under a dishonorable discharge?
A member of the department who is 1) discharge following a trial board,
2) separated from service while a trial board is pending,
3) being charged or convicted of a criminal offense,
4) or separated from service while subject of administrative or criminal investigation.
When may members not be reinstated to the state police?
Members of the department who have been dismissed from the MSP after a hearing before a trial board, or who resigned while charges were pending against them shall not be reinstated by the MSP. Also any member granted a general or dishonorable discharge shall not be reinstated
What shell members of the MSP who resigned voluntarily do?
That member must resign in writing at least one month and advance of anticipated date of separation. The division commander shall notify the human resources section forthwith.
What happens to all resignations they come into the MSP?
All resignation requests shall be investigated by the members troop/section/unit commanding officer. They shall state there in Dorsman on all resignations whether or not the members should be recommended for a future reinstatement.
8.0 What is the regulations establishing the board of claims and what is the board of claims?
Regulations establishing on the board of claims under the Mass General law 22C there is established with an MSPA board on claims for a physical injuries.
What does the board of claims do?
The BOC Shall here cases of claims relating to injuries:
1) incurred by any member or trainee while in training
2) actually performing police services or
3) while such member or trainee is traveling to and from duty assignments.
Who appoints the board of claims?
Board of claim shall be appointed by the lieutenant colonel/deputy superintendent with the approval of the Colonel/superintendent.
What is the board of claims or the BOC made of?
The board of claims is made of three members as follows:
- 2 staff and/or commissioned officers of the department and
- the State Police surgeon
What are the positions of the board of claims board?
One staff or commissioned officer shall be designated by the lieutenant colonel as the president. One staff or commissioned officer shall be designated by the president on the boards claims as the secretary.
How Shall the board on claims be conducted?
The board on claims Shall be conducted in an informal manner and may proceed any manner as it deems fair inappropriate.
What made the board of claims obtain for the investigation?
The board on claims me obtain any investigative reports, documents, and bills of debt that may relate to the claim.
At the conclusion of a board on claims hearing what will the panel do?
They shall in writing summarize the claim and make findings.
At the end of the hearing what shall the President of the board on claims do?
The President of the BOC through channels in writing shall notify the member or training of any action taken.
If an injured member has been reimbursed by the person or organization responsible for accident or injury what shall happened?
The department shall be reimbursed forthwith by any member or a trainee for the sums as have been paid to the end your member or a trainee.
9.0 How shall promotional examination appeals be made?
An Appeals Board consisting of three staff and/or commissioned officers appointed by the Colonel Shall review all promotional examination appeals and make written recommendations to the Colonel.
10.0 What are the recruit minimum entrance requirements?
- Satisfy all statutory requirements to MSP academy,
- demonstrate they are of good moral character in sound work ethic,
- be qualified and suitable to possess a firearms license,
- possess a high school diploma or GED, -satisfied physical fitness standards,
- satisfy medical and psychological standards, -be a US citizen upon appointment,
- possess a valid Massachusetts state drivers license upon appointment,
- be a Mass resident upon appointment,
- Be in compliance with general order GEN-01A tattoos and body modifications,
- and meet all other eligibility and entrance requirements.
What are class offenses and punishments