Previous Exam Questions or scheft Flashcards
Upon hearing a state of emergency declared by the governor all members shall do what?
Shall immediately contact their duties supervisor or other supervisor Officer for specific instructions.
Upon a state of emergency who is excluded as immediately contacting their supervisor?
Excluding personnel on suspension, injury, or other approved leaves.
While being trained by senior member while on break in what shall a probationary member not do?
Shall not wear a State Police uniform or parts of while commuting to and from his duty station UNLESS authorized by the Troop Commander.
Upon hearing a state of emergency being called by the governor essential civilian employees shall do what?
They shall immediately contact their duty assignment supervisor or other supervising officer within the chain of command for specific instructions.
Who is exempt from calling their duty assignment supervisor immediately during a state of emergency?
Any civilian or trooper who is on suspension, injury, or other approved leaves.
What should the members of MSP not do so they are not charged with unbecoming conduct under the rules of conduct?
1) They shall not associate with individuals they know or should know engage in criminal activities
2) or shall not frequent or remain at any place where they know or should know criminal activity is occurring unless in the performance of their duties or upon official police business.
Under reporting for duty what shall members do to be ready for their duty assignment?
Members shall report for duty at the time and place required by assignments or orders and shall physically and mentally fit to perform their duties.
What shall members of the MSP do so that they may immediately assume their duties?
Members shall be properly equipped, tired, and cognizant of information ( such as rollcall or court cards for court) required for the proper performance of duty.
What is a notice issued by any court constitute?
A notice issued by any court shall constitute an order to report for duty under the section.
Under reporting for duty what shall a member assigned to a patrol or post do or not do?
A member assigned to patrol or post shall not leave the patrol or post except for police necessity or personal necessity.
What does a member of the MSP have to do if they want to quit their patrol or post?
The member must shall first receive permission to leave from there duty assignment supervisor or proper authority.
What is a neglect of duty?
Engaging in any activities or conduct any personal business or affairs which would cause them to neglect or being inattentive to duties. (Like stopping at a friends house or a store for personal business)
What is a fictitious illness or injury report? And what shall members do or not do?
Members shall not feign illness or injury, false report themselves ill or injured, or otherwise deceive or attempt to deceive any member of the MSP as to the condition of health or their need for sick leave. This is an example of improper sick leave.
What is important to know about employment outside of the department?
1) Such employment shall not interfere with MSP employment
2) Members shall first submit a written request through channels to the Colonel/superintendent who must approve the request prior to engaging any such off duty employment
Outside employment shall not do what?
Such outside employment shall not create any conflict of interest or violate any Mass General Law 268A, or any other law.
Members who want to act as official judges or referees at public competitions paid or not paid shall do what two things?
1) They shall submit a written request through channels to the Colonelsuperintendent for approval
2) Approval must be granted prior to engaging in any such an activity.
What do members need to know about the use of tobacco, or any foreign object from the mouth?
When members are in uniform they shall not used tobacco, gum or have any foreign objects protruding from their mouth when they are in the view of the public and or in formation.
If a member is given an order which may conflict with any rule and regulation policy procedure order or directive what shell the member do?
They shall inform the issuing senior member of the conflict. And under the circumstances if they do not change the order their responsibility for the conflict Shall Rest solely on the senior member or proper authority is showing said order
What shall a member do if they were given an order which would require them to commit and act in violation of the law?
They shall NOT obey the order. Any member given such order which he or she believes in good faith would result in a violation of law shall inform the issuing senior member possible violation. If they order stands or revised we’re still calls for an act in violation of law remember shall be allowed reasonable time to confer with more senior supervisor members or proper authorities with in his or her division. If order not overturned and member still disobeys the order the member will face the consequences.
What Shall a member be allowed to do if they believe they are given an order that may be of a violation of the law?
The member shall be allowed within a reasonable time to confer with a more senior supervisor remember our property authority of his or her division.
What should happen to a member if they receive it directly or indirectly rewards gifts or gratuity for the account of his official services?
Remember shall be subject to criminal sanctions and discharge from office.
What is the state ethics law compared to the MSP law in regards to receiving a certain amount of money?
The state ethics law is $50 the MSP law or ethics is zero dollars. MSP is not allowed to take money.
Under the abuse of position what shall members not allow others to use?
Members shall not lend to another person there issued uniform parts, equipment, identification cards or badges or permit such identification cards in badges to be photographed or reproduced without the specific approval of the Colonel/Superintendent.
What shall members not do with testimonials or advertisements for any commodity, commercial enterprise or political purposes?
Members shall not authorize the use of their names, photographs, likeness or official titles which identify them as members of the MSP in connection with these things listed.